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Pimania is a text-and-graphics adventure game released by Automata UK Ltd in 1982 for the BBC Micro, ZX Spectrum, Dragon 32 and ZX81 computers. The player had to negotiate a surreal landscape, with the aid of the mysterious Pi-Man, Automata's mascot. The B side of the game cassette featured a bizarre Pimania song played on a VL-Tone and vocals. The Pi-Man also starred in his own long-running, surreal, comic-strip, soap opera in the company's adverts on the back page of Popular Computing Weekly magazine.

Automata gave a prize of a golden sundial worth £6,000 for the first person to solve the various cryptic clues to its location that were hidden within Pimania. The sundial was eventually won in 1985 by Sue Cooper and Lizi Newman, who correctly worked out that it could only be found on 22 July (because Pi is approximately 22/7) at the chalk horse at Hindover Hill near Litlington, East Sussex.

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