People's Park (Berkeley)

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People's Park, Berkeley
People's Park, Berkeley

People's Park in Berkeley, California, USA is a park off Telegraph Avenue, bounded by Haste and Bowditch Streets and Dwight Way, near the University of California, Berkeley. The park was created during the radical political activism of the late 1960s. Today it serves mainly as a daytime sanctuary for Berkeley's large homeless population who take advantage of meals offered by East Bay Food Not Bombs and a "Free Box" of donated items. Some students make regular use of the basketball courts, and a wider audience is attracted by occasional concerts held at the performance stage. Beyond the homeless, few Berkeley residents use the community garden or other facilities.[1][2]

The mythology surrounding the park is an important part of local culture. The surrounding South Campus neighborhood was the scene of a major confrontation between student protestors and law enforcement during May, 1969. A mural near the park, painted by Berkeley artist and lawyer Osha Neuman, depicts the shooting of James Rector, a student who died from shotgun wounds inflicted by law enforcement on May 15, 1969. (See "Bloody Thursday" and Its Aftermath below).


[edit] History

[edit] Origin of the park

In 1956 the University of California earmarked this 2.8 acre plot of land for acquisition as part of the University's "Long Range Plan for Expansion." The University did not actually acquire the land until 1967, when it was finally able to raise the $1.3 million necessary to purchase it from the residents it displaced using its power of eminent domain.

Initially, the University had intended to build additional student housing, parking and office facilities on the land; however by the time the land was purchased the University had decided to use it primarily for student parking and to build playing fields. During late 1967, the University moved to prepare the land for that purpose.

The University began to demolish the existing houses and other buildings on the property in November, 1967, and the demolition continued for over a year. By December, 1968, there remained only an empty field, still full of rubble and other debris, that quickly became muddy and dangerous with the advent of winter rains. For months lack of funds prevented the University from doing anything to rectify the situation. Finally, a group of merchants from adjoining Telegraph Ave., along with University students and other Berkeley citizens, decided to take the initiative and put the land to more constructive use as a neighborhood park. They conceived of the park as a place where people from all backgrounds could create a beautiful setting, share community food, listen to music, plant gardens and learn from one another.[3]

Michael Delacour, whom some consider the "father of the park,"[4] maintains that the primary motive was political. "We wanted a free speech area that wasn't really controlled like Sproul Plaza was. It was another place to organize, another place to have a rally. The park was secondary." [5] People's Park embodied the spirit of the earlier 1964 Free Speech Movement.

On April 18, 1969, The Berkeley Barb, an underground newspaper, published an article authored by Stew Albert, co-founder of the Yippies, urging Berkeleyans to bring materials to create "the People's Park." [6] That first Sunday, April 20, 1969, hundreds of people cleared ground and planted trees, grass, flowers and shrubs using equipment provided by local landscape architect Jon Read. Walter Cox, a former employee of Read's, arranged for Terry Garthwaite's and Toni Brown's band, "The Joy of Cooking," to provide musical entertainment. Others set up playground equipment and cooked meals, which were provided at no cost to everyone. It was a day of celebration, and over the next several weeks University students and other ordinary Berkeley citizens joined together to build the park.[7] People's Park was born.

The birth of People's Park coincided with the University's acquisition of the necessary funds to build playing fields on the land, which put the University in conflict with the thousands of Berkeley citizens who had contributed materials, money and labor to build the park. In a University referendum, the U.C. Berkeley students themselves voted 12,719 to 2,175 in favor of keeping the park.[8] Regular meetings were held among concerned students, citizens, local merchants and the University. At the May 6, 1969 meeting, those assembled agreed to meet again in three weeks to brainstorm a solution to the problem. Chancellor Heyns promised that nothing would be done without warning and that he was committed to arriving at an amicable compromise.

[edit] "Bloody Thursday" and Its Aftermath

During its first three weeks, People's Park came to be enjoyed and appreciated by University students and local residents alike. Telegraph Ave. merchants were particularly appreciative of the community's efforts to improve the neighborhood.[9] [10] Objections to the expropriation of University property tended to be mild, even among school administrators.

