Pittsville School District

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The Pittsville School District is a small rural school district in Pittsville, Wisconsin in Wood County, Wisconsin.

The Pittsville School District is served by a five person School Board, a District Superintendent, an Elementary School Principal, a High School Principal, a Business Manager, a School Psychologist, a Technology Coordinator, a Building and Grounds Supervisor, and a full complement of teachers and support staff. The school system is housed in two buildings: an elementary school and a high school. Within the elementary School is a junior high, middle school and primary school.[1]

[edit] Demographics

Approximately 900 people live in Pittsville itself while the district's area covers over 440 square miles and supports a student population of about 750. It is on relatively flat terrain in what used to be Glacial Lake Wisconsin (a remnant of the melting glaciers). The land surrounding Pittsville is mixed agricultural land used to raise livestock and crops as well as forest products. The primary industries around Pittsville include crop production, dairy farming, cranberry production and processing, forestry, trucking, modular home building, the paper industry and the businesses that support it.[2]

[edit] External links