Talk:Peter Petrelli

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[edit] Peter is Empathic

Direct quote from Brian Fuller regarding a Sylar question. "...where Peter is Empathic where he can absorb other peoples abilities..."

Quote is from about three quaters of the way through the interview. ""

Just wondering if this changes things, I'm sure both his power absorbtion and his apparent clairvoyance could be somewhat linked by empathy, anyone want to include this into the article or wait? Jacobshaven3 02:20, 13 January 2007 (UTC)

One word which you can misappropriate is hardly much to go one, Jake. Ace Class Shadow; My talk. 04:57, 14 January 2007 (UTC)
Don't forget Spontaneous Regeneration, ACS WookMuff 08:55, 14 January 2007 (UTC)
Well Ace. It is one word, true. It's one word which shows the writer calling Peter an Empath. He could just have easily used another word to describe Peter and Sylar's abilities similarities. If a character is called a Telepath, but only shows the ability to read minds, should they not be called a telepath just because it could be misappropriated by others to mean they can control minds? I merely mentioned combining his apparent abilities under Empathy, because it's possible, and because several sources have said all Heroes have only one power, although Sylar's and Peter's allow them to mimic other peoples.Jacobshaven3 11:01, 14 January 2007 (UTC)
I'm still iffy about using an embrella term. Fuller could have meant empathic as a description, not a catch-all title. Ace Class Shadow; My talk. 20:37, 14 January 2007 (UTC)
Have you listened to the source, ACS? (This isn't a dig, i am just asking... i haven't) If the sentence is as Jacobshaven describes it, and there is no missing context, then I would say its a slam dunk. WookMuff 21:00, 14 January 2007 (UTC)
I think I can see why you don't want to use the term Ace, and to be honest, after thinking about it, using it to combine his clairvoyance and mimicry is kind of close to OR since only the ability mimicry is mentioned, however it should be included as the source of his mimicry ability, as that is what Brian Said. Unlike Sylar who mimicry's by absorbing the power in some way, Peter empathically senses the ability, and uses it. I'm guessing somewhat remeniscent to how Synch does it. In fact, Synch's ability matches Peter's very well, since Peter was able to Prophetically draw the future before Issac was. Rambling now, but do you get what I mean?Jacobshaven3 21:03, 14 January 2007 (UTC)
I don't think the way you've described either Peter or Sylar's power. Peter doesn't just "sense" the power and then mimic it, his DNA is more or less chameleonic in nature, allowing him to appropriate other powers simply by being in their presence- his DNA will dynamically re-script itself and include those gene markers that he encounters that are linked to powers. Sylar's power-appropriation isn't exactly a gift; I'm pretty sure we all know what he does with those brains when he takes them, even if we don't want to admit it. Furthermore in "Six Months Before" he can see the "broken" parts of Brian Davis' brain (more than likely what he was seeing was the unusually active part of his brain, the part that isn't active in non-powered folk)- and it's a well known fact that if you try to fix something that's broken you will learn something along the way. I'm guessing Sylar's ability to pick powers up is a direct result of his ability to fix watches, almost as a side effect or an added feature, a different way the ability can be used. As to why he wants to keep doing it, to what ends... who knows. But anyway my point is neither power is simple mimicry, especially Peter's. He's almost a better, more refined version of Sylar. 16:29, 13 February 2007 (UTC)
Sounds like the whole "persuasion" versus "mind control" thing with Eden. All the sources tell me is that Peter can—intentionally or otherwise—mimic powers by being within close range with their inherent user(s). This mimicry has no known effect on the "supplier" so to speak and generally does not result in any sort of dream/trance state. Whether Peter is "suppose to" have one power, or the two he's displayed are explicitly connected, I don't believe the sources we've found give much weight to this whole "empathy" thing. From an encyclopedic standpoint, we've got nothing. I'm open to different wording and description of Peter's power(s), but "empathy" would be more an ambiguation. Ace Class Shadow; My talk. 21:33, 14 January 2007 (UTC)
This is the reason I didn't just put it in myself. I don't personally think empathy is a great description, however, thats what the writer of the show used as a direct description. It's true he was talking about Sylar's power foremost, but he said that above quote word for word. Peter's ability is empathy. why does the term "empathy" have no weight in this article? What about it goes against previous sources? And no, from an encyclopedic stand point, we do have something, a writer of the series quoting that Peter is an Empath. That can't just be ignored. Maybe if it was an expert in fiction giving his presumptions, but it's not, it's one of the people behind the entire creation. Thats why I don't understand why your saying we shouldn't use it, this is as close to the program explicitly saying it as possible.Jacobshaven3 22:07, 14 January 2007 (UTC)
Let me clarify. It doesn't help. We found a source ages ago which used the term "power mimic" and it stuck. I don't honestly believe Fuller's wording supercedes what we've been using. To pit it simply, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Ace Class Shadow; My talk. 22:23, 14 January 2007 (UTC)
I concede- yet still hold to my opinion on this matter. Jacobshaven3 23:15, 14 January 2007 (UTC)

I say go nuts! WookMuff 07:23, 13 January 2007 (UTC)

Wook, you've been warned about this... 22:43, 13 January 2007 (UTC)
? wtf? "Go nuts" means go for it, what are you talking about, mysterious stranger? WookMuff 22:48, 13 January 2007 (UTC)
I think they're referring to your trolling warning, Wook. Ace Class Shadow; My talk. 04:57, 14 January 2007 (UTC)
I got that, it was more of a "how is that in any way negative?" WookMuff 08:55, 14 January 2007 (UTC)

Ok, I disagree that including information about Peter being empathic is wrong. firstly, because it's the truth, and secondly, there is lot's of sources to back it:

[1] (Interview with Tim Kring) In which says, as a direct quote regarding his ability: "Peter’s is based on his empathy and his ability to connect with people and when he’s around them."

[2] : Describes him as "super-empathic"

Though I don't know the validity, [3]and [4] also mention him having empathy, one going into detail about his power...

