Pericle Martinescu

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Pericle Martinescu
Pericle Martinescu

Pericle Martinescu (b. February 11, 1911 Viişoara, Constanţa CountyDecember 24, 2005) was a Romanian writer and journalist.

Pericle Martinescu studied Literature and Philosophy at the University of Bucharest. His first poems appeared in Gazeta Transilvaniei, a local magazine. As a student he contributed to Vremea, România Literară, Revista Fundaţiilor Regale, Viaţa Literară, Meşterul Manole and Dacia Rediviva.

He his first novel, Adolescenţii din Braşov ("The Braşov Teenagers") was published in 1936. He also translated numerous works of foreign literature, including Japanese.

He was, perhaps, one of the earliest followers of Eugen Lovinescu.

[edit] Published works

  • Sunt frate cu un fir de iarbă 1941 (poems in prose)
  • Costache Negri 1966 (monograph)
  • Retrospecţii literare 1973 (essays)
  • Umbre pe pânza vremii 1985 (memoirs)
  • Excursie în Ciclade 1996 (travel account)

[edit] References

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