
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is Pete St.John's scratch pad for things that may be of interest to other Wikipedians but which are unready for publication as components of articles.


[edit] Neologisms

[edit] Pete's

Metaprosopa A single word for Fictional Fictional Characters. The Greek term for Dramatis Personae is dramatos prosopa. An example is that Euphistopheles refers to Ptolemipiters as an Ancient Authority, but Pete refers to him as a Metaprosopon. We maybe want to find a better single word if we want a sucessful meme.

Puppet of Blood and Bone Wetware, from the point of view of the Avatar, if the avatar thinks like a necromancer.

Psychophant A rabid sychophant. Examples range from eristic political demagogues to the guy who buries bodies for you. Unfortunately, as the word is a homonym for it's base, it doesn't work well spoken.

Meta Neural Net A neural net that encodes an evolutionary algorithm that adapts neural nets, particularly, itself. This is because I want to title a chapter in a book, The Proper Study of MNNkind is MNN

Groupie A node in a graph that has few neighbors (i.e., has low degree) but is connected to nodes that have many neighbors (high degree). Pete coined this term in a graduate class around 1981, in reply to a remark by Joel Spencer, and apparently it made it into the literature, but it does not appear in this Glossary of Graph Terms, Particulary Concerning Cliques. It got a good laugh at the time, though.

I do find this reference, where the term is used in the online abstract of a paper (coauthored by Erdos, not surprisingly): Local and global average degree in graphs and multigraphs

[edit] Others'

Wikipaedian A juvenile Wikipedian, e.g. reverts anything with a stylistic blemish just to maximize their edit counts. Coined by Martin Wheeler who can be ironically self-deprecating.

[edit] Some Metaprosopa, and other Folks

Euphistopheles a.k.a. yoof. The winner of the first resolved election for Architecture Review Board membership at Lambda MOO and a necromancer at the MMORPG Everquest (currently "Yoof" at the MMORPG Vanguard) among other things. Refers to Pete as his "puppet of blood and bone".

Ptolemipiters is a metaprosopon in more than one fantasy novel (I'm trying to find references; I think maybe Lin Carter, L Sprague de Camp...) by more than one author. My favorite example was a parody of a medieval scholarly debate between two wizards; since in the Dark Ages deference to authority was a more powerful force than logic or experiment (since Ancient Europe had been a more advanced civilization, in many ways, than Medieval Europe), the winner of the arguement will be the one who cites the more ancient authority. After going through Aristotle and Plato, one cites Ptolemipiters, who does not exist (in the fictional world of the novel). The other, embarassed not to recognize this Ancient Authority, concedes the arguement (rather than admit ignorance).

[edit] Recursion

For recursion in Enumerative Combinatorics see Recurrence Relations.

For computers that can adapt themselves dynamically in firmware, see Programmable Logic Devices and Evolvable Hardware.

I will be writing up something about self-referential Genetic Algorithms alluding to an East Coast Computer Algebra Day poster presentation (I was at '96, the third, which does not have it's own web page).

[edit] Userbox Recursion

My userbox could use better artwork:

REC This user is

Here is a link to Pete's template if you would like to improve the artwork.

[edit] Some Quotes

"Life's a Bitch, but Bitches are Life". --Pete

"Men are basically smart or dumb and lazy or ambitious. The dumb and ambitious ones are dangerous and I get rid of them." --Field Marshal Rommel

"Wisdom is the accumulated effect of applying intelligence to experience." --Euphistopheles, citing Ptolemipiters.

"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts." --Bertrand Russell

"Youth is wasted on the young, but experience is wasted on the old." -- Euphistopheles.

[edit] Edit Counting

I went to Itneriot's edit counter with my User Name and got these results (19 day lag they say. I'll try to keep track of Total Edits and Distinct Pages, although one thousand (magic number for respectability) seems far off. But I got to learn to make a table! Not every kind of edit is counted.

The raw results:

Username PeterStJohn Total edits 52 User groups user Image uploads 0 (0 cur, 0 old) (browse) Distinct pages edited 28 Edits/page (avg) 1.86 Avg edits/day 0.28 Deleted edits 0 First edit 2006/08/04 19:51:23

The table I made from it:

Pete's Edit Counts at this edit date
Item/Metric Values
Total Edits 52
Distinct pages edited 28
Edits/page (avg) 1.86
Avg edits/day 0.28
Deleted edits 0
First edit 2006/08/04 19:51:23

Pete St.John 17:23, 7 February 2007 (UTC)