I'm just saying, if Tim Kring and Brian Fuller, as well as lots of websites (some quite reputable), are calling him empathic, then surely we should be too, otherwise, we aren't displaying the currently verifiable facts. Jacobshaven3 11:57, 27 January 2007 (UTC)

Uh-huh. So, what does all that mean? Can you verify that they're trying to link his powers under one term? As far as wording goes, we have no need- stratch that. No real reason to copy their wording. The best out of all that is "super empathic/empathy," and that's still ambiguous. We generally shouldn't go out of our way to use their words. Plus, they themselves are probably just pulling that wording out of their [expletive]. Ace Class Shadow; My talk. 20:08, 27 January 2007 (UTC)
It seems to me that, regardless of which source should be considered (although something coming directly from the writers of the show is, to me, the be all and end all of arguments), the concensus description of Peter's primary power is that of "empathy," and the fact this this IS Wikipedia, an information source fueld by a community, shouldn't consensus get the nod? Regardless, I honestly feel that the idea of "empathy" will become more and more prevalent. This is ONLY speculation on my part, but I feel Tim Kring was saying more than we originally perceived in that Peter's power may not necessarily be based on genetics solely, but also on his personality. Peter is able to mimic Claire's healing ability only after he remembers the way he "felt" around her. It's not something that just "happens" to him. He, whether he is aware of it or not, seems to trigger it based on his biological AND emotional makeup. My tow cents, anyways. Windmillninja 00:48, 03 March 2007 (UTC)

Claude calls Peter an empath in "The Fix". Can we change it now? 15:21, 1 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Absorbed Powers

Think we should make a list of the people Peter has come in contact with (and thus who's powers he theoretically can use)? Similar to the list on the Sylar page where it lists who he's killed and the powers absorbed. As far as I can remember offhand, he's interacted in some way with Nathan, Claire, Matt, Claude, Isaac, Hiro and Sylar. 21:42, 6 February 2007 (UTC)

Let's stay away from speculation, ok? The list on Sylars page is the known list of people he's killed because we were told/shown that in the show. Let's just wait and see what powers Peter has before creating a list. dposse 14:51, 10 February 2007 (UTC)
we know he has the healing factor due to the last episode... -Xornok 17:23, 10 February 2007 (UTC)
True! However, his potental for powers is still largely unknown at this point in time. It would be better to just wait. dposse 19:11, 10 February 2007 (UTC)
Then perhaps, to avoid speculation, list powers he has explicitly displayed at some point? This would include invisibility, flying, drawing the future, healing factor, and mind-reading. 19:03, 13 February 2007 (UTC)
He has also absorbed radiation emission as evidenced by his flash of all his powers just before Claude punches him. Twinotter 16:14, 24 February 2007 (UTC)
No he hasn't, the powers you see in that scene, in order, are invisibility, the ability to read people's minds, and precognition. He starts shouting "I'm losing it" and then Claude hits him. At NO POINT do you see radiation emission - which is correct as he has not encountered Ted yet. If you feel I'm wrong then please prove me wrong. 10:04, 5 March 2007 (UTC)

why not call the listsomething like " list of observed powers" cause they are all by default absorbed.Karaveks voice 16:20, 24 February 2007 (UTC)

Since Sylar had freezing when Peter met him, should a note be made that Peter may be able to use that power too? Bio 19:42, 5 March 2007 (UTC)

No. That's speculation. We should stick with powers Peter has displayed on the show or in the comic. --Kmsiever 20:09, 5 March 2007 (UTC)

It seems to me(since apparently the only power of Syalar's that Peter has retained is TK) that Peter can only copy "single" powers. Nathan/flying, Isaac/precognition, etc. Since the only power that Sylar was shown to use in Odessa was TK, perhaps that's the explanation. If Sylar had used other powers against him, presumably he'd be able to use those as well, but it seems to be only ones he's exposed to. If you really want to get nitpicky, you could say that the power has to be in active use before he can copy it(i.e. he copied flight when Nathan caught him; telepathy when Matt was trying to read his thoughts; healing when Claire was hurt).DiScOrD tHe LuNaTiC 13:43, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

Only that's not true, is it? He copied precog from Isaac when Isaac wasn't using it. He also copied flight from Nathan before the scene where they both flew, as he said to Nathan in the first episode "I hovered for a split second". The powers don't have to be in active use for them to be appropriated - his DNA can recognize gene markers for powers and rewrite itself to contain those gene markers from that point on. I'd say the initial mimicry only happened when the powers were in active use - like Claude said, it's a reflex, like Pavlov's dog salivating when a bell rings. His body just activates the new power when it senses the same power being activated near it, like "monkey see monkey do". 02:53, 9 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Radiation Emission

Dposse, It is not original research to state that Peter has demonstrated radiation emission - the thing that he fears the most. In the flash of multiple powers he shows at the end of Distractions he comes close to exploding. Also, it is not original research to state which characters Peter has interacted with and that he has not demonstrated the powers of these characters. Dposse, please see your talk page for more about this... Thanks, Twinotter 16:28, 24 February 2007 (UTC)

No, he comes nowhere close to exploding. Please refrain from drawing incorrect conclusions based on your own misunderstandings or lack of attention to the subject matter. Claude thinks that Peter will explode when his powers go crazy, either because he is aware of Ted or because he's got a lack of understanding of Peter's power. At the very worst, all that can happen to Peter if he calls on too many at once is he'll become overloaded and go comatose until his body works out the mess and recovers. In EVER SINGLE SCENE revolving around Peter's possibly exploding, it is shown to be a perfect copy of Ted's power (which was further confirmed when Ted himself lost control of his power in the Bennet's household). As Peter has not yet encountered Ted, it is completely impossible for him to have radiation-based powers at this point. Please pay more attention before you start speculating. And yes, it IS original research, Twinotter. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 10:08, 5 March 2007 (UTC).

Sorry I totally forgot to sign the preceeding comment. My bad. 10:09, 5 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Telepathy

How come when Peter is using Matt's power you hear feedback, when Matt isn't even around? (Like the episode "Distractions") —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) 22:18 February 15, 2007 (UTC), User refers to himself as "Red Spiderman". - Comment copyedited by: - SigmaEpsilonΣΕ 04:15, 16 February 2007 (UTC)

Although it's speculation I guess thats got to do with the fact that the first time he was near Matt, and Recalling that feeling recalled the feedback that occured. There currently is no explained reason though. Jacobshaven3 22:28, 16 February 2007 (UTC)

OK Thanks- Red Spider-Man 2/20 —The preceding unsigned comment was added by [[User:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] ([[User talk:{{{2}}}|talk]] • [[Special:Contributions/{{{2}}}|contribs]]) 22:14, February 20, 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Peter's Age

Is there an official source that confirms Peter's age is 26? In an interview on NBC's website with creator Tim Kring (I can't find the exact link right now, but I'll produce it later if someone else doesn't beat me to it), when asked about Peter and Claire ever getting together, he said no because Peter is 30 and Claire is 16.-- 00:40, 17 February 2007 (UTC)

According to the reference in List of characters in Heroes, Godsend gives his age as 26. Jacobshaven3 01:18, 17 February 2007 (UTC)
Ummm...the other reason why Peter and Claire will never 'get together' is that he's her uncle.;)DiScOrD tHe LuNaTiC 13:45, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Trivia

Peter Petrelli's name, like the names of many comic book superheroes and supervillans such as Clark Kent and Lex Luthor, is alliterative. The only other Heroes character that has this same distinction is Gabriel Grey.

