User:Persian names

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Persian Names Iranian Names

How to pronounce: a like asb, bandeh, andy A like bArAn, bAzAr, AftAb, fAther gh like morgh, AghA zh like zhAleh (the 'zh' is pronounced like the 's' in 'vision')

[edit] Boys

  • Abtin A character in Shahnameh, Fereidoun's father
  • afshAr Accessorial, fellow
  • afshin An Iranian army commander in old times
  • akhgar Sign of fire
  • amir King, Emir
  • anoush Ever lasting
  • anoushiravAn Name of a Persian king
  • ArAd Name of an angel
  • ArAm Quiet
  • Arash A hero in Persian folklore (He sacrificed)
  • Artan Darius' father-in-law
  • ardalAn
  • ardavAn A character in Shahnameh
  • ardeshir A character in Shahnameh
  • ArmAn Ideal, hope, aspiration
  • Armeen A character in Shahnameh
  • arsalAn Lion
  • Arsham Very Powerful
  • arshiA Throne
  • AryA Of Arian character
  • AryAmanesh Of Arian character
  • AryAnan Of Arian character & race
  • Aryan Of Arian character
  • arzhang A character in Shahnameh
  • ashkAn The founder of an Iranian dynasty
  • Atash Fire
  • Aurang/Orang Wisdom, understanding
  • Avizheh Clean, Pure
  • AzAd Free
  • Azarafrooz A character in Shahnameh (Son of Esfandiar)
  • Azin Decoration
  • BAbak A character in Shahnameh
  • Bahman Name of the 11th month of the Iranian calender
  • BahrAm A character in Shahnameh; also the planet Mars
  • BAmdAd Early Morning
  • BAmeen
  • BamshAd A famous musician in Sasanid dynasty
  • Barbad A famous musician in Khosro Parviz court
  • BardiA Name of a Prince
  • BarsAm An army commander in Sasanid dynasty
  • Barzin An Iranian hero, A character in Shahnameh
  • Behmanesh Clean in deed
  • BehnAm Reputable (someone with honorable name)
  • Behnoud The name of Indian kings
  • BehrAd
  • Behrang Good color
  • Behrouz Fortunate, lucky
  • BehzAd
  • Bizhan/Bijan A character in Shahnameh
  • BornA Young, youthful
  • Borzoo Tall, A character in Shahnameh (The son of Sohrab)
  • Bozorgmehr A character in Shahnameh
  • Cirrus/Cyrus Cirrus, first king of Iran
  • DAdbeh
  • Danush
  • DArA Wealthy; also a character in Shahnameh
  • DArAb A character in Shahnameh
  • DAriush/Daryush Name of Persian king
  • EmAd (A) Confidence
  • Esfandyar/Esfandiar A character in Shahnameh
  • FarAmarz A character in Shahnameh
  • FarAz Above, up, upon, on the top
  • Farbod Right, orthodox
  • FardAd
  • Fardin
  • FarhAd A character in Shahnameh
  • Farhang Good-breeding
  • Farhoud
  • Fariborz A character in Shahnameh
  • Farid Unique
  • FarjAd Excellent, eminent in learning
  • Farrokh Happy, fortunate
  • FarrokhzAd Happily born
  • FarshAd Happy
  • Farshid/Farsheed
  • FarzAd Splendid birth
  • FarzAm Worthy, befitting
  • FarzAn Wise
  • Farzin/Farzeen Learned
  • Ferdows Paradise
  • Fereydoon A character in Shahnameh
  • Firouz Victorious
  • Foroohar Essence
  • Foroud/Forood A character in Shahnameh
  • Giv A character in Shahnameh
  • GhobAd A character in Shahnameh
  • GoshtAsb A character in Shahnameh
  • Goudarz A character in Shahnameh
  • HAmi Protector, defender
  • HeerAd/HirAd Appearing fresh and healthy
  • HomAyoon Royal, fortunate
  • Hooman Someone with a nice behaviour
  • HoomAn/HumAn A character in Shahnameh
  • Hooshang A character in Shahnameh
  • Hooshmand Wise
  • HooshyAr Wise
  • Hootan
  • Hormoz A character in Shahnameh
  • Iraj A character in Shahnameh
  • JahAndAr Possessor of the World
  • JahAngir Conquerer of the World
  • JahAnshah King/Emperor of the World
  • Jamshid A character in Shahnameh,A king
