Places of Dragon Prince

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The Places of Dragon Prince consist of the Princedoms, Keeps, and isles that make up the setting of Melanie Rawn's Dragon Prince and Dragon Star trilogies.

The Dragon Prince and Dragon Star trilogies take place on the Continent of a fantastical world. This is a world of Sunrunners, Sorcerers, dragons, and political intrigue. The Continent is divided into thirteen princedoms. The High Prince rules the Continent from his seat in Princemarch, the center-most princedom. Each princedom is ruled by a separate Prince, who in turn rules over the Athr'im, or Lords. These Lords rule Keeps within each princedom and oversee the trade and prosperity of their cities and people. Every three years the Lords, Princes, and High Prince attend the Rialla in order to keep the peace, make treaties, and to conduct trade.

The main setting:

  • The Desert: Includes its culture and places of note such as Stronghold, Feruche, Rivenrock, Skybowl, etc.

Places with other pages:

There is also a list of Princedoms and their major Keeps on Melanie Rawn's Official Site.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Princedoms

[edit] Cunaxa

Dragon Prince place
Colors orange
Banner sword
Seat Castle Pine
Trade iron (steel), weapons, and wool

Cunaxa is one of the northern princedoms and sits directly atop the Desert. It is a desolate land where little grows except Merida and a hatred and envy of the Desert. It possesses a powerful merchant class, which consumes much of the Prince's political energy; the rest is taken up by the Merida, who constantly clamor for an attack on the Desert. Cunaxan weavers were one of the few guilds who had an actual school for their apprentices.

  • Castle Pine: Royal seat of Cunaxa. Unlike other princely Keeps, Castle Pine is rather run down and the city appears to have fallen on hard times.
  • Catchwater: A Keep held by Merida. It was confiscated after the Vellanti War and given to the Isulk'im.
  • Gracine Manor: A small holding; it's where Meiglan was born and raised before she was taken to Castle Pine.

[edit] Dorval

Dragon Prince place
Colors pale blue
Banner white ship
Seat Greypearl
Trade silk and pearls

Dorval is an island princedom off the coast of the Desert in the Surise Water. It is the only princedom to have held unchallenged rule and overall peace before Prince Rohan became the High Prince. It is also the ancient home of the Sunrunners. Along the coast of Dorval lie vast pearl beds, which gives name to the princedom's seat: Greypearl.

  • Greypearl: The royal seat of Dorval, it is known for its beauty. The palace has many lovely gardens and an oratory recreated from the ruins of the ancient Sunrunner Keep. The palace sits on hill built from grey stones that give off an iridescent glow at sun set. Unlike other princely seats Greypearl doesn't have any defensive structures as it has thrived peacefully on its lone island. The gardens overlook a small harbor, where strict laws on behavior are enforced. Herbs, flowers, and trees flourish and are tended daily. Benches sit under trees offering people shaded seats while they enjoy the gardens. A path through the gardens leads to the private enclave. From there one can see the formal gardens and the oratory. Carved stone columns support pale wood and colored glass, whish flooded the oratory with a wondrous rainbow. A seemingly random pattern of windows adorned the ceiling, which let in light from the sun, moons, and stars. A stream of water circled the oratory, running into the gardens below. A footbridge crossed the stream, granting entry to the oratory. The tiles of the floor bear symbols for each season and depict the phases of the three moons for every night of the year as the light pours through the ceiling windows.
  • Ancient Ruins: On the far side of Dorval are ruins of the ancient Sunrunner Keep. The ruins had once been an elaborate temple to the Goddess as well as the Sunrunners' home and place of study. The temple design was recreated by Princess Audrite for the oratory at Greypearl. This is where the Star Scroll and histories were discovered.

[edit] Fessenden

Dragon Prince place
Colors sea green
Banner silver fleece
Seat Fessada
Jewels diamond
Trade nubby wool

Fessenden is a western princedom famous for its wool. When Prince Ajit of Firon died without an heir in 719, High Prince Rohan was going to divide the lands of Firon between Princemarch and Fessenden. Before the division was officially proposed, however, Rohan discovered that Pandsala, the Regent of Princemarch, had murdered Ajit in order for Pol to inherit Firon. Rohan didn't want his son to gain from such a foul deed, so he gave Firon to Prince Laric of Dorval.

  • Einar: A major port city, whose ownership had been under contention between Roelstra's Princemarch and Fessenden. When Rohan won the War of 704, the city was secured and confirmed as a holding of Fessenden. Einar's colors are orange and yellow.
  • Fesseda: The royal seat of Fessenden.