I'm thinking that's going to be more of a direct reference later on in the series. Peter is beginning to hone his "stored" powers so that he can use them at will, making him the only one we know of that is going to be capable of taking Sylar out. The Superman reference should become a direct one when they become bigger enemies with each other, ala Clark Kent and Lex Luthor. Goroliath

I'm glad you added in the alliterative part I did that awhile back and some clown kept removing it. On the other hand I didnt even make the connection that Sylar's real name is also alliterative good catch --Bushido Brown 03:16, 20 February 2007 (UTC)
dposse removed that mention under the guise of "original research". Im bringing it back as no part of that trivia is original research --Bushido Brown 00:18, 21 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Additions

I added some details from Unexpected (others beat me to it). Was that actually Peter stopping time on the roof of the building, or did he 'catch' the taser gun darts with telekinesis? I couldn't tell. Also, did I miss an instance of a character with Sonic type abilities? I added the appearance of those when Peter's "scream" sent Isaac flying backwards, but I can't think of what character that is tied to. Presumably he got that from Sylar. - Denny 06:33, 20 February 2007 (UTC)

I thought it was a Sonic Scream as well, but others seem to think that he threw Isaac back with telekinesis and the vocal distortion was a result of his absorbing Eden's powers (whom he contacted briefly in Suresh's apartment). That makes sense to me, but I like entertaining the idea that he absorbed a sonic scream from Sylar. All signs point to Eden, though.  Anticrash  talk  16:48, 20 February 2007 (UTC)
In the cast/crew commentary on, this is attributed to telekinesis. No mention of Eden is made, but that doesn't mean it's not related. -Big Smooth 18:38, 20 February 2007 (UTC)

Stopping the darts is telekinesis. which he got from Sylar. I think he stopped time as well.--Syd Henderson 07:56, 20 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Telekinesis v. freezing time

There seems to be disagreement over whether Peter used Sylar's telekinesis or Hiro's freezing time to stop the taser from hitting him, which means that the description of his powers ("Waking Up") does not agree with the table of mimicked powers.

It appears that he's mimicked both powers already (although my memory is hazy, so I'm not sure if Peter actually was mimicking Hiro's power), and it makes no fundamental difference to the plot which one it is, but this needs to be clarified. Samer 13:05, 20 February 2007 (UTC)

Peter did meet Future Hiro when time was frozen on the subway, so he should have access to Hiro's ability. Also, the wires on the taser seemed to affected as well (no sagging due to gravity, etc), which suggests freezing time. While this could be an atypical display of telekinesis, Mr. Bennet didn't seem to be taking any action at the time, which would be unusual. 15:22, 20 February 2007 (UTC)
It seems to me that the time manipulation can also have an effect on momentum as well, which would explain why the taser fell to the ground after Peter froze them. Also in the episode, Hiro froze time when Hope was firing the gun at him, and he reversed it, sending the bullet back into the gun, which threw her off balance and sent her stumbling back. He stopped the bullet and altered its course and velocity, and Peter did the same to the taser.  Anticrash  talk  16:45, 20 February 2007 (UTC)
I watched this scene a few times online and I don't think it can be determined whether he stopped time or used telekinesis (or both). I did notice the wires not sagging, but that could also have been controlled by his telekinesis - i.e. he just telekinetically stopped everything coming at him, wires included. I would have said the fact that the taser darts fell to the ground without any physical contact indicated that it was not just a time stoppage, but as Anticrash pointed out, the "physics" of Hiro's powers are pretty hazy and that could also apply here. There just isn't anything else in the scene that indicates whether or not time was stopped; it's true Bennet didn't seem to move, but this could easily be because he was stunned by Peter's sudden display of new abilities. It could have been either power. -Big Smooth 18:38, 20 February 2007 (UTC)
I don't think he froze time. While the nodes were stopped, the guns were still making noise. One would think that if time was frozen, any motors or electricity-generating mechanisms would have stopped as well. --Kmsiever 01:11, 21 February 2007 (UTC)

I think he slowed time and then used telkenisis to bring them to the ground- Redspiderman 2/20 —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) 22:17, February 20, 2007 (UTC)

The power COULD be both but in all cases of time control their always seams to be a cool sound reverb and other effects such as the bullet time camera while that never happened during telekinesis. And if you were watching carefully, it did do the usual bullet time thing with the sounds. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Toxic Ninja (talkcontribs) 23:30, February 20, 2007 (UTC)