Governor Ronald Reagan had been publicly critical of University administrators for tolerating student demonstrations at the Berkeley campus, which he called a haven for communist sympathizers, protesters and sex deviants.[11] Many people were offended by what they regarded as the unpatriotic nature of such demonstrations, especially those against the war in Vietnam, and Reagan had received enormous popular support for his 1966 gubernatorial campaign promise to crack down on the lax attitude at California's public universities.

Reagan saw the creation of People's Park in ideological terms. He considered the creation of the park a direct leftist challenge to the property rights of the University, and this was an opportunity to make good on his campaign promise. Reagan decided to put an end to People's Park, and he proclaimed "If there has to be a bloodbath, then let's get it over with."[12]

Governor Reagan overrode Chancellor Heyns' promise that nothing would be done without warning, and he sent 250 Highway Patrol and Berkeley police officers into People's Park at 4:45 a.m on Thursday, May 15, 1969. The officers cleared an 8-block area around the park while a major portion of what had been planted was destroyed and an 8-foot tall perimeter chain-link wire fence was installed to keep people out and prevent the planting of more trees, grass, flowers and shrubs.

Beginning at noon, approximately 3,000 people jammed into nearby Sproul Plaza at U.C. Berkeley for a rally, the original purpose of which was to discuss the Arab-Israeli conflict. Several people spoke, then Michael Lerner ceded the Free Speech platform to ASUC Student Body President Dan Siegel because students were concerned about the fencing-off and destruction of the park. Siegel said later that he never intended to precipitate a riot; however when he shouted "Let's take back the park!," police turned off the sound system. [13]. The crowd responded spontaneously, moving down Telegraph Avenue toward People's Park chanting "We want the park!"[14]

Arriving in the early afternoon, protestors were met by the remaining 159 Berkeley and University police officers assigned to guard the fenced-off park site. Protestors opened a fire hydrant, the officers fired tear gas canisters, some protestors attempted to tear down the fence, and bottles and rocks were thrown. A major confrontation ensued between law enforcement and the unruly crowd. Initial attempts to disperse the protestors were not successful, so more officers were called in from surrounding cities.

Reagan's Chief of Staff, Edwin Meese III, was a former district attorney from Alameda County, where he had established a reputation for firmness in dealing with those protesting the Vietnam War at the Oakland Induction Center and elsewhere. Meese was put in charge of governmental response to the People's Park protest, and he called in the Alameda County Sheriff's deputies, which brought the total police presence to 791 officers from various jurisdictions.[11]

In keeping with Governor Reagan's "bloodbath" statement, the police were given carte blanche to use whatever methods they chose against crowds that swelled to approximately 6,000 people. Officers in full riot gear (helmets, shields and gas masks) obscured their badges to avoid being identified and headed into the crowds with nightsticks swinging.

The most aggressive were the Alameda County Sheriff's deputies—later dubbed "The Blue Meanies"—who resorted to using shotguns loaded with "00" buckshot. "00" buckshot consists of lead pellets that are much larger, and thus more lethal, than the birdshot that is occasionally used for crowd control. The Alameda County Sheriff's deputies used shotguns to fire "00" buckshot at people sitting on the roof at the Berkeley Repertory Theatre, fatally wounding student James Rector and permanently blinding carpenter Alan Blanchard. Neither man was a protestor.[8]

As the protestors retreated, the Alameda County Sheriff's deputies chased them several blocks down Telegraph Avenue as far as Willard Junior High School at Derby Street, firing "00" buckshot into their backs as they fled. Many people, including innnocent bystanders, suffered permanent injuries, some with as many as a hundred lead pellet wounds in their scalps, necks, backs, buttocks and thighs. One man, John Willard, lived for years in intractable pain with lead pellets lodged near his spine.[citation needed]

At least 128 Berkeley citizens were admitted to local hospitals for head trauma, shotgun wounds and other serious injuries inflicted by law enforcement. Many more were treated for minor injuries. Local hospital logs show that 19 police officers or Alameda County Sheriff's deputies were treated for minor injuries; none were hospitalized.[15]

