PKNA Main Characters

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A list of the Main Characters of the Paperinik New Adventures comic.


[edit] Paperinik

First Appereance: PKNA #0/0.

The superhero, and main character of PKNA. He is also called Pk, and is the secret identity of Donald Duck. Throughout the series he faces many enemies and dangerous events, travelling in time and space. He makes friend with Uno, the A.I. in Ducklair Tower, and with Lyla Lay, a journalist of 00 Channel, who is a droid from 23rd century. These two become main allies of Pk.

  • For the classical superhero see here.

[edit] Uno

First Appereance: PKNA #0/0.

An A.I., created by Everett Ducklair. He resides in Ducklair Tower, on the 151st (secret) floor. He is the "tower itself", controlling all the floors and the underground levels. He meets Paperinik for the first time when he is exploring 151st floor, and becomes his first ally and, most important, his friend. He always says, referring to a human, "Not bad, for being a biological.". His dream is to walk in the city he always knew by his sensors. "Uno" means "One" in Italian.

[edit] Odin Eidolon

First Appereance: PKNA #5.

Odin Eidolon is the 23rd century droid incarnation of Uno. In 2186, his old creator, Everett Ducklair, returns to Duck Lair for the problems experienced by Uno to make his own artificial body. Uno, in fact, is becoming very tired of his unsuccexful attempts to transfer his conplex software into a robotic body. That body has the necessary hardware to contain his whole enormous software plus the possibility of expansion, but even with Everett's help, he can't transfer. Only after a dramatic and emotional fight with his twin Due, which happens both in present and in future, Uno understands how to be complete. His evil twin gives up his plain to destroy Uno, because it will be his own destruction in the future. An erasing software manages to cancel Due but, before this happens, Uno saves the remain parts of his twin and tries for one last time to transfer. This time the operation is succefful. Every human is made by good and evil and so Uno, now.

[edit] Lyla Lay

First Appereance: PKNA #0/0.

A Channel 00 journalist, working at 00 News, in the evening. Not only she is a journalist, but she isn't human: she's a Class 5Y droid from 23rd century, sent by the Time Police to preserve history in 20th century. She's the second person, after Uno, to discover, with her sensors, the identity of Donald Duck, under the mask of Pk. During the series, she's always aware of Uno's presence in Ducklair Tower, but only in PKNA #48, she sees his real aspect for the first time.

  • She was projected, along with droids of her same class, by famous engineer Leonard Vertighel.
  • She's tall and rather slim, being portrayed in a rather sexy way, for a Disney comic, especially when drawn by Claudio Sciarrone.

[edit] Razziatore

First Appereance: PKNA #0/2.

He is a time-traveling thief from the 23rd century. He works for the criminal cartel Organizzazione ("The Organization") and was initially an enemy of PK. During the series he sometimes decides to help Pk, as seen in PKNA#2, preventing the destruction of Duckburg, in the 20th century, but only for his own interests. Later in the series we find out that his main interest is to care about his son Trip and his future. In Italian his name means "Raider" or "Forayer".

[edit] Xadhoom

First Appereance: PKNA #0/3.

A mutant female alien from planet Xerba. Before her mutation, she was one of the most brilliant young scientists on her planet, and her name was Xado. She believed in a peaceful pact between Xerba and Evron Empire. After the destruction of Xerba, she was left with nothing but her desire for revenge. She is now a thermonuclear being, requiring not food, but a self atomic process to survive, with a virtually inextinguishable power. She is the most powerful being in PKNA world. Her power is also her limitation, because if she gets too angry, she runs the risk of exploding and turning into a supernova. Later in the series she will say "Power is its own contrary. Power is control and knowledge.". Her name means "Creditor" in Xerbian language. Donald Duck once said to her that he always has to deal with creditors.

[edit] Angus Fangus

First Appereance: PKNA #0/0.

Another Channel 00 journalist, working in 00 News in the evening. He is a kiwi and comes from New Zealand. He meets Pk, for the first time, at a soap opera - Patemi - party, during a fight with Evroniani. He doesn't believe in aliens, instead he believes that Pk is a criminal, and when something dangerous happened in Duckburg, the masked duck is making something unclear, hidden in the shadow. Pk becomes his first enemy and the objects of many of his false scoops, but later the two become allies. His mother is Rangi Fangus, a strong woman, the leader of Māori Villages.

[edit] Everett Ducklair

First Appereance: PKNA #0/0.

A billionaire and great talented inventor, creator of Uno, Due, Ducklair Tower and many futuristic machines. When he realizes that his talent is in producing dangerous weapons, he leaves Duckburg, and goes to Dhasam-Bul monastery, to give rest to his soul and mind. When something dangerous, related to Due, happens in Duckburg, he comes back, helping Paperinik and Uno.

Media | PKNA issues
PKNA Arcs | Evroniani Arc | Xadhoom Arc | Lyla Lay Arc | Angus Fangus Arc | Razziatore Arc | Uno Arc | Due Arc | PBI Arc | Time Police Arc | Urk Arc | Belgravia Arc | Stand-alone Issues | Short Stories
Main: Paperinik | Uno | Lyla Lay | Xadhoom | Razziatore | Angus Fangus | Everett Ducklair
Evroniani: Evron | Gorthan | Grrodon | Trauma | Zondag | Zoster | Zotnam
Other Enemies: Due | Belgravia Republic | Fenimore Cook | Geena | Organizzazione | Morgan Fairfax
Minor Characters: Abraham L. Wisecube | Camera 9 | Colonel Neopard | Eugene Photomas | Leonard Vertighel | Mary Ann Flagstarr | Mike M. Morrighan | Odin Eidolon | Rangi Fangus | Stefan Vladuck | Trip | Urk | Clint E. Westcock | Ziggy Flagstarr
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