Photopic vision

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The 1931 CIE photopic luminosity function. The horizontal axis is wavelength in nm.
The 1931 CIE photopic luminosity function. The horizontal axis is wavelength in nm.

Photopic vision is the vision of the eye under well-lit conditions. In humans and many animals, photopic vision allows color perception, mediated by cone cells.

Photopic vision is the scientific term for human color vision under normal lighting conditions during the day.

The human eye uses three types of cones to sense light in three respective bands of color. The pigments of the cones have maximum absorption values at wavelengths of about 445 nm (blue), 535 nm (green), resp. 575 nm (red). Their sensitivity ranges overlap to provide continuous (but not linear) vision throughout the visual spectrum. The maximum efficacy is 683 lumens/W at a wavelength of 555 nm (yellow).

Under low-light conditions, the human eye uses scotopic vision. Mesopic vision combines the photopic and scotopic vision types.

[edit] See also

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