Peter very clearly brought time to a stop. Listen to the clicking sound of the guns slow down and stop. Also, when time is running, the guns are flashing colors on and off. When Peter stops time and the camera pans around, the colors on the guns in the distance are absolutely still. GameCreator 07:05, 21 February 2007 (UTC)
I changed it so it merely says "Abilities" rather than a specific one. removing any possible OR or Speculation. Jacobshaven3 19:52, 21 February 2007
Well, I've seen the scene a couple of times and it's pretty ambiguous, but I'm pretty sure it was telekinesis since if he stopped time and then restarted it, the projectiles would've just continued in their trajectory. I think the sound slowing down you here is just the directors going for a slow-mo shot like they did when Sylar moved in on Sandra Bennet a couple of eps back. Also, the writers for the show in the latest interview gave the impression that Peter hasn't used Hiro's power yet since they say "So Peter, probably has Hiro's abilities in a less developed form than present Hiro – since he has not practiced with them. In fact, he might not even realize he has them." So until we have any convincing evidence otherwise, Peter's ability to manipulate spacetime is purely speculation. --M m hawk 23:50, 21 February 2007 (UTC)
Slowing down the sound is one thing. Stopping it altogether for several seconds while Peter looks at the darts is another (which is what happened). And as I mentioned before, the lights from the guns froze completely also. And the wire between the darts and the gun was frozen in the air as well (it didn't sag, as it would if he just held the darts). Finally, regarding the article, it's not clear what it means that Peter's time powers are not fully developed. Does this mean that he can stop time but maybe not time travel? That would be my guess. But in any case, to me, with the evidence I presented, it's pretty clear he at least stopped time. Whether he used telekinesis in combination with it is something else (though I would say no, as that's never even been done before (two powers used at the same time)). GameCreator 23:45, 22 February 2007 (UTC)
In a slow-motion shot you wouldn't have had a chance to see the wires sag much. If it was a time freeze then how come the projectiles didn't continue in their trajectory and fall to the ground instead? You can also see Claude heaving the entire time Peter has the projectiles stopped, which wouldn't happen if Peter had stopped time. So it's not at all clear if it was a time freeze or telekinesis, and the writers give the impression that Peter doesn't even know he can stop time, so he would not have even tried. At any rate, hopefully the writers will clear this up in the next interview, or perhaps the next ep will. In the meantime we'll just have to wait and see.--M m hawk 02:02, 23 February 2007 (UTC)

Another bit of evidence suggestion time was stopped: the manner in which he stopped the projectile is very similar to the manner in which Hiro stopped a projectile in the same episode. That seems like an intentional parallel on the part of the film maker. Twinotter 19:00, 23 February 2007 (UTC)

You guys have forgotten Hero has the ability to manipulate time AND SPACE. He obviously used heros abilities to manipulate the space causing the tazor to slow down and fall down. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) 21:47, February 24, 2007 (UTC)

Take into account the sound used in this scene as the tazor wires stop, and the jump to slow motion. It seems to be that the director uses this scene to show Peter stops time for a split second(as camara rotates from facing Peter to facing front of Tazor wires)then he grabs hold of it, mentally (as camara rotates to facing Peter agian) and drops them to the ground. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) 20:53, February 26, 2007 (UTC)

A few things. One- Sign your comments. Two- It's "tazer" or "taser", not "Tazor". Three- it's not Hero, it's Hiro; do your research. Four- This is wiki, so no OR or speculation, thanks. 05:03, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Verifibility

If one person can give verifiable evidence, which does not include what is visible on the episode (since people can't agree on what they saw or heard, and it wasn't shown explicitly), that this was Telekinesis or Time Manipulation, then one can be chosen, however so far all people are giving is OR and Speculation. Until one can be verified, please refrain from placing a specific ability, and leave it neutral. Jacobshaven3 19:31, 23 February 2007 (UTC)

In "Parasite", the way Sylar stopped Mohinder's bullet, and made it fall to the ground, looked just like what Peter did to the tazer wires. 23:06, 14 March 2007 (UTC)
This is easy. In "Unexpected" when the tazer stopped moving, look at Claude closely. He was in pain, and he moved. --ChoChoPK (球球PK) (talk | contrib) 01:06, 15 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Super yell

When fighting Issac Peter uses some extremely strong, commanding voice that knocks Issac back(sounded like your general "voice of god" thing). Any ideas where this power came from? Toxic Ninja 04:41, 21 February 2007 (UTC)

Addition: its seen at 3:20 (also replace knocks back with sends flying)Toxic Ninja 04:42, 21 February 2007 (UTC)

According to the commentary it was just telkenesis.. as for the change in voice they really didn't mention that. EnsRedShirt 05:37, 21 February 2007 (UTC)

I could be wrong, but barring any evidence to the contrary, I strongly suspect it was something like...
At the Heroes production office:
Editor: "Hey, let's put a cool effect on his voice!"
Producer:"Cool - the viewers love that stuff."
Out on the Internet:
Heroes fan board: "What? WHAT?!? I don't believe it - they're totally ripping off Loud Lad from book 213-J of the unpublished X-Factor-Force-Unlimited Men miniseries."
(grin) --Ckatzchatspy 05:47, 21 February 2007 (UTC)
wow... that was really lame... -Xornok 05:51, 21 February 2007 (UTC)
lol.. current thought on the unexpected article talk page is that it's Eden's power.. He did meet here once I believe.. EnsRedShirt 05:54, 21 February 2007 (UTC)
Cool voice effect doesn't send someone flying 20 feet. Anyway I devised a theory, maby it was once of Sylers stolen abilities, the show never mentiones if he has to see the power or just be close to someone who can use it.Toxic Ninja 22:37, 21 February 2007 (UTC)
It's not the yell that propels Isaac, it was him hurling him with telekinesis whilst yelling. Sylar's voice got the same treatment when he telekinetically attacked Claire's mum. Any theory is OR and Speculation anyhow, which is not allowed regardless. Jacobshaven3 22:43, 21 February 2007 (UTC)
The voice is similar to Eden's voice when using her mind control ability. Peter screamed something like "Don't lie to me!" just before propelling Isaac. Note that Isaac do not say one lie after that... —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 21:06, 22 February 2007 (UTC).
I Imagine most people would refrain from lying after being telekinetically hrown across a room. Isaac was probably terrified, so he told Peter the truth. - SigmaEpsilonΣΕ 00:22, 23 February 2007 (UTC)

It's obvious Peter pushed Isaac using Telekinesis. I think the "yell" is significant in showing the audience that Peter picked up something else from Sylar that he (and us) may not be aware of. For instance, when Sylar spoke to Claire's mom, it was not when he used telekinesis on her, it was while she was already on the ground as he made his advance. Also in Unexpected, Sylar uses the same voice when speaking to Dale before he even attacks or shows any sign of telekinesis: "What's that sound... in your heat?" "'Murder.'" I think the creepy voice, up to this point, is just to show that Peter may have picked something up from Sylar that might not be good. As far as the creepy voice being the source of him pushing Isaac, I don't agree with that. But I do think that it was definitely something significant. (Whether or not that should be added to the article, I leave to you guys) Watemon 05:12, 24 February 2007 (UTC)

you know how he has to feel like he did when he encountered a powered person? well want hesacredwhen he met sylar? so why isntthat just backlash from his emotional state?Karaveks voice 16:25, 24 February 2007 (UTC)

