
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Giant ugly table of doom. My baby: D&D Wikiproject

EVE This user plays EVE Online.
FFXI This user plays Final Fantasy XI.
PSO This user plays Phantasy Star Online.
MMORPG This user believes MMORPGs are a waste of time and/or money.
D&D This user plays Dungeons & Dragons.
CG This user's alignment is Chaotic Good: the "Rebel."
This user plays Neverwinter Nights.
塊魂 Na na-na na-na na na na na Katamari Damacy!
Deus Ex This user wears sunglasses during night operations.
This user still enjoys the underrated Sega Dreamcast.
This user prefers the Wii.
This user is interested in computer and video game development.
This user is a Go player.
H This user is addicted to Vicodin.
LOST 4…8…15…16…23…42…
This user is LOST…
firefly This user thinks Firefly is the greatest television series ever made.
Caboose This user likes food-nap time.
This user wants to believe.
Verifiability is policy
This user knows that bears are Godless killing machines.
ANBU This user is an ANBU.
This user is a bibliophile.
This user is interested in law.
This user is interested in politics.
This user is interested in Strings.
Image:Amateur radio icon.png This user has an amateur radio license.
:( This user provides information using user boxes because he or she is bored.
This user is more than happy to retain their "personality disorder(s)" and delights in telling their mental health professional to screw off.
This user suffers from carpal tunnel syndrome.
This user is American; recognized ancestry ends at the border.
A This user is an adult.
This user enjoys pistol shooting.
This user enjoys rifle shooting.
This user enjoys ice skating.