User:Peter M Dodge/Dedication

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A Dedication

Everyone has a philosophy on Wikipedia and life, even if they never really explain it, and it is easy to forget that our ideas and reasonings are the byproduct of those around us. I have lost a few people along the path of life, who have had a profound impact on my life, and this page is dedicated to them and their memory, as are my contributions.

[edit] My personal "Jeanne D'Arcs"

Joan of Arc, also known as Jeanne d'Arc, was a national heroine of France and is a saint of the Roman Catholic Church. She led her people against the English whom had attacked and conquered parts of France. Seen as an inspiration to the French and to women, Joan's legacy has survived far beyond her own brief military career, serving as an example in the Roman Catholic church of fighting for what is right and good.

I have a few people on Wikipedia that I greatly look up to as examples of doing what is right to help facilitate a positive envirmonent on the Wiki, write and promote the writing of encyclopedic and well sourced articles, and help to deal with the disputes that come up on Wikipedia.

[edit] Jimmy Wales

I know it is easy to pick Jimbo out as someone that I venerate, him being the founder of Wikipedia, but he is more than that to me, he has always been an inspiration in how well he handles the many untenable and difficult situations that arise in communities, such as the infamous "Userbox Wars" or the "Giano IRC" affairs. His diplomatic approaches and his advocacy of "WikiLove" - mutual respect, valuing, and caring for contributors, have been nothing short of an inspiration and strong positive influence on the Wiki.

[edit] Essjay

Essjay is someone that has always been fair in his dealings on Wikipedia, and someone who's diplomatic and gentle approaches to dispute resolution have been an inspiration for many a Wikipedian, myself. Unfortunately he got the lynch mob treatment, and I mourn that such a helpful user has been so mistreated.

[edit] Ayelie

I think when it comes to Ayelie, the words of a Golden Wiki award I gave her summate my thoughts very well:

As their homepage says, Esperanza stands for hope. In spite of many newer Esperanzans who have tainted those values, several conflicts, a lot of personal stress, and the death of one close to you, the one thing that has been eternal has been your hope. Your tireless contributions to Wikipedia in spite of these circumstances have served as an example for countless Wikipedians, and it is my honour to award you with this award. Remember, it's always darkest before the dawn.

[edit] Elara

If there's one user that could prove that perhaps being honest could be a bad thing, heh, it would be Elara. Never afraid to speak her mind or call someone out that's being a bit of an idiot (or a lot of an idiot), Elara's courage and strength of personality has always been something I've admired in her greatly.

[edit] In Loving Memory

Unfortunate as it may be, I have lost several people during the course of my life who meant a great deal to me. They were my angels - the support and strength that helped me to keep going, even when the going was tough. They have all touched my life in some significant way, and they have all helped me through some very difficult and trying times.

[edit] Reena Lysander (1982-2006)

If there was anyone who ever taught me the value of fairness, and not judging people by their outward appearance and actions, it was Reena, my ex of four years and close friend. Not everyone is as they appear to be, nor is everyone that may appear to be mostly a bad influence or disruptive person are really what the are made out to be. We cannot be quick to judge people, and we must be ready to reevaluate these impressions. She passed away November 2006 by her own hand.
Everyone has a virtue, it is just a matter of finding it.
       - Reena

[edit] Jennifer Teague (1987-2005)

Not everyone is an expert on everything, or anything, or an intellectual prodigy, some people's grace lies simply in the hearts and minds. Jennifer was one of those people. She was forever a peacemaker and someone that strove for excellence. Those qualities I strive to emulate, in honour of her memory. Jenny was taken from the world in the fall of '05.

[edit] Hannah "Anne" Emily Knight (1986-2004)

Along the road of life, there are many obstacles, but some just have it much harder than many. Hannah was always strong, composed, and loving despite all the troubles she endured. She always lent a hand to anyone that asked, and was always the strength to those around her when they were weak. Hannah passed away on 21st October 2004, like Reena, by her own hand. *sigh*