The authorities initially claimed that only birdshot had been used as shotgun ammunition. When physicians provided "00" pellets removed from the wounded as evidence that buckshot had been used [16], Sheriff Frank Madigan of Alameda County justified the use of shotguns loaded with lethal buckshot by stating "... the choice was essentially this: to use shotguns—because we didn't have the available manpower—or retreat and abandon the City of Berkeley to the mob."[citation needed] Sheriff Madigan did admit, however, that some of his deputies (many of whom were Vietnam War veterans) had been overly aggressive in their pursuit of the protestors, "as though they were Viet Cong."[17] [18]

Governor Reagan declared a state of emergency in Berkeley and sent in 2,700 National Guard troops—ironically some Guardsmen were student protestors called to active duty.[11] The Berkeley City Council voted 8-1 against the decision to occupy their city,[19] [20] however this vote was ignored. For two weeks the streets of Berkeley were barricaded with rolls of barbed wire, and freedom of assembly was denied as National Guard helicopters sprayed tear gas on anyone who gathered in more than small groups.

On Wednesday, May 21, 1969, a midday memorial was held for student James Rector at Sproul Plaza on the University campus. Rector had suffered massive internal injuries from his shotgun wounds, finally dying at Herrick Hospital on May 19. In his honor, several thousand people peacefully assembled to listen to speakers remembering his life. Without warning, National Guard troops surrounded Sproul Plaza, donned their gas masks, and pointed their bayonets inward, while helicopters dropped CS gas directly on the trapped crowd. No escape was possible, and the gas caused acute respiratory distress, disorientation, temporary blindness and vomiting. Many people, including children and the elderly, were injured during the ensuing panic. The gas was so intense that breezes carried it into Cowell Memorial Hospital, endangering patients, interrupting operations and incapacitating nurses. Students at nearby Jefferson and Franklin elementary schools were also affected.[8][21]

During the occupation, National Guard troops were stationed in front of Berkeley's empty lots to prevent protestors from planting flowers, shrubs or trees. Young hippie women taunted and teased the troops, on one occasion handing out marijuana-laced brownies and lemonade spiked with LSD.[8] A few stripped to the waist and danced for the young recruits, who tried to hide their smiles from superiors. Citizens who dared ask questions of National Guard commanders, or engage them in debate, were threatened with violence.

A curfew was established, and protestors jumped fences after dark to plant flowers in the guarded lots. Guardsmen destroyed the flowers each morning. Protestors, their faces hidden with scarves, goaded and harassed police and National Guard troops. Hundreds were arrested, and Berkeley citizens who found it necessary to venture out during curfew hours risked police harassment or beatings.

The battle lines were drawn, Flower Children versus The Establishment; the conflict mirrored widespread 1960s societal tensions that tended to flow along generational lines regarding the war in Vietnam, race relations, sexual mores, women's rights, traditional modes of authority, experimentation with psychedelic drugs and opposing interpretations of The American Dream.

On May 30, 1969, 30,000 Berkeley citizens (out of a population of 100,000) secured a Berkeley city permit and marched without incident past barricaded People's Park to protest Governor Reagan's occupation of their city, the death of James Rector, the blinding of Alan Blanchard and the many injuries inflicted by law enforcement. Young girls slid flowers down the muzzles of bayonetted National Guard rifles[22], and a small airplane flew over the city trailing a banner that read, "Let A Thousand Parks Bloom." [23] [24]

The events at Berkeley during May, 1969 foreshadowed an even more violent confrontation in Ohio less than a year later. On May 4, 1970, the same societal tensions that precipitated "Bloody Thursday" erupted once again at Kent State University in an incident that came to be known as the Kent State shootings. There, National Guardsmen armed with high-powered rifles fired without warning into a crowd of students protesting the bombing of Cambodia, killing four students and seriously wounding nine.