Peter has the power of persuasion. He met Eden briefly in "Collision" giving him ample time to absorb her power. Therefore, he has to have her power. In "Unexpected" he used a very creepy deep voice and said "Don't Lie to me" to Isaac. Isaac was flying across the room was telekinesis and then proceeded to tell the truth. As you all know, Peter can use more than one power at a time, given that he went haywire in "Distractions" using multiple powers right before Claude punched him. Eden used that same creepy deep voice in "Six Months Ago" when she persuaded Matt to eat a dozen donuts. So it is my conclusion that he has the power of persuasion. The thing is Peter doesn't know it.--Babysmurf0583 18:24, 24 February 2007 (UTC)

I believe we should leave the article as it is now, because honestly, we don'y know. I personally believe that Peter has persuasion, but we shouldn't add it until we are sure. Lets just wait and see if he uses it again. Seros 19:28, 24 February 2007 (UTC)

I think that we know for sure that it was a Sylar power (seeing as Sylar used it in E14), and we know it is a voice effect. This means in the article, it should say just that, nothing more. Whether or not it propels things or if it was telekenesis is open for debate so we leave that out. AllUltima 07:48, 6 March 2007 (UTC)

Oy! I keep posting this everywhere, and it's at the bottom of this page! There is an _interview_ with Joe Pokaski and Aron Coleite(writers for Heroes) that states that this was _just_ a voice effect. Read it for yourself: No voice power. Does he have it during the course of the show? There's no way to know. HOWEVER, we DO know that it is not Eden's power in that specific scene, per the interview. It's not open for debate. It's sourced! Valaqil 15:34, 6 March 2007 (UTC)

The voice effect is something that Sylar has demonstrated as well, they seem to use it when they're appling their telekinetic abilities. Notably, Syldar's voice has the same modification at the end of Parasite. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Avilister (talk • contribs) 01:12, March 7, 2007 (UTC)

As I stated in Absorbed Powers, it seems that Peter only absorbs powers if they're being actively used when he's in their presence.(this works with every power he's shown: Nathan/flight - when Nathan flew up to catch him; Claire/healing - when he and Claire fell off the roof; Claude/invisibility - when he was able to see Claude, presumably because he was becoming invisible himself; Hiro/time manipulation - when he met future-Hiro on the subway; Sylar/TK - from when Sylar threw the lockers at him in Texas; Matt/telepathy - from when Matt was reading his mind). Given the way Eden's power appeared to work, there's no indication that she was using it when Peter met her. As Sigma said, if an angry person had just hurled me across the room with the power of their mind, I'd be telling them the truth too, just in case they knew the truth anyway.DiScOrD tHe LuNaTiC 13:55, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

Peter and Sylar fell off the roof, not Peter and Claire. --Kmsiever 15:36, 7 March 2007 (UTC)
Yup. So you're wrong with that speculation there, Discord. Also, as I have also replied to your above statement on the same subject- Pete copied Isaac's power when Isaac WASN'T using it. So that's Claire AND Isaac that weren't using their powers when Peter copied them. So how do you explain that? 03:03, 9 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Peter's abilites.

Now that i've got this page fully protected, we're going to discuss this until we can come to a consensus.

  1. We cannot list what Peter might do in the future because of his visions. His visions are just glimpses of what could be, and not what is.
  2. We cannot state if Peter is stronger than Sylar, or if he will become stronger than Sylar, because that is speculation. Until Peter kicks Sylars ass in the show, or vice versa, it's original research. In other words, no speculation on Peter's or Sylar's potential is allowed unless sourced from the Director/Writer or it's said in the show.
  3. About the Telekenesis v Time stopping in Talk:Unexpected (Heroes), until we get confirmation either in the show or from an outside source, like the Director or a Writer, we must leave it neutral. That is the only way that we can accurately write this article under the rules set up for us at WP:V, WP:RS, WP:OR, ect.

Anything i missed? Let's discuss this. This article, and the Unexpected article, will remain fully protected until we come to a consensus

Thank you. dposse 18:02, 24 February 2007 (UTC)

Okay. No problem. My basis for saying that he used radiation emission is not from his vision of blowing himself up in NY. He nearly goes nuclear just before Claude punches him at the end of Distractions. He actually exhibits the same power that Ted Sprague shows. He has not wilted flowers, like Ted. But then, he hasn't blown locker doors off or healed from a branch stuck through his head, but you don't doubt that he has shown these powers.

Next, a list of people that he has interacted with is not speculation. Saying, "He interacted with Eden McCain and therefore has her power" would be speculation and not appropriate. However, listing which heroes he has interacted with and specifically saying that he has not exhibited these powers is simple fact that can be verified by looking at the episodes in question. Peter met Eden McCain in Collision. He met with the Haitian in Unexpected. The reader can draw their own conclusions one way or another. (Personally, I think there's a strong probability that Peter doesn't absorb a power until it's actually demonstrated near him, but then, that's speculation!)

Beyond what has been said above, I don't have anything to add to the telekinesis/time control discussion nor do I think at this point that it would be appropriate to add time control to his "known list." By the same token, I do believe that it would be appropriate to state that there's some contention over whether he's demonstrated time manipulation abilities.

Finally, I appreciate that you've used official channels to lock this page and resolve the dispute about what constitutes speculation and original research. Thank you also for putting links on my talk page describing attribution. I'm unhappy with the fact that you're continuing to simply revert my edits rather than actually editing them to include your point of view. Please re-read the link that I posted on your talk page (Help:Reverting#When to revert) and be more civil with your edits.

Thank you, Twinotter 22:24, 24 February 2007 (UTC)

Twinotter WHERE DOES HE NEARLY GO NUCLEAR? Seriously, at no point in that scene does he even come remotely close. Do you even watch the show? 10:18, 5 March 2007 (UTC)
The only thing I have to add to this is a correction on the above: Peter has not even met Ted Sprague yet, so as of yet, it is impossible for him to have Ted's ability. When Claude punched him, he was seeing the event unfold again in real time, and Claude knocked him out because Peter was unstable (Peter couldn't tell he was just seeing the future), not because he was about to blow up.

