Category:Peruvian lawyers

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Alonso Sarmiento Llamosas, lawyer by the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, withdrawn in 1979 and member of Ilustre School of Lawyers of Lima from 1980; Legal adviser of Grupo La República S.A., publisher of newspapers “La República”, “El Popular” and “Líbero” and to the magazine “El Gráfico - Peru” of Lima, Peru. Office web page “Those of us that integrated a family, town, city and country, we experimented in all our activities, a latent necessity that the law is fulfilled and that reigns the order. This has much to do with the practice of justice. Of a side, the determination of each one of coming in right form and demanding right behaviors, and, of another side, the capacity of the authority, at any level, to give right solutions to a situation makes specific that it is put under in his opinion. And What is Just? Through history, each human group has established, by vertical imposition or consensus, its idea of Just; transforming its predominant meaning according to the forces and tendencies into the time. In this sense, the justice that one enjoys (or it suffers), is the shaped one in the effective laws, and between these, in the laws that really are fulfilled. It is function of Whom makes the laws, to try that these reflect the ideal of latent justice, or in any case to propose a new model that if it is possible to be fulfilled.” “When in the daily life it is spoken of the necessity to put order, one tends to deduce that it must have a cut to as much freedom that has taken to the chaos. Nevertheless, apparently it is all the opposite. There is no freedom that can be exerted in the chaos. There it survives only the strongs hard and it imposes his conditions by means of the violence solely. The force can maintain statu quo but not the order. It is the fulfillment of the law, like rational ordering, for the common well-being, promulgated by the legitimate governor, which makes the use possible of the order.” “There is a very powerful force that acts in diverse form; but that has a single objective: to put under. That force is the fear. It could think justly that the law and the order must prevail by means of the fear. Nevertheless there is another aspect that is important, as is, that the honest citizens do not fear to the law, respect it. The people, generally, wish to act according to law; but they encounter over confused norms, badly made and complacientes to make trap. It would be necessary to make laws beautiful, with a diaphanous writing, a specific intention, an agreed aim with the common well-being; in such a way that the citizen longs for to fulfill them and they do not have to be imposed by the fear or fall in disuse because they are impracticable.” “One thinks Generally that the Right (being understood like set of norms, as desirable conduct and as faculty to demand or to omit something) is subject of lawyers. I do not believe that it must thus be. The lawyers like to elitie their work and wrap it with singular positions and language. In the end, it understands and it supports only another lawyer. Perhaps, the merit of illustrated man in any branch of the knowledge, is to demonstrate that they know, being made understand. The academic discussion is essential and finds its place in the university and the specialized forums, where all the ideas are matter of study, reflection and investigation; but the eagerness of the Law, must be to reach the common one of the mortals, so that therefore it feels his and it exerts”


Aquella luz que me llevó; al futuro

se apagó; en el camino y ahora voy

como sonámbulo mirando al frente

sin ver algo definido ni seguro

esto de hacerse viejo tan de pronto

nos pone a pensar en el espectro de la muerte

sin aún a la vida haber sacado el jugo.


Dame la posibilidad de llorar, después de tanto tiempo romper esta coraza, labrada en muchos años de ignorar el sufrimiento ajeno de imaginar que es solo un espejismo el que sea un hombre duro e indiferente con el alma rota en mil pedazos con cada lágrima, con cada suspiro, con cada contratiempo como cientos de rayas grabadas sobre el lomo.


¿Usted a quién pregunta?, a quién se arrima a quién le va a llorar su penas. Si solo es un rasguño apenas una pequeña astilla dentro de la llaga entera que es su cuerpo. A quién le va usted a reclamar por el defecto, si usted fue hecho así;, triste, melancólico y caído, invoncante tenaz de la amargura, persistente evocador de malos ratos. ¿De que se va a quejar?. si hay una luz en el camino ¿acaso no la apaga? De todas las opciones disponibles ¿no es usted acaso el preferido de aquella que es peor? Si hubiera un planeta disponible en todo el universo, para usted ¿no sería uno poblado de tragedias como el nuestro?.


De donde podemos deducir, ahora

Que esta felicidad es breve,

alucinada, vecina del engaño,

Y que es un pequeño cambio,

Lo que basta ,

para que se torne en desgracia, la alegría.

"Apenas Gozo"

Pages in category "Peruvian lawyers"

There are 3 pages in this section of this category.


