Pinky (2001 animated shortfilm)

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Pinky (2001) is an animated short film directed by animator Jacobo León. This is the movie that fundated Jacobo León's film company in October 23, 2001, Jacobo León Pictures Film, Co.

Pinky is also known as the name of many young, intellectuall's nickname. This brings Pinky to be a very popular name for children and adults. Mothers have changed their name to Pinky so that Rashmi can be hidden from their birth ceritificate. This is what happened to my mother and she is rocking her socks of the millions of hip youngsters.


  • La Navidad nunca vovlerá a ser igual.

[edit] Cast (voices)

Role Actor
Amanda Perkingson Jacobo León
Matt Perkingson Jacobo León