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[edit] Graphs and diagrams

A trail of wake vorticies generated by a hummingbird's flight. Discovered after training a bird to fly through a cloud of neutrally buoyant helium-filled soap bubbles and recording airflows in the wake with stereo photography.
A trail of wake vorticies generated by a hummingbird's flight. Discovered after training a bird to fly through a cloud of neutrally buoyant helium-filled soap bubbles and recording airflows in the wake with stereo photography.
Evolution of seagrasses from algae.
Evolution of seagrasses from algae.
 Holdridge Life Zone Classification scheme (see larger image map)
This is a featured picture. Holdridge Life Zone Classification scheme (see larger image map)
Blue whale population graph.
Blue whale population graph.
Why the polar regions are colder: sun's rays there travel through more atmosphere and hit more obliquely, so they're more spread out.
Why the polar regions are colder: sun's rays there travel through more atmosphere and hit more obliquely, so they're more spread out.
Maximum size comparison for tuna species.
Maximum size comparison for tuna species.

[edit] Conservation status devices

(usually seen with less colour)

IUCN Red List, conservation status device

NatureServe status

US Endangered Species Act categories

New Zealand Threat Classification System (Department of Conservation

Canada's COSEWIC Species at Risk Act (SARA) categories

WA's DEC's Declared Rare and Priority Flora List categories.

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