No police officers, Alameda County Sheriff's deputies or National Guardsmen, either at Berkeley or at Kent State, were disciplined for their actions. The violence at Berkeley and Kent State did, however, cause America to reexamine its conscience with respect to its treatment of dissident American youth. The next few years brought an end to the Vietnam War and the flowering of a broad array of societal changes: minority rights, women's rights, citizen review boards for law enforcement, less lethal crowd control methods and an increased tolerance of public dissent and diversity in American life.

[edit] People's Park Annex/Ohlone Park

Main article: Ohlone Park

Another lasting outcome of the confrontation over People's Park was the establishment of "People's Park Annex" on a strip of land called the "Hearst Corridor," located adjacent to Hearst Avenue just northwest of the University campus. People's Park Annex was eventually enlarged to become the City of Berkeley's Ohlone Park. At 9.8 acres, Ohlone Park is several times larger than People's Park itself.

In the immediate aftermath of the May, 1969 People's Park demonstrations, and consistent with their goal of "letting a thousand parks bloom," People's Park activists began gardening a two-block section of the Hearst Corridor, between McGee St. and Sacramento Ave. The Hearst Corridor was a strip of land located along the north side of Hearst Ave. that had been left largely untended after the houses had been torn down to facilitate completion of an underground subway line by the Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART).

During the 1970s local residents, especially George Garvin, pursued gardening and user development of this land, which became known as "People's Park Annex." Later on, additional volunteers donated time and energy to the Annex, led by David Axelrod and Charlotte Pyle, urban gardeners who were among the original organizers of the People's Park Project/ Native Plant Forum. The Forum is a student and community group of gardeners and park volunteers sponsored by the Associated Students of the University of California (ASUC) and dedicated to the principles of user development and community control.

As neighborhood and community groups stepped up their support for the preservation and development of the Annex, BART abandoned its original plan to build apartment complexes on Hearst Corridor. The City of Berkeley negotiated with BART to secure permanent above-ground rights to the entire five block strip of land, between Martin Luther King Jr. Way and Sacramento Ave. By the early 1980s, this land had become a city park comprising 9.8 acres, which residents decided to name "Ohlone Park" in honor of the Ohlone band of native Americans who once lived there.

Today the Berkeley Parks and Recreation Commission mediates neighborhood and community feedback with regard to issues of park design and the maintenance, operation, and development of Ohlone Park amenities. These amenities—which include pedestrian and bicycle paths, children's playgrounds, a dog park, basketball and volleyball courts, a softball/soccer field, restrooms, picnic areas and community gardens—continue to serve the people and pets of Berkeley.

[edit] Subsequent history

During subsequent years, the 2.8 acre plot of land known as "People's Park" has remained a focus of controversy between the University, some of the more radical elements of the Berkeley community and local residents who would like to see the park become a more useful South Campus asset.

Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates has stated that "over time, people have come to realize that the park has not become what they had hoped it would be...I love the idea of having some kind of memorial recognition there, but right now it is not a place that a lot of people are comfortable going to."[1] This attitude towards People's Park has been steadily growing in recent years, as concerns over the cleanliness and safety of the Park have begun to trump the Park’s historical significance. Current UC Berkeley students experience People’s Park in a much different way than did UC Berkeley students from the 1960s and 1970s. [25] Now, during welcome orientations, freshmen students living in dormitories in the vicinity of People’s Park are warned to stay away for safety concerns, especially at night.

Dan Siegel has said recently that the park "has now become this somewhat forlorn urban park… It's a place that no longer reflects the will for independence of the campus community. I think today if the university turned off its Wi-Fi, they’d get bigger demonstrations than they would for People's Park."[14]

On January 8, 2007, at his retirement ceremony celebrating 50-plus years in law enforcement, outgoing Alameda County Sheriff Charles Plummer remained unrepentent about his role as a Berkeley police officer during the People's Park riots:

"I wish I would have hit some people harder during the riots," said Plummer, speaking of the riots in Berkeley in the late-1960s. "I regret that."[26]