But anyway, all I have to say is that Peter doesn't have Ted's ability yet.
Watemon 09:20, 25 February 2007 (UTC)

I couldn't have said it any better, Watemon. Peter was overloading on every power other than Teds ability. The powers we saw were Isaacs, Matts, and perhaps a few others. Claude knocked him out to calm him down and stop this overload. Right now, Peter hasn't met Ted yet so he can't use his ability. dposse 17:27, 25 February 2007 (UTC)
Okay. I must be remembering the scene incorrectly. This is another good reason to add a "Who Peter has interacted with" section. Twinotter 23:59, 25 February 2007 (UTC)
I'm not sure there is a reason to add that section. We will add what abilites he uses when he uses them, not before, if the ability is clearly used or we have a source (like Mr. Beeman or someone else on the show) that the ability was. Adding a section of super powered people he's met is unneccasary and will lead to a whole lot of unneeded seculation about what could happen in the future. Look, my complaints against your edits on here, and the Unexpected article, stem from WP:NOT. WP:NOT#CRYSTALBALL states that "Wikipedia is not a collection of unverifiable speculation". That, i believe, applies here. I understand the desire to add infomation like you are suggesting, but we live under very strict rules on wikipedia that do not allow us to add such infomation. dposse 15:32, 26 February 2007 (UTC)
I'm not talking about adding speculation. I'm only talking about verifiable information about a character. The characters that Peter interacts with are important. This type of information instantly answers questions such as "could Peter have shown radiation emission?" It's answering those types of questions, without speculating on whether Peter has the particular ability, that is exactly the purpose of Wikipedia - encyclopedic knowledge. I'm going to break this question out in the section below to try to bring in other opinions. Twinotter 04:53, 27 February 2007 (UTC)

One of the problems with listing his powers really is going to be by answering the question: Does he absorb the powers from being around them, or when they are used near him. However, this actually is potentially already answered. He (to the best of my knowledge) never saw Isaac use his powers, and to the best of my knowledge (I can check later) was never near Isaac when Isaac used his powers. Yet, he was able to use Isaac's power to finish the painting of Sylar. I suggest we re-check the first few episodes to make sure that Isaac was not in close proximity (say, 20 yards as close?) to Peter when Isaac was using his powers. This, I think, will give us proof as to whether the power needs to be used near him, or if he just has to be near them to gain their abilities. HOWEVER, just because he has an ability, does not mean he knows how to use it if it is the just-close-to-them that is proven. Just staying on the close-to-them idea as a hypothesis, Peter actually has all the powers Sylar has, plus Claire's, Hiro's, Nathan's, Carl's, The Haitian's, Eden's, Matt's, and pretty much everyone in the show except for Nikki, D.L., Micah, Hannah, and Ted (in case I missed anyone in my list--tired). This would mean he has more powers than Sylar, but because he does not have the control over all of them like Sylar does, he is not necessarily as powerful or more powerful than Sylar.UncleThursday 09:48, 6 March 2007 (UTC)

Since meeting people is important to this discussion, I'd like to introduce something I'm working in progress: Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Heroes#First encounter. People say that he met Eden in Collision (104). But that cell happens to be empty when I work through 107. --ChoChoPK (球球PK) (talk | contrib) 00:42, 9 March 2007 (UTC)
Continuing on with this - can we rule out the possibility that Peter only gains a person's power when he TOUCHES them? I seem to remember him hugging Nathan (flight), shaking hands with Isaac (precognition), being tackled by Sylar (telekenisis), Claire touching him when he landed (healing), Matt putting his hand on his shoulder (telepathy), and getting bumped into by Claude (invisibility). Maybe I'm mis-remembering things and I know this is speculation at this point - but I'd like to know, has Peter explicitly exhibited a power from a person that he has not shown to have touched? Jeff schiller 22:42, 9 March 2007 (UTC)
I believe Claude answered that. dposse 17:54, 12 March 2007 (UTC)

I don't remember Matt or Hiro touching him.--Syd Henderson 00:51, 17 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Peter's Interactions

Other readers/editors, please chime in on the question: Should the entry for Peter Petrelli list other heroes that Peter has interacted with? Twinotter 04:53, 27 February 2007 (UTC)

No. Such a section would be really fan-crufty. All of his interactions and potential powers should be incorporated into his character history and/or powers sections in prose form. EvilCouch 09:58, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
I believe it is important. The purpose of recording known facts is so that we know where the research ends and the speculation begins. The more facts we have, the better one can tell if their theories even have any basis. I've unfortunately missed a couple episodes, so I couldn't be sure if Peter and Eden had even met. If a fact is unconfirmed that I understand, but after reading this discussion, I now know that he and eden have been in the same room. I see no reason not to state such a simple fact. 15:35, 27 February 2007 (UTC)Lady Nigh
Including such a list is tantamount to speculating what his powers are, due to his nature. I think only verifiable powers should be included as they're revealed in the show or online graphic novels. --GargoyleMT 22:05, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
I agree, GargoyleMT. That's what this whole argument is based on, speculation vs fact. dposse 12:55, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
It's not tantamount to speculating what powers he has. It's giving readers information that is lacking in other places that lets them decide the situation for themselves. Right now, there's nothing on Nathan's page that says that he's interacted with Eden - even in the history section. But given the nature of his powers, that's an important piece of factual (not speculative) information that's missing. It would be like not listing a character that Sylar had killed. Ask yourself this, is it fact or speculation that he interacted with Eden? Is it fact or speculation that he has been near the Hatian? The wiki is a place for facts, not drawing conclusions. Let the readers draw whatever conclusions they want. Twinotter 00:10, 2 March 2007 (UTC)
I think you meant Peter, not Nathan. You just keep getting it wrong, don't you. 05:16, 7 March 2007 (UTC)
Thanks for the correction, anonymous. Yes, Peter's page, not Nathan's. Twinotter 21:39, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Direct Answers to your questions

Hey, maybe we should go directly to the producers and writers mouths. On the page, after every new episode they have an article called "Behind the Eclipse" with questions from viewers to the writers, and sometimes they actually answer them directly. For example, this weeks article directly answers the whole "Super Yell" question that you guys have been debating over regarding Sylar and Peter. The question and answer that was asked was:

Benjamin Spears writes in with a whole host of thoughts and questions. “Thanks so much for the BEHIND THE ECLIPSE series! What can you tell us about the Uluru creature that has been subtly referred to in the series and seen in one of the graphic novels? Also, what's the significance with the Heroes' voices changing? Aside from Eden (whose voice changed when she used her power of suggestion) we've seen Sylar and Peter's (last episode) voices change. Is there a deeper reason for this or should we just chalk it up to the ‘coolness’ factor?”
{answer} The Peter and Sylar changes should be credited to coolness factor. And as for Uluru – we know that it is the native name for Ayers Rock in Australlia. Maybe people should look into the mythology of Uluru and then ask the question again.

