Talk:Penny Arcade Expo

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[edit] 13k figure may be outdated

If you notice, Mike speculated (before PAX 2006) that PAX 2007 might attract 13,000 visitors. At that point, PAX 2005 had had 9,000 visitors, so it was a reasonable assumption. It would have gone on the basis that PAX 2006 would have had something like 11,000 visitors.

However, fate intervened; PAX 2006 attracted 20,000 visitors. As such, there is no reason to doubt that PAX 2007 will attract somewhat more than 20,000 visitors, possibly somewhere on the order of 30,000. Perhaps a note should be made in the article that the turnout of 2006 would seem to indicate that PAX 2007 will be much larger than originally thought. 17:25, 29 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Description

The article description needs modifying, possibly adapting from the main site. Druss666uk 16:55, 21 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] PAX 2008 East

Should be include information about the PAX 2008 located on the east coast? They have made public comment stating that there will