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This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Pie article.
This is not a forum for general discussion about the article's subject.

Article policies


[edit] Make Cherry Pie redirect to Pie

Pls -- 15:10, 13 January 2006 (UTC)

Cherry Pie is a perfectly good place for the article about the record Cherry Pie, if there was any real information about Cherry Pie in this article (Pie), putting For the culinary dish, please see Pie at the top the the album article page would be more use I think, as there is hardly any information about Cherry Pie in the article at present, I don't see how this would be helpful. --Alf melmac 15:20, 13 January 2006 (UTC)

Apologies if I stepped on any toes, there is now a page for Cherry Pie (dessert) and Cherry Pie (album)

WLU 00:59, 5 December 2006 (UTC)

[edit] US v. Rest of world

I think the article needs, long term, to be reorganised so that US usage is seperated from generic English usage. Likewise UK/Australia/NZ. In Australia and the UK, while there are fruit pies, if you say pie people think of a savoury dish, the US is (it seems) the other way around. Alex Law 16:00, 21 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Locked

How the heck did an article on pies become locked?

Because an anonymous contributor was consistantly vandalising it over a number of weeks. --Doc ask? 13:31, 6 May 2006 (UTC)
maybe because some people kept on writing "I like pie" or something, kids today!

[edit] The Top Picture

Someone really needs to find a better picture at the top, it looks kind of nauseating. Mechanical Gecko 21:09, 18 May 2006 (UTC) Agreed. Can someone find a better one? Psychade 16:07, 14 June 2006 (UTC)

I added Image:FoodApplePie.jpg instead. the wub "?!" 12:20, 11 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Why a "Popular Culture" Section?

It doesn't seem right to have a "Pie in Popular Culture" section. Pie transcends popular culture. Pie is more popular than "popular culture"! The concept of pie is more well-known than any of the references mentioned, and the bit about piethrowing could be put in a seperate section entitled "Pie and Humor."

( 00:46, 26 October 2006 (UTC))

"Throwing a pie in a person's face has been a staple of film comedy since the early days of the medium"
Although the pun is delicious, I would hardly consider pie to be a staple of film comedy...

If the references to pie in popular culture are innumerable why choose a few obscure ones. The references add nothing to the article. Incrediblub 05:03, 25 November 2006 (UTC)

It would clearly make more sense to have a "Popular Culture and Pie" section. -- Tom Anderson 2006-12-18 22:21 +0000

[edit] Blind-Baking?

Small change needed. The article just needs a definition of "Blind-baking" so we're not confusing the reader. (UTC)

[edit] 'Pie' vs. 'Pies'

Which is the official term when referring to pie in general? Floopik 03:59, 2 December 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Pie vs. Turn Overs and Cobblers

An argument was presented to me of whether or not a certain dish at a buffet would be considered pie or not. It was labeled 'Apple Pie'. Others suggest it be called a turnover. This lead to an actual discussion of what pie is and what it isn't. Are turn overs and cobblers children of the pie family? Does pie have to be round? Can someone get to the bottom of this?

[edit] popular culture

Okay, the thing about Might Boosh needs to go. It adds nothing. Come to think of it the whole "popular culture" section adds nothing. Incrediblub 00:04, 23 December 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Removing


"Not all of these savoury pies are actually pies: for example, shepherds' pie and many styles of pizza pie are pies in name only."

Sheperd's pie and other pies using potato as a case are pies, well and truly. The opening paragraph of the article even tells us that this is the case......Patch86 23:40, 8 January 2007 (UTC)

This stuff has nothing to do with pie, why is it here?

[edit] Fish Pie

Please add fish pie to the list of savoury pies and link to Fish Pie—The preceding unsigned comment was added by CupOBeans (talkcontribs) 01:05, 15 January 2007.