You can find the rest of the article(s) at

Check it out. 13:05, 28 February 2007 (UTC)Bryan Gittens 8am, 28 February 2007 (UTC)

Since when does Australia have 2 L's? GB2/geography/. 05:17, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Notes from "Unexpected" commentary (re: Peter)

Originally posted at Talk:Unexpected (Heroes), reposted to help with Peter's ability discussions.
(Indent reset!) It took four friggin tries, but I was finally able to watch most of the commentary. Sendhil (Mohinder), Zachary (Sylar), and Jeff Loeb do the commentary this episode. Notes in particular to Peter:

  • During the scene where HRG finds Claude and Peter: Sendhil, Zachary, and Jeff comment on how cool the night vision is, Jimmy Jean-Louis's (the Haitian) name, that Peter "froze the tazers", and that flying away was so Superman. As a side note, HRG and the Haitian's tazers are flashing different colors when they shoot Claude. As Peter freezes the tazers, the camera eventually swings to an over-the-shoulder view. Where the Haitian is standing, his tazer gun's color is frozen on red.
  • During the end scene at Isaac's apartment: Peter knocked back Isaac with "telekinesis" according to Jeff. You can hear Peter's voice change as he tells Isaac "Don't lie to me!". (This could mean that Peter used Brian/Sylar and Eden's powers simultaneously.) It definitely means that Isaac's knockback is not from Eden's power. Jeff also points out a continuity error: The dinosaur painting, which is supposed to be torn up and in Hiro's tube, is on an easel in the apartment while Isaac is trying to aim for Peter. Jeff said he did not notice it until someone pointed it out after the scene was shot.

Hope this info helps clear up some of the questions- fmmarianicolon | Talk 22:40, 2 March 2007 (UTC)
(End of repost) - fmmarianicolon | Talk 23:16, 2 March 2007 (UTC)

If you will look at the interview above, it has been stated that neither Sylar nor Peter has Eden's power. It should be chalked up to "coolness factor". Valaqil 15:16, 5 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Character role development

I'm trying to add information to each of the character's articles on how the character role was developed. (See Simone and Mr. Bennett for better examples, or the trivia sections in Hiro and Niki's articles for so-so examples.) For Peter, the role was originally designed to be Nathan's twin. (Source: The Powers That Be (page 3)). I remember before the show debuted that the character chart (when it was back on the main article (doesn't that somewhat seem like forever ago?)) also listed Peter as a twin. Does anyone else know of other sources about the characters being twins, or any info on how "Peter" came to be? - fmmarianicolon | Talk 00:14, 4 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Peter using multiple abilities simultaneously

Please list a source(like episode and scene) that shows Peter using more than one ability at once. I have seen every episode (love DVR) multiple times and cannot find this. I have seen him use one power right after another, but not at the same time.

The statement that Peter can use multiple powers at the same time should be removed unless/until that statement is cited/verified. Steveo9009 —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 06:26, 6 March 2007 (UTC).

When fighting Issac, Peter becomes invisible, and then while invisible, he uses Telekinesis and begins throwing object at Issac.-- 23:47, 6 March 2007 (UTC)

I'm not convinced that Peter can use more than one power at a time. The thrown objects could have been thrown by hand, not telekinetically. Besides, the limitation could lead Peter to getting the scar that the future Hiro mentioned. By having to fight or escape from Sylar with other abilities, Peter won't be able to heal properly. 04:58, 7 March 2007 (UTC) Matthew

agreed -Xornok 05:01, 7 March 2007 (UTC)
It's been shown that he can use two powers at once - invisibility and telekinesis ("Unexpected"). It's pointless debating the point anymore when there's a verifiable piece of evidence that is 100% canon. It's like arguing that blue is red. If you want to plead that it wasn't clear enough, think about this - if Peter hadn't been using invisibility, then he no longer would have been able to see Claude and therefore neither would we - also, we never saw either of them alter their visibility, and at this stage the invisibility was still in "automatic response" stage. If he didn't use the telekinesis, he would have copped a pole to the face, which he didn't, and it's hard to get more obvious than THAT. Therefore, if we're going to go with Occams Razor here (which I think would be reasonable), the simplest explanation for what we saw is that he was using 2 powers at once. I honestly think it's completely pointless to keep debating something once it has more or less conclusively been shown. 05:09, 25 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Comments on Parasite

I simply want to add the events that took place on last night's episode.

After fleeing from Isaac's studio, Peter goes to speak to Nathan and tells him of Simone's death. Nathan suggests calling the police and begs Peter to stay so that he might help, but Peter runs away again, now feeling that anyone he cares about is in danger as long as he lives.
Peter stops by Mohinder's apartment to find it empty, with papers and furniture astray as if a fight had taken place. A few drops of blood fall on Peter's head and discovers Mohinder pinned to the ceiling, whispering, "Syler."
Peter turns around and Syler has him cornered, telekinetically pushing him into the wall.
"You're the one that's like me (paraphrase)... I wonder how that works..."
Syler begins to cut open Peter's forehead, revealing the method by which Peter obtains his scar. The episode ends as a couple of drops of blood and a loch of hair falls to the floor.

Even though the page is protected, we should remember to add details to Peter's bio as the show progresses.
Watemon 22:01, 6 March 2007 (UTC)

It's not Syler it's Sylar. Say it with me - SYLAR. 05:25, 7 March 2007 (UTC)
Not done; that's not about the character, that's an episode guide. Neil (not Proto ►) 13:36, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

In "Unexpected", where Claude and Peter are fighting on the roof, they're invisible and Peter still uses telekinesis. 06:09, 14 March 2007 (UTC)

Thats a very good point. I think it should be said that he can use multiple powers simultaneously, but he may be having some trouble learning how - he only seems to do it as a reflex, which at least is a step up from calling up ANY power by reflex. 08:26, 14 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Telepathy 2

Ok i watched "fallout" on itunes and when peter is talking to matt and Audrey Hanson, after he an matt read each other mind, peter reads Audrey hearing, the cheerleader is all ready dead {refering to Jakie}, so Peter is shown useing telepethy and it does not explain the "white nise" when he used telepethy with out Matt- Redspiderman 3/7 —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) 17:23, March 7, 2007 (UTC)

Learn how to spell. Also, that wasn't feedback, that was overload. Peter was hearing alot of thoughts all at once, on top of the other powers his body was manifesting. That's why. 08:59, 8 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Asorbing area and Sylar

How far does any one think Peter has to be inorder to asorb some ones power, does he need to touch them? Becease if he does In Paresite sylar touched him and wouldn't that mean Peter now has all of sylar's powers- Redspiderman 3/7 —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 22:26, 7 March 2007 (UTC).

