Philipp Jakob Cretzschmar

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Philipp Jacob Cretzschmar.
Philipp Jacob Cretzschmar.

Philipp Jakob Cretzschmar (June 11, 1786 - May 4, 1845) was a German physician.

Cretzschmar was born at Sulzbach and studied medicine at the University of Würzburg. He taught anatomy and zoology at the Senckenberg Medical Institute in Frankfurt.

Cretzschmar was the founder and second director of the Senckenberg Natural History Society in 1817. One of the founding members of the society was Eduard Rüppell, and the two men collaborated in publishing the results of Rüppell's explorations in Africa. The Atlas of Rüppell's Travels in Northern Africa (1826-30) included an ornithological section by Cretzschmar describing about thirty new species, including Meyer's Parrot, Nubian Bustard, Goliath Heron, Streaked Scrub Warbler and Cretzschmar's Bunting.

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