[edit] Firon

Dragon Prince place
Colors black
Banner red seashell
Seat Balarat
Jewels diamond
Trade fine crystal

Firon is a northern princedom bordering Fessenden and the Grand Veresch Mountains. It is the coldest, snowiest princedom on the Continent. The people of Firon usually are darker skinned with black hair and heavy brows. They are famous for the crystal work, be it fine goblets or spun glass windows. Firon nearly lost its status as an independent princedom in 719 after the death of Prince Ajit, who had no heir. An emissary was sent to High Prince Rohan, asking him to name Pol Prince of Firon, on the grounds that Pol's claim came through blood on both his father's side and Sioned's. Rohan and Sioned were wary of accepting the princedom - much to Tobin's chargin - as they knew Pol had no claim through Sioned's bloodline. Rohan put off announcing Firon's fate, debating how to split the princedom between his son's lands, which included Princemarch and the Desert, and Fessenden. At the Rialla of 719, Rohan discovered that Pandsala had murdered Ajit in order for Pol to inherit Firon; horrified, Rohan asked that Prince Laric of Dorval be named and confirmed as Firon's Prince, thus enabling Firon to retain its independence.

  • Balarat: The royal seat of Firon. Yarin of Snowcoves and various diarmadhi traitors tried to take over this Keep and all of Firon during the Vellanti War. Balarat was reclaimed by Prince Laric with the help of Prince Arlis, Rohannon, and Aldiara. The Keep was retaken without a drop of blood spilled as most of the traitor diarmadh'im were caught in Pol's ros'salath at Skybowl.
  • Snowcoves: Minor keep in Firon. This was the birthplace Laric's and Ludhil's wives, who were sisters, and their brother Yarin, who tried to overtake Firon.

[edit] Gilad

Dragon Prince place
Colors pink
Banner three silver moons
Seat Medawari
Trade physicians

Gilad is a southern princedom. In 728 there was an incident involving a Sunrunner misdiagnosing a wealthy merchant. The debate whether Gilad or Goddess Keep got to try the Sunrunner was taken before the High Prince, who decided that it was his jurisdiction as neither Gilad's Prince nor the Lord of Goddess Keep could come to an agreement. Further, Rohan ordered a school for physicians to be built so that incidents such as this wouldn't arise again.

  • Medawari: The royal seat of Gilad.
  • School of Physicians: Established in Gilad between 728 and 737 by Prince Rohan. The plan for this school was set in motion after a Sunrunner in Gilad had tried to cure an ailing merchant, but brewed the medicine incorrectly. Before this school medicine was taught at Goddess Keep and through apprenticeship, though their was no set standard of proficency for physicians. This school was built during the long peace of the Continent. This school, along wih the Medri, offered younger sons a new and purposeful lives. The Sunrunners embraced the new school of physicians and even changed the eighth faradhi ring to be reserved for Master Physicians.

[edit] Grib

Dragon Prince place
Colors red
Banner white candle
Seat Summer River
Trade candles, wax

Grib is a western princedom. It's people are famous for their thick, curling hair and their candles.

  • Summer River: The royal seat of Grib.
Dragon Prince place
Colors scarlet and yellow
Banner silver flasks bordered in black on scarlet bordered in yellow
Trade scrolls, gold

[edit] Kierst-Isel

Kierst-Isel is an island princedom, formed by the uniting of Kierst and Isel through Prince Arlis. For hundreds of years the princedoms of Kierst and Isel were at odds, nearly on the brink of war. The border between princedoms often wavered, and at the Rialla their Princes disagreed on princeiple. Due to Isel's support of High Prince Roelstra during the war of 704, Prince Saumer was highly 'encouraged' to marry his heir to one of Prince Volog of Kierst's daughters and to marry his daughter to Volog's heir. Years later after Volog's heir had a son, Saumer's heir died - or rather he was secretly murdered by Pandsala. This made the young Prince Arlis the heir to a united Kierst-Isel.

[edit] Kierst

Kierst was an island princedom on the isle of Kierst-Isel. One of Kierst's traditions was to wait two years after the marriage ceremony to confirm the union. This time gave both parties the right to dissolve unwanted marriages.

  • New Raetia: Royal seat of Kierst. There are nearby goldmines.
  • Scriptorium: Established by Rohan during the long peace. This is a library and a university of sorts.

[edit] Isel

Isel was an island princedom on the isle of Kierst-Isel. Due to Prince Saumer helping Roelstra in his 704 war against the Desert, the heirs of Kierst and Isel married their rivals' daughters. The plan was to stop the years of fighting and to promote peace, but years later the heir to Isel died without any sons. This left young Prince Arlis of Kierst the sole heir to both princedoms. When Arlis was knighted, he became the ruling Prince of Isel.

  • Zaldivar: Royal seat of Isel.

[edit] Meadowlord

Dragon Prince place
Colors light green
Banner leaping black deer
Seat Swalekeep
Jewels carnelians
Trade wheat

Meadowlord is a central princedom caught between the Desert and Princemarch. For most of its existence it has been the battle field of those two powerful princedoms. Autumns in this princedom are typically hot and humid with an influx of insects.