  • JAveed Living forever
  • KAmbiz Fortunate
  • KAmrAn Successful, fortunate
  • KAmshAd Happy wish/desire
  • KAmyAr Successful
  • KasrA A character in Shahnameh
  • KAveh A character in Shahnameh (a great hero)
  • KAvoos A character in Shahnameh
  • Key-ghobAd A character in Shahnameh
  • Key-khosrow A character in Shahnameh
  • KeyvAn/KayvAn World, universe
  • KhashAyAr Name of a Persian king
  • KhodA-dAd God-given
  • Khosrow A character in Shahnameh
  • KiA King, protecter, defender
  • KiAn/KiyAn The kings; Surname of the 2nd dynasty of the Persian kings
  • KiAnoosh A character in Shahnameh
  • KiArash
  • Kiumars/Keyumars A character in Shahnameh
  • KoohyAr
  • KooshA Diligent
  • Kourosh First king of Iran
  • Kouros
  • MAkAn
  • Mahbod
  • MahyAr A character in Shahnameh
  • MAnee/MAni A painter who later claimed to be a prophet
  • Manouchehr A character in Shahnameh
  • MAziAr "
  • MehrAb Acharacter in Shahnameh
  • Mehrak Acharacter in Shahnameh
  • MehrAn Acharacter in Shahnameh
  • Mehrang Colour of the sun
  • MehrdAd Gift of the sun
  • MehrzAd The offspring of the sun
  • MilAd Birth; Christmas
  • NAmdAr Famous
  • NAmvar Famous
  • NarimAn Acharacter in Shahnameh (ZAl's grandfather)
  • Navid Glad tidings, good news
  • NimA Small
  • NiyooshA A listener
  • Nouri Light
  • NoushzAd Happily born
  • Omid/Omeed Hope
  • Pahlbod A famous musician in Sasanid court
  • ParhAm Abraham
  • ParizAd Of divine origin
  • PArsA Pure, chaste,devout, holy; Persian
  • ParshAn Combatant
  • Parviz A character in Shahnameh
  • PAshA A Turkish name meaning a lord
  • PayAm Message
  • PezhmAn/PejmAn Broken-hearted, sad
  • PuzhmAn/PujmAn Desire, wish
  • PeymAn Promise
  • Pirooz/Piruz Victorious; also a character in Shahnameh
  • PiroozAn/PiruzAn A army commander in Sasanid era
  • Poulad A mythological hero, iron
  • PouriyA
  • PouyA To search, searcher
  • RakhshAn Flashing
  • RAmbod
  • RAmin
  • RAmtin Famous musician in the Sassanid Dynasty
  • Roozbeh Fortunate
  • Rostam A hero in Shahnameh
  • SAlAr Leader
  • sAm A character in Shahnameh (Rostam's grandfather)
  • SAmAn Home, welfare
  • SAmi High, Elevated
  • Sanjar Prince, emperor, king
  • SAsAn Founder of the Sasani dynasty
  • Sepehr Sky
  • ShahAb Shooting star, meteor
  • ShahbAz Royal falcon
  • ShAheen Falcon
  • ShahkAm The king's wish
  • ShahrAm king Ram
  • ShahrdAd Gift of the city
  • ShahriAr/ShahryAr The King
  • ShAhrokh Face of the king
  • Shahruz/Shahrooz A great river
  • ShahyAr Friend of the king
  • ShApour A character in Shahnameh
  • ShAyA Worthy
  • ShAyAn Worthy, deserving, meriting
  • Shervin/Sherveen
  • SiAmak Black-haired man
  • SiAvosh/Siavash A character in Shahnameh
  • SohrAb A character in Shahnameh (Rostam's son)
  • Soroush/Sorush Messenger angel
  • Tahmouress Name of a Persian king
  • TahmAseb A character in Shahnameh
  • Teymour
  • TirdAd
  • Touraj/Tooraj A character in Shahnameh
  • VarshAsb
  • VishtAsb
  • YAshAr Persian-Azarbayjani origin meaning lives for ever
  • ZAl A character in Shahnameh (Rostam's father)
  • ZAmyAd
  • Zand
  • Zartosht Zoroaster

[edit] Girls

  • Abnous
  • Afareen Praise; also means to create
  • afsAneh A fairy tale
  • afsar Crown
  • afshAn To sprinkle
  • afsoon Charm, spell, bewitchment
  • Ahou/Ahoo Deer
  • akhtar Star; also name of a flower
  • AlAleh A flower
  • AnAhitA Goddess of water
  • anusheh/anoosheh Happy, fortunate
  • ArA Ornament, decoration
  • Arezoo Wish
  • arghavAn Redish Purple
  • armaghAn Gift
  • AsA Like, similar to
