Piraka bios

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Zaktan:Zaktan is the leader of the gang of piraka and he is the most intelligent of the piraka.He thinks he is cunning.

Reidak:Reidak is the gangs matoran hunter.He likes to break thing,big things,small things,all kinds of things.

Hakann:Hakann can withstand intince heat and no one wants to get in his way,because if anyone gets in his they get in his way big time.

Thok:Thok likes to do things by himself and with his icy powers he can freeze almost anything.

Avak:Avak is pretty useless without a weapon.He can make tools or weapons out of almost anything.

Vesok:The outright nastiest of the piraka.Cool and calm on the outside,but extremely bitter on the inside and convinced the other piraka are out to get rid of him(and he's right.)

Vezon:Hakann found a fusion spear and accidentally shot it at Vezok in reverse.Thats how he came to be.Hakann named him Vezon.Now he is the guardian of the mask of life and it is on the back of his head.He was merged with a Fenrakk spider.