Who cares? What does it have to do with this article? --Kmsiever 22:42, 7 March 2007 (UTC)
Speculation here, but could this be why Peter is then screaming... not simply because his head is being sliced open, but because he now has super-hearing and the sound of his flesh being torn open is driving him bonkers? But, I think he just has to be near somebody, as I don't think he touched Matt and gained telepathy. --Cooleyez229 06:29, 8 March 2007 (UTC)
Peter absorbed Hiro's power before touching or even seeing Hiro.--Syd Henderson 00:56, 17 March 2007 (UTC)

Should we maybe add Sylars power maybe? or we should wait for the next episoied- Redspiderman (Now SIGNED AS red) 3/14 —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) 21:20, March 14, 2007 (UTC)

Adding them now, or at any point before they're completely unambiguous, is a recipe for conflict and confusion. Wikipedia wants items added to be verifiable (presumably to avoid being a source for misinformation). --GargoyleMT 17:28, 15 March 2007 (UTC)

Yes but Peter did show superhearing at the end of Parisite, because all of sylar's victiums never yelled in pain when getting there head cut off and when sylar does it to Peter he yells in pain (by hearing his skin being torn(end is a theory))- red 3/15 —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) 21:34, 15 March 2007 (UTC)

What you're saying does make some sense. I don't know if I believe it, but information on Wikipedia needs to be backed up more solidly. Namely, all information on Wikipedia must be a restating of information elsewhere in reliable sources (see WP:V and WP:RS). If you're interested in writing about your theories, there are more than a few Heroes themed wikis who might welcome such contributions. --GargoyleMT 16:33, 16 March 2007 (UTC)

I said it was a theory even though Peter is the only victium to scream in pain when sylar is cut there head off- Red 3/17 —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) 21:59, March 17, 2007 (UTC)

No, he might not be the only one who screams. I just re-watched the trailer for .07%, and Sylar does say "This is the part where people usually start screaming." There is a good chance he is talking to Peter. Arwen undomiel 19:31, 18 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Peter and the Haitian

I know this is not supposed to be a discussion on the subject, but about improving the article. And there should be no speculation and no original research. But I can't help myself. If Peter absorbs the Haitian's blocking ability and when they are both in the blocking proximity of each other, does that mean one can block the other's ability, which is to block the one's ability? A snake eating itself from the tail? Liquid that can dissolve anything? What if there's a third person around with power? They actually met in Unexpected. --ChoChoPK (球球PK) (talk | contrib) 00:49, 9 March 2007 (UTC)

Yes but i don't think The Hatian was in Peter's asorbing area and any way the Hatian would cancel Peter's asorbing ability first since he has more control of it (though it is debatable if the Hatian power cancels out mental powers since Peter and Naten both flew away when the Hatian was near)-Red 3/17 —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) 22:02, March 17, 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Comments on Parasite 2

I simply want to add the events that took place on last night's episode.

After fleeing from Isaac's studio, Peter goes to speak to Nathan and tells him of Simone's death. Nathan suggests calling the police and begs Peter to stay so that he might help, but Peter runs away again, now feeling that anyone he cares about is in danger as long as he lives.
Peter stops by Mohinder's apartment to find it empty, with papers and furniture astray as if a fight had taken place. A few drops of blood fall on Peter's head and discovers Mohinder pinned to the ceiling, whispering, "Sylar."
Peter turns around and Sylar has him cornered, telekinetically pushing him into the wall.
"I remember you. You're like me, aren't you? I'd like to see how that works."
Sylar begins to cut open Peter's forehead, revealing the method by which Peter obtains his scar. The episode ends as a couple of drops of blood and a lock of hair falls to the floor.

this was deleted earlier by "Neil" without any explanation or viable reason, I just think that while this page is protected, we don't forget to update this page as new episodes air.

Even though the page is protected, we should remember to add details to Peter's bio as the show progresses. 00:23, 9 March 2007 (UTC)

Thanks for removing my comments about spelling. As a token of my appreciation, I corrected the spelling of Sylar and lock (Syler and loch in the original) and adjusted the "paraphrase" to match what the line was in reality. This is Wiki. Make your information accurate if you're going to post it. That is all. Thank you. 02:47, 9 March 2007 (UTC)

I have no idea what you're talking about, and I removed nothing from this page. All I know is I put up this request a couple of days ago and it was removed for no apparent reason. I copied what I posted before and pasted it back into the article, I didn't delete anything or remove anyone's comments, so please cease the attacks. Thanks.
Watemon 09:19, 9 March 2007 (UTC)

I told you once, no - and I didn't remove your comment, I put it at the bottom of the page. Neil (not Proto ►) 12:07, 9 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Chart

I liked it when there achart showing Peter's asorbed abilities so what if we bring it back but like this (in grapg form because i can't get a graph on here [already tried the graph button on top])- Red 3/15

Peter’s Absorbed Powers Absorbed #- 5 Power-Telepathy Power absorbed from-Matt Parkman Absorbed in-Fallout Notes-When Peter and Matt are by each other using Telepathy they both experience an overload —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) 21:40, 15 March 2007 (UTC)

I tried to address that by a chart that is under discussion. --ChoChoPK (球球PK) (talk | contrib) 22:45, 15 March 2007 (UTC)

I'm talking about just Peter asorbed abilities- RED 3/16 —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) 15:10, March 16, 2007 (UTC)

Please sign your comments. Add 4 tildes (this symbol - ~ ) after your post. Or refrain from posting. 00:18, 18 March 2007 (UTC)
i wonder if it's correct to call it "absorbed" powers, because the original person who possessed the power does not "lose" the ability. i.e. the power does not get taken away from the original person and put in Peter's body. Although i do think Peter in the episodes called it himself. Z3u2 04:06, 18 March 2007 (UTC)