Philip Nolan Voigt

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Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance DP7 #1 (1986)
Created by Mark Gruenwald
Paul Ryan
Alter ego Philip Nolan Voigt
Affiliations Quasar, Headhunters
Abilities Can duplicate the powers of other paranormals he encounters, amplifying them beyond their owner's own power

Philip Nolan Voigt is a fictional character from Marvel Comics New Universe, first appearing in D.P. 7 #1 in 1986.


[edit] Fictional character biography

Philip Nolan Voigt, occasionally referred to as Overshadow, was one of the most powerful paranormals created by the White Event. He founded the Clinic for Paranormal Research, gathering other paranormals around him - later, when opposed by D.P. 7, he abandoned that scheme - eventually reappearing as a successful politician.

Voigt became President of the USA in 1988 running on the Democratic Party ticket. His running-mate was a mind-controlled Michael Dukakis. After assuming office he was stripped of his powers by Star Brand. He later appeared as one of the Paranormals aiding Quasar in the Starblast crossover, having somehow regained his powers.

[edit] Powers and abilities

Voigt possesses the ability to duplicate the powers of any paranormal he encounters. The copied powers are also amplified to some degree, allowing him to perform tasks that the original owner of those powers would not be capable of. Voigt used these powers during his campaign appearances to win the Presidency in a landslide vote.

It should be noted that Voigt's power does not allow him to duplicate the Star Brand.

[edit] Alternate versions

[edit] newuniversal

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

What is seemingly an alternate version of Philip Voigt, (however, this time named Philip L. Voight) appears in issue #2 of Warren Ellis's reimagining of the New Universe, newuniversal. Voight has displayed no paranormal powers, but is part of a government project tasked to kill superhumans when they show up, and apparently has done so in the past.

[edit] External links

Marvel Universe Appendix - profile for Philip Nolan Voigt