Pigeon Boy
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Pigeon Boy is a cartoon created by Milimages and shown on Australian Broadcasting Corporation in Australia. It centers on the lives of three teenagers: Randy, and his two companions, one who is extremely fat and the other who is the complete opposite. Randy was chosen by the city pigeons to become their hero, and every time something weird or evil happens, he transforms into a half developed pigeon, who, unfortunately cannot fly. He, however, makes up for this by using a bike, which turns into odd and whimsical inventions each time he transforms along with it.
[edit] Plot
Pigeon Boy, once transformed, generally investigates something odd or suspicious. His friends and him, after all, run an e-paper. He carries only one weapon, a squirt bottle full of bird seed porridge, a foul smelling, but healthy, edible goo that generally find itself on a villain's face. He generally "saves the day", but even though his friends know of his transformations, they don't tell him, even when face to face, because they think he'll stop doing his crime fighting if that happens.
[edit] Characters
- Randolph Dove/Pigeon Boy
- Arthur and Chloe
- Bruno Clipstone-The bully at Randy's school. He is a spoiled rich kid (which may explain his attitude)
- Snugglepuff
[edit] Episodes
- Oil Slick
- Milo's Venus