  • Swalekeep: The royal seat of Meadowlord, which has a rather large city attached to it. The oldest part of the castle was built by a warrior, who had claimed the lands as his own. Throughout the years his heirs added to the defensive castle. During this time the city's population grew rapidly due to warring border princedoms, namely the Desert and Princemarch. As more people sought the shelter of the city, a Prince of Meadowlord built a wall around his holding. The wall has been of use as it during the War of 704 it protected Swalekeep, but since Rohan became High Prince it was deemed unnecessary - afterall "Rohan would build walls stronger than any stone" (Sunrunner's Fire 81). The people of Swaleskeep soon took to knocking down sections of the wall in order to use the granite as foundation stones for houses, stores, mounting blocks, etc.. The city itself was very crowded, but public parks bountiful with trees and flowers offered peaceful succor. After Chiana became Princess, she even had the largest park converted into an animal garden. This unique garden was home to deer, elk, an eagle (clipped wings), a pair of wolves (unable to breed), and a mountain cat (declawed).
  • Waes: A large Keep and city in Meadowlord and the traditional site of the Rialla until it was moved to Dragon's Rest. During the Plague in 701, the seaside palace of Waes' Lords was converted into a hospital; it soon became a center of death. Lord Jervis ordered the palace to be burned - he died the same day and was set ablaze with it. The Lord's family moved into the city. Over the years the new Lord of Waes acquired houses on either side of that one, knocked down the walls, and joined them all together in a ramshackle of thirty rooms and five levels. The residence was surrounded by the homes of wealthy merchants and courtiers. Parks ringed the neighborhood, then led to Brockwell Bay and the portside of the city. After various Lords of Waes rebelled against the High Prince, the Keep became a free holding, unbeholden to Meadowlord. Its colors are red and yellow.

[edit] Ossetia

Dragon Prince place
Colors dark green
Banner golden wheat sheaf
Seat Athmyr
Trade agriculture

Ossetia is a southern princedom. Within its borders lies Goddess Keep, though the home of the Sunrunners is not beholden to Ossetia. The winter months are often very cloudy and thick with fog - which makes Ossetia an odd place for the home of Sunrunners. Prince Chale of Ossetia's son and grandson were both murdered, leaving Princess Gemma of Syr as Chale's heiress. As the royal Ossetian line runs through Gemma and not her husband she must be confirmed as Princess of Ossetia alongside Tilal, who only holds his power through her.

  • Athmyr: Royal seat of Ossetia. Nearby is the lake where two of Ossetia's Princes were killed.
  • Kadar Water: The only real rival for Chaynal's Radzyn horses. Kadar Water horses have a white blaze on their coat and have tufts of white hair around their hooves. In the Rialla of 719, Masul rode a Kadar stallion, much to Lord Kolya's surprise. Masul won the race, beating Sorin, but nearly killed the stallion in order to do so. The Keep's colors are russet and white.

[edit] Syr

Dragon Prince place
Colors turquoise
Banner silver apple
Seat High Kirat
Jewels garnet
Trade wine

Syr is a southern princedom famous for its wines and rich soil. Syr has been a battlefield in many wars, including the 704 war between Princemarch and the Desert. Roelstra used Prince Jastri of Syr to fight against Rohan. The young Prince was killed in battle, leaving only his ten winter old sister as his heir. During the war, Lady Andrade of Goddess Keep and Prince Rohan of the Desert declared Davvi of River Run the new Prince of Syr. After Roelstra's army was defeated, Davvi led his River Run soldiers against High Kirat so that he could establish himself as Prince in the royal seat of Syr. In 705 Davvi and his line were confirmed as Princes of Syr.

  • Catha Freehold: A Keep in Syr, which stands separate from the princedom; it is a free holding that bows to no prince. This was the birthplace of Milar and Andrade. Catha Freehold became a holding of Syr after it's Lord passed away; he'd had no heir.
  • Dragonfield: The field in Syr where Prince Rohan defeated High Prince Roelstra. This field was named for the dragon feeding ground nearby, where Pandsala had sent Roelstra's elite horsemen. These troops, which had numbered close to two hundred, were destroyed by the young feeding dragons and returned with only thirty-five men.
  • Haldenat: A field in Syr that had once thrived with rich soil. During the war between Princemarch and the Desert in 704, High Prince Roelstra salted this field and destroyed the land. Nothing has grown in the field ever since. It is a barren mark in the otherwise flourishing Princedom.
  • High Kirat: The royal seat of Syr.
  • River Run: A moderate Keep held by members of the royal family. This is where Sioned was born. When Davvi married Wisla, River View was joined with River Run; the holdings were neighboring.

[edit] External Links