  • asal Honey
  • AtoosA Name of an Iranian princess
  • AvA Voice,call
  • Avizeh A pendant
  • AzAdeh Free
  • Azin Accessories (usually jewlery)
  • AzitA Name of an Iranian princess
  • Azar Fire, 9th month of the Iranian calendar
  • Azarakhsh Thunder
  • Azargoon A red rose
  • Azarnoush Right in faith
  • BahAmin/BahAmeen Spring
  • BahAr Spring (season)
  • BahArak Small Spring (season)
  • BahAreh Someone who brings the spring (or a sprint flower)
  • Banafsheh A flower (Violet)
  • BAnou Lady
  • BeetA/BitA Unique
  • Beh Ayin Clean in faith
  • BehbahA Best price
  • Behbod Guardian of goodness
  • BehnAz Best coquetry
  • Behrokh Best face
  • Bolour Crystal
  • Boubak A mythological bird
  • Bousseh Kiss
  • ChalipA Cross
  • DaryA Sea
  • DelArAm Quiet-hearted
  • Delbar Charming, Sweetheart, heart-ravisher
  • Delkash Fascinating, attractive
  • DeenA/DinA Dinah; also means judge
  • DonyA World
  • Dorri A sparkling star glittering like a gem
  • ElnAz
  • FarahnAz Joy
  • FarAnak A character in Shahnameh, Fereidoun's mother
  • Farangis A female character in Shahnameh
  • FaribA Charming, enticing
  • Farideh Unique, precious
  • Farkhondeh Happy, joyous
  • FarnAz Splendid coquetry, glorious coquetry
  • Farrin Glorified
  • FarzAneh Wise
  • Fereshteh Angel
  • FilA Lover
  • Firouzeh/Feerouzeh Turquoise
  • FojAn/FozhAn A loud voice or sound
  • Forough Brightness
  • ForouzAn Shining
  • Forouzandeh Shining
  • GelAreh Eyes
  • Golbanoo
  • Ghamzeh Coquetry
  • GhAssedak A flower (Dandelion)
  • GhazAl Gazelle
  • GhazAleh Gazelle
  • Ghodsi Holy, sacred, angel
  • Ghoncheh Bud of the flower
  • Gisou/Geesou Women's hair,ringlet,tress
  • GitA/GuitA A kind of song
  • Giti/Guiti World, universe
  • GolbahAr Spring flower
  • Goli Rose-colored, rosy
  • GolnAr Flower of the Pomegranate tree
  • GolnAz Cute like a flower
  • GolnessA
  • Golpari
  • Golshan A flower garden
  • GordAfarid A female character in Shahnameh
  • GordiA A female character in Shahnameh
  • Hastee/Hasti Existance
  • Hediyeh Gift
  • HengAmeh Uproar, wonder, marvel causing admiration
  • HomA Phoenix, A bird from fables (symbolizes good omen)
  • IrAn Iran
  • IrAn-dokht Daughter of Iran
  • JavAneh Sprout, young
  • KatAyoun A female character in Shahnameh
  • KhandAn Smiling
  • KhAtereh Memory
  • Khojassteh Royal
  • Khorsheed Sun
  • KimiyA Alchemy
  • LAdan A flower
  • LAleh Tulip
  • Leily/Layly/Laily Nocturnal, one who does anything by night
  • LidA
  • LilA The lilac tree
  • Lily/Lili A flower
  • Mahasti The moon's being
  • MAhdokht Daughter of the moon
  • Maheen/Mahin Greatest
  • MAhrokh Whose face is like the moon, beautiful
  • MahkAmeh
  • MahnAz The moon's glory
  • Mahnoosh
  • Mahsheed Moon, moonlight
  • MahsA Like the moon
  • MahtA Moon-like
  • MahtAb Moonlight
  • Mahvash Moon-like; a beauty
  • Malakeh Queen
  • MAnA Alike, similar; also name of a God
  • MandAna Name of a princess
  • MAnee/MAni A painter who later claimed to be a prophet
  • Manizheh A legendary female character in Shahnameh
  • MarjAn Coral
  • MarjAneh Coral
  • Marmar Marble
  • Maryam/Mariam A flower (Tuberose)
  • MastAneh Drunken (More like joyful)
  • MehrAngiz To cause affection
  • MehrnAz The sun's glory
  • Mehrnoosh
  • Mehry Sun; also Affectionate, kind
  • MeshiA Butter made of sheep's milk
  • MinA Enamel,blue glass(lapis lazuli)
  • Minoo Paradise, heaven
  • MitrA Name of a God/Goddess
  • MozhgAn Eyelashes
  • Mozhdeh Good news
  • MonA Name of a God
  • MorvAreed Pearl
  • Naghmeh Melody, song, tune
