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PH-DVD supposedly is an optical storage format which aims to surpass Blu-ray and HD DVD in storage capacity, where "PH" stands for Polar High-definition. It was publicly announced on March 30, 2006, by a company called Polarizonics Corp. The company claims it has created a disc that will store up to 100GB, by using "the polarization element contained in all current DVD formats which is not being used for the physical encoding of the information on the disc". [1]

Dr. Oron Zachar, founder of Polarizonics Corp has suggested that PH-DVD will increase the capacity of current blue laser and red laser optical storage devices threefold and might allow the use of red laser devices and discs to store HD content. [2] Also, the PH-DVD format might be implemented on a short timescale, because it "requires no change in the disc structure itself, and present mass replication equipment can be used without modification or additional costs." [3]

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