Phoebe (Christian woman)

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Phoebe (Koine Greek Φοίβη) was a Christian woman mentioned by the Apostle Paul in Romans 16:1.

This verse has been interpreted as stating that she was a deaconess of the early Christian church located in Cenchrea, an eastern port of Corinth.[citation needed]

The Greek of Romans 16:2 uses the term prostatis which may indicate that she was Paul's patroness [1].

Some scholars believe Phoebe was responsible for delivering Paul's epistle to the Roman Christian church. That letter was later on going to be one of the most important books in the bible.[citation needed] She is commemorated with Lydia of Thyatira and Dorcas in the Calendar of Saints of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America on January 27 and on October 25 in the Calendar of Saints of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.

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