Pit Lord

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The term Pit Lords is generally applied to a race of barbaric demons in the Blizzard Entertainment video game series Warcraft. They serve as commanders and generals for the armies of the Burning Legion. They are also the "masters" of the Legion's Felhounds and they can summon Doom Guards.

[edit] History

The Pit Lords were enslaved by the fallen titan, Sargeras, when he created the dreaded Burning Legion. Among their ranks, Mannoroth - commonly known as the Destructor - became general over the hordes of crazed demons that resided within the Twisting Nether. Mannoroth, counciled by the demon-lord Archimonde, enslaved the Orcs of Draenor with the use of his own blood, and corrupting them to serve according to his will. The Orcs, however, failed to destroy the world of Azeroth as planned, and when the Legion returned many years later, Mannoroth was slain by his own orcish apprentice, Grom Hellscream, and the blood pact that had corrupted the Orcs for so long was finally lifted.

The Pit Lord Azgalor took over as demonic general, but when the legion failed in their second attempt to destroy the world of Azeroth as well, Azgalor returned to the depths of the Twisting Nether in shame. Illidan Stormrage, with the help of the Naga and Blood Elves, also fought the Pit Lord Magtheridon on Draenor and claimed the Outland as his own.

[edit] Appearance

Pit Lords appear as massive centaur-like juggernauts. They have six limbs: two arms and four elephant-like legs. They also have wings, but they're unable to fly because of their huge body. They have hairless, slimy skin, that can be green or purple. They have a small head with big tusks and hardly any neck, and an enormous body with a large belly.

They wield massive double edged blades and have elaborate chest and shoulder armor. At times, a pit lord can have a "crown" of green flames typical of the legion. This was seen on Mannoroth during the cinematic at the end of the Orc campaign in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos.

Pit lords also have the feared ability to summon demons at the cost of a life, whether it be of an ally or an enemy. Their terrifying howls can send even the most couragous warriors into despair.

In the expansion Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, they appear as Neutral Tavern heroes. Their abilities are Howl of Terror, Rain of fire, Cleaving attack, and Doom.

[edit] See also