Piatra Craiului Mountains

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Main ridge of the Piatra Craiului mountains
Main ridge of the Piatra Craiului mountains
View towards the ridge
View towards the ridge
View from the ridge
View from the ridge

The Piatra Craiului Mountains are a mountain range in the Southern Carpathians in Romania. In Romanian "Piatra Craiului" means "Rock of the King".

The Piatra Craiului mountains form a narrow and saw-like ridge, which is about 25 km long. The highest elevation in the massif is the "Vârful La Om" with 2238 m.

The ridge is regarded as one of the most beautiful sights in the Carpathians. The two-day north–south ridge trail is both challenging and rewarding. Starting at either Plaiul Foii in the north-west or Curmătura in the north-east, walkers climb up to the ridge before following a somewhat precarious path along the narrow spine. The descent at the southern end leads into a karst landscape of deep gorges and pitted slopes where water penetrating the rock has carved a series of caves.


[edit] Localisation

The massif is bordered in the west by the Dâmboviţa Valley which separates it from the Păpuşa massif; in the north-west the river Bârsa and Curmătura Foii separates it from the Făgăraş Mountains and in the east the "Bran-Rucăr passage" delimits it from the Bucegi and Leaotă mountains. The southern border is the confluence of the valleys of Dâmboviţa and Dambovicioara rivers, in the "Podul Damboviţei" depression.

[edit] Nature protection

The whole range is included in the national park Parcul Naţional Piatra Craiului (Piatra Craiului National Park).

The first protection of this area started in 1938 when 4.4 km² were declared as a "Nature Reserve". The Law 5/2000 enlarged this area to 148 km². In 2003 the external limits and internal zoning were created. Since 1999 a park administration exists and since 2005 a management-plan is in place.

In the national park area about 300 fungi species, 220 lichen species, 100 different mosses, 1100 species of superior plants (a third of the number of all plant species found in Romania), 50 Carpathians endemic species and also two endemic species for Piatra Craiului can be found.

There are also 2 endemic species of spiders, 270 butterflies species, amphibians and reptiles, 110 birds species (50 listed in the Bern Convention and 6 in the Bonn Convention), 17 bats species, chamois and other large herbivores and also many large carnivores (wolfs, brown bears, lynx) living in the national park.

[edit] Access

Zărneşti is the most important town for visiting the national park. It is also an ideal starting point for approaches in the northern part of the massif. This town is lying at a distance of 28 km from the city of Braşov, by road, bus or railway. From Zărneşti, an 11 km long road makes the connection with the comfortable chalet "Plaiul Foii", which is a good starting point for climbing the ridge.

From Zărneşti also a forest road starts from the south-western part of the town, leading through the Zărneşti Gorges (Prăpăstiile) and further up to the here up to the ridge.

In Zărneşti can also the office of the administration of the National Park be found. A a new visitor center had been built in this town which opened in spring 2007.

The traditional villages Măgura, Peştera, Ciocanu, Şirnea are interesting starting points for the routes on the eastern slope and for getting in touch with the traditional Romanian way of life.

[edit] External links

Protected areas of Romania
Biosphere reserves
Danube Delta
National parks
Călimani | Ceahlău | Cheile Bicazului-Hăşmaş | Cheile Nerei-Beuşniţa | Domogled-Valea Cernei | Măcin Mountains | Piatra Craiului Mountains | Semenic-Cheile Caraşului| Retezat | Rodna| Vânători Neamţ
Nature parks
Apuseni Mountains | Balta Mică a Brăilei | Bucegi Mountains | Grădiştea Muncelului-Cioclovina | Iron Gates
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Coordinates: 45°32′N 25°13′E

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