
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[edit] Who the Hell is Phil Welch?

Yes, that IS a calculus joke on my screen!
Yes, that IS a calculus joke on my screen!

I'm an experienced editor with an allegedly spiffy userpage.


[edit] Gratuitous Pirate Jokes

(contributed by me)

  • Q. What happened when the sea pirates came to Wikipedia?

(contributed by Deckiller)

  • Q. Why do pirates come to Wikipedia?
    • A. To edit arrrrrrrticles.
  • Q. Where do all wannabe pirates edit Wikipedia from?
  • Q. Why are Pirate Wikipedians so cool?
    • A. They just arrrrrreeee.
  • Q. What project must all pirates join?
  • Q. What did the pirate say to the rude Wikipedian?
  • Q. Why did the pirate Wikipedians take WikiBreaks in 2004?
  • Q. Why did the Pirates get burned at the stake in Boston?
    • A. Simple. They said PARRRRRK the CARRRR in HARRRRRVARRRRRD YARRRRD instead of Pahk da Kah in Haavahd Yahd.

(contributed by Lkjhgfdsa)

Therrrrrre once was a pirate leaderrr
Who hooked up an RrrrrSS feederrr
To edit the Wiki.
This became a sticky
Situation when it made a complete farce of the standard limerick meterrrrrrrrr.

[edit] Philwelch's Observations:

[edit] First Observation

All other factors held equal, the greater the notability and encyclopedic merit of a given subject on Wikipedia, the higher the quality of the related article.

[edit] Second Observation

How many WIkipedians does it take to screw in a light bulb? Truth is, no one knows. What we do know is that we needed 1 to tag the socket with a "this socket needs a light bulb" template, 1 to write a bot to replace all the "this socket needs a light bulb" templates with dated ones which automatically included themselves into categories, countless dozens to complain about the light bulb backlog, and hundreds to bitch at each other about totally irrelevant issues. In the meantime, about a dozen aspiring electricians every month go through something akin to a Congressional confirmation hearing, bored teenagers yell at each other in abandoned rooms about whether to use 60 or 75 watt bulbs, and equally bored teenagers bicker over demolishing unwanted rooms elsewhere in the building.

[edit] CambridgeBayWeather's corollary

However, should a Wikipedian be able to insert a light bulb it will be instantly deleted due to its inability to meet the guidelines set out at Wikipedia:Notability.

[edit] About this page

I welcome others to edit this page; here's a few guidelines.

  • If you want to, do something cool with the formatting above and beyond what I've done, feel free. My current formatting is highly derivative of that of User:Mindspillage, which in turn is highly derivative of that of User:Talrias. If you want to help me code monkey a more distinctive look, feel free!
  • If you want to add content (for instance: your personal opinion of me, positive OR negative), do so in a civil fashion and I won't remove it. I reserve the right to edit your comments so long as such editing does not misrepresent your original statement. Testimonials in limerick form are preferred.

[edit] Awards

[edit] Multi-Licensing

Multi-licensed with all Creative Commons Attribution Licenses
I agree to multi-license my text contributions, unless otherwise stated, under the GFDL and the Creative Commons licenses by-sa v1.0, by v2.0, by-nd v2.0, by-nc v2.0, by-nc-nd v2.0, by-nc-sa v2.0, and by-sa v2.0. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use my contributions under alternate licensing, please check the CC dual-license and Multi-licensing guides.
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I grant non-exclusive permission for the Wikimedia Foundation Inc. to relicense my text and media contributions, including any images, audio clips, or video clips, under any copyleft license that it chooses, provided it maintains the free and open spirit of the GFDL. This permission acknowledges that future licensing needs of the Wikimedia projects may need adapting in unforeseen fashions to facilitate other uses, formats, and locations. It is given for as long as this banner remains.

[edit] ...and everybody 王充 tonight.