[edit] Timeline

  • After the peaceful May 30, 1969 march in support of People's Park, the University decided to keep the 8' tall perimeter chain-link wire fence and maintain a 24-hour guard over the site.
  • On June 20, 1969, the University of California Regents voted to turn the People's Park site into a soccer field and parking lot.
  • In March, 1971, when it seemed as though construction of the parking lot and soccer field might proceed, another People's Park protest resulted in 44 arrests.
  • In May, 1972, an outraged crowd tore down the 8' tall perimeter chain-link wire fence surrounding the People's Park site after President Nixon announced his intention to mine North Vietnam's main port.
  • In September, 1972, the Berkeley City Council voted to lease the People's Park site from the University. The Berkeley community proceeded to rebuild People's Park through user-development, mainly with donated labor and materials. Various local groups contributed to managing the park during rebuilding.
  • In 1979 the University attempted to convert the west end of the park, which was already a no-cost parking lot, into a fee lot for students and faculty only, excluding community members. Significantly, the west end of the park was (and remains) the location of the People's Stage, a permanent bandstand that had just been erected on the edge of the lawn within the no-cost parking lot.
  • The People's Stage, completed in the spring of 1979, had been designed and constructed through user-development and voluntary community participation. This effort was coordinated by the People's Park Council, a democratic group of park advocates, and the People's Park Project/ Native Plant Forum. Park users and organizers believed that the University's main purpose in attempting to take over the west end of the park was the destruction of the People's Stage in order to suppress free speech and music, both in the park and in the South Campus neighborhood as a whole. It was also widely believed that the foray into the west end presaged the subversion and expropriation of the entire park for the purpose of University construction.
  • A spontaneous protest in fall of 1979 led to an occupation of the west end of the park that continued twenty-four hours per day throughout December, 1979. Park volunteers proceeded to tear up the asphalt and heap it up as barricades next to the sidewalks along Dwight Way and Haste Street. This confrontation led to negotiations between the University on the one hand and the park users and activists on the other. The park users and activists were led by the People's Park Council, which included park organizers and occupiers, as well as other community members. The University eventually capitulated. Meanwhile, the occupiers, organizers and volunteer gardeners transformed the former parking lot into a newly cultivated organic community gardening area, which remains to this day.
  • The People's Café, a house trailer configured and decorated as a café, was mysteriously installed in People's Park one night in 1986. It appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, and began serving free food the next morning. Volunteers from the Catholic Worker Movement and elsewhere served approximately 100 breakfasts per day. It lasted a few months, then the University ripped it out early one morning after an inspection by the Berkeley Health Department.
  • Demonstrations occurred, then riots upon arrests during attempts by University police to clear out the park, when the University built volleyball courts in south end of the park in 1991. Opponents saw the building of volleyball courts as yet another attempt by the University to transform the park's open space into eventual housing, parking, or other possible University-managed projects.
  • The volleyball courts were dismantled in 1997. There had been little use by community members, and the costs of maintaining them were extraordinarily cost-ineffective.
  • In an April 2000 referendum, UC Berkeley students reaffirmed their preference for People Park remaining a park rather than having another use such as housing.
  • In October 2005, some park supporters attempted to rebuild the freebox after it had been burned down for the second time in 2 years by persons unknown. When park supporters came to rebuild, they were videotaped by the University police and threatened with arrest. The supporters started rebuilding anyway, and no arrests were made, although the University police returned during the early hours of the morning and destroyed what had been built. Subsequent rebuilding attempts were also dismantled.
  • A consensus is growing, even among those who originally helped build People's Park, that the presence of a large number of homeless people, drug dealing, occasional violence and general detritus make the park uninviting during the day, especially to children, and sometimes dangerous at night. The South Campus neighborhood lacks park amenities, and there are frequent calls to clean up the park so that, after nearly forty years, it might grow beyond its primary identity as a political symbol and better fulfill its original promise to serve local residents and students of the University of California at Berkeley. [27]
  • People's Park is co-managed by the University and by various community groups.

