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I deleted almost the entire original article. It was just too incomprehensible. I replaced it with a scrap of info found on the web. --LeeHunter 00:49, 24 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Wikipedians who understand Slavic languages and are knowledgeable in Slavic mythology are invited to sort out the following text (that was replaced by a nice little stub by User:LeeHunter):
Perperuna - originally probably divine partner (wife) of Perun; probably the name formed by reduplication core “per-“, however it could be also personalization (result) of activity of Perun - „flinging rock" (per-perun-a?) = rain - analog. Ind. Parjanya „(secondarily) cloud, rain" - surname of Indra. Perperuna is the name behaved as designation of participant of ceremony (noted in SouthSlav. folklore) of summoning of rain, called also dodola, dudula (compare to: Lith. Perkunas - Dundúlis, Latt. Dundusélis and Gr. Dodona); if we identify perperuna-dodola with beregynja(*perkynja), we deal with team of names - teonyms embracing with significative range occurrence of worship of fecundity: Mokoš (Mather Earth) - Perkynia / Pergynja(„Holy Forest - Oak wood" / „Mountain" - on the ground of analogy Ind. also: „Cloud, Rain") - Perperuna (Perun's partner, on the ground of analogy Hett. also: „Rock") compactly related with „masculine" worship Thunderlord - Perun. Hipostasy of goddess was probably a viper (snake) guardian of house - žmija cuvakuca, žmija kucarica (SouthSlav.).
Have fun with it.  :-)
-- PFHLai 01:28, 2004 Aug 24 (UTC)
P.S. I think "Mokoš" is Mokosh.