  • NahAl A young plant
  • NAheed/NAhid A star, the planet Venus
  • Nargess A flower (Narcissus )
  • NastarAn A flower much like a wild rose
  • Nasreen/Nasrin A flower (a wild rose)
  • NavA Tune
  • NAzAfarin Producing delight
  • NAzanin Sweetheart
  • NAzgol Cute flower
  • NAzhin Name of a tree
  • NAzy Cute
  • NAzillA Cute
  • Negeen/Negin The precious stone on a ring or other Jewlery
  • NegAr Sweetheart
  • NegAh Look
  • NedA Voice,call
  • Niloufar A flower (Water Lily)
  • Niki Goodness
  • Nikoo/Nikou Good, Beautiful
  • NiyooshA A listener
  • Noushin Sweet
  • NoushAfarin Creator of joy
  • Omeed/Omid Hope
  • Oranous One of the 9 solar plannets
  • Orkideh Orchid
  • Padideh A phenomenon
  • Parand Silk
  • Parastoo A bird (Swallow)
  • Paree/Pari Fairy
  • Pareechehr Having a face like a fairy (beautiful)
  • Pareerou Having a face like a fairy (beautiful)
  • PareesA/ParisA Like a fairy
  • Pareevash Fairy-faced
  • PareeyA
  • Parto Ray of light
  • ParvAneh Butterfly
  • Parvin Name of a constellation
  • PegAh Dawn
  • PeymAneh Wine cup
  • Peyvand A joint, a connection
  • Pouneh/Pooneh A flower
  • Poupak A kind of bird
  • PourAn A successor
  • PourAn-dokht A female character in Shahnameh
  • Pouri A successor
  • RahA Free
  • RAmesh Rest; cheerfulness
  • RasA Expressive
  • RavAn Soul, spirit
  • RimA/ReemA
  • Roshanak Small light
  • RoudAbeh A character in ShahnAmeh (Rostam's mother)
  • RoxAnA/RoksAnA light (in farsi roshanAi)
  • Name of a Iranian princess
  • the reason Alexander The Great destroyed persepolis (so they say!)
  • Sadaf
  • SahbA Wine
  • SAghar Wine cup
  • SAlomeh Salomeh
  • Saman Jasmin
  • SamilA
  • SamirA
  • SanA
  • SAnAz A flower
  • SArA (A) Sarah; also pure, excellent
  • SarvenAz Name of a tall, slender tree; also a beautiful woman
  • SAyeh Shade, Shadow
  • SeemA/SimA Face
  • SeetA/SitA
  • Sepeedeh/Sepideh Dawn (the first appearance of light in the morning)
  • SetAreh Star
  • ShAdAn Happy, joyful
  • ShAdee/ShAdi Happiness
  • Shabnam Dew
  • Shahin/Shaheen Royal
  • ShahlA A dark-eyed woman
  • ShAhzAdeh Princess
  • ShahnAz The king's loved/favorite one
  • ShahrbAnou Lady of the town (good)
  • ShahrnAz The town's loved/favorite one
  • ShahrzAd City-born
  • Shalizeh
  • SharAreh Single spark
  • Sheefteh Enamoured, fascinated, charmed, captivated
  • Shervin
  • SheydA Lovesick
  • SheevA/ShivA Charming
  • Shideh/Sheedeh Bright, luminous; the sun
  • ShimA
  • Shirin/Shireen Sweet; pleasant, gentle; delicate
  • Shirin-bAnoo Sweet lady
  • Sholeh Flame
  • Shokoufeh Blossom
  • Shokouh Splendour; magnificence
  • ShoukA A kind of deer
  • Simin Silvery, made of silver
  • Sogand Oath, Pledge
  • SorayA Name of a constellation
  • SoudAbeh A legendary female character in Shahnameh
  • Souri/Suri Red Rose
  • Sussan/Soussan A flower, Lily of the valley
  • SouzAn Burning, flaming
  • TAhereh (A) Pure, chaste, clean
  • Tahmineh A female character in Shahnameh,Rostam's wife
  • TalA Gold
  • TArA Star
  • TarAneh Song
  • TarsA A worshipper of fire; also a Christian
  • TeenA/TinA Clay
  • ToucA Name of a bird (Toucan)
  • TourAn Name of a place in Shahnameh
  • VandA Wish, desire
  • Vida/Veeda Found, evident; also little, few
  • YaldA Name of the longest night of the year
  • YAsaman Jasmin
  • YAss A flower, Jasmin
  • YegAneh Unique, single
  • YektA Unique, single
  • Zari Brocaded Silk
  • Zarrin Golden
  • Zarrin-dokht Golden girl
  • ZeebA/ZibA Beautiful
  • zhAleh/JAleh Dew
  • Zhila/JillA
  • Zohreh The planet Venus
  • ZoyA