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Tempest, Rone. "People's Park in Berkeley is still a battlefield", Los Angeles Times,, 4 December 2006, p. 1. Retrieved on 2007-02-11.
  2. ^, retrieved 16 February 2007
  3. ^, retrieved 16 February 2007
  4. ^ Stew Albert. Sherriff Yippie! (personal website).
  5. ^ "From Rubble to Refuge: 35 Years Later, Celebraters Commemorate Battle for People's Park", Daily Californian, April 26, 2004.
  6. ^, retrieved 16 February 2007
  7. ^ People's Park. City of Berkeley Parks Division.
  8. ^ a b c d [unattributed]. "Occupied Berkeley", Time Magazine, Time Inc., 30 May 1969. Retrieved on 2007-01-14.
  9. ^, retrieved 16 February 2007
  10. ^ People's Park, Berkeley. American Friends Service Committee (November 2002).
  11. ^ a b c Rosenfeld, Seth. "The Campus Files: Reagan, Hoover and the UC Red Scare—Part 4: The governor's race", San Francisco Chronicle, Hearst Communications, 9 June 2002. Retrieved on 2007-02-11.
  12. ^ San Francisco Chronicle, early morning edition, May 15, 1969
  13. ^, retrieved 16 February 2007
  14. ^ a b Tempest, Rone. "People's Park in Berkeley is still a battlefield", Los Angeles Times,, 4 December 2006, p. 2. Retrieved on 2007-02-11.
  15. ^, retrieved 16 February 2007
  16. ^, retrieved 16 February 2007
  17. ^, retrieved 16 February 2007
  18. ^,9171,904149,00.html, retrieved 16 February 2007
  19. ^,retrieved 16 February 2007
  20. ^, retrieved 16 February 2007
  21. ^ <ref>, retrieved 16 February 2007</li> <li id="_note-17">'''[[#_ref-17|^]]''', retrieved 16 February 2007</li> <li id="_note-18">'''[[#_ref-18|^]]''', retrieved 16 February 2007 </li> <li id="_note-19">'''[[#_ref-19|^]]'''</li> <li id="_note-20">'''[[#_ref-20|^]]''' {{cite news |first=Tamara |last=Keith |authorlink=Tamara Keith |title=People's Park Is Melting in the Dark... |url= |work=[[The Berkeleyan]] |publisher=The Regents of the University of California |date=[[14 April]] [[1999]] |accessdate=2007-02-11}}</li> <li id="_note-Metinko">'''[[#_ref-Metinko_0|^]]''' {{cite news | first = Chris | last = Metinko | authorlink = Chris Metinko | title = Sheriff Charles Plummer calls it a career | url = | work = [[Contra Costa Times]] | publisher = [[MediaNews Group]] | date = [[8 January]] [[2007]] | accessdate = 2007-02-11 }}</li> <li id="_note-21">'''[[#_ref-21|^]]''' {{cite web | url = | title = New Play Area Planned for People's Park | accessdate = 2007-01-14 | last = Merryday | first = Dana | authorlink = Dana Merryday | work = People's Park News }}</li></ol></ref>

[edit] Bibliography

  • Berkeley Daily Gazette. "Sheriff Frank Madigan." 30 May 1969.
  • California Governor's Office. The "People's Park" - A Report on the Confrontation at Berkeley, California. Submitted to Gov. Ronald Reagan. 1 July 1969.
  • Gruen, Gruen and Associates. Southside Student Housing Project Preliminary Environmental Study. Report to UCB Chancellor. Feb. 1974.
  • Hauser, Luke (2003) Direct Action: An Historical Novel. Scenes at People's Park - visit
  • People's Park Handbills. Distributed May-April 1969. Located at the Bancroft Library - University of California, Berkeley.
  • Pichirall, Joe. The Daily Californian. Cover Story on People's Park. 16 May 1969.
  • "Reagan's Reaction to Riot: Call Park Here 'Excuse'" The Daily Californian. 16 May 1969.
  • Statement on People's Park. University of California, Berkeley - Office of Public Information. 30 April 1969.
  • Weiss, Norman. The Daily Californian. "People's Park: Then & Now." 17 March 1997.

[edit] External links