Perseverance (steam locomotive)

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Perseverance was an early steam locomotive that took part in the Rainhill Trials. Built by Timothy Burstall, Perseverance was damaged on the way to the trials and Burstall spent the first five days trying to repair his locomotive. It ran on the sixth and final day of the trials but only achieved a speed of 6 mph. Burstall was awarded a consolation prize of £25.

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Pre-1830 steam locomotives
v  d  e

Pen-y-darren (1804) • Catch Me Who Can (1808) • Puffing Billy (1812) • Wylam Dilly (1812) • The Salamanca (1812) • Blücher (1814) • Locomotion No. 1 (1825) • Stourbridge Lion (1828) •
Novelty, Sans Pareil, Rocket, Perseverance (all 1829)

See also: Rainhill TrialsHistory of rail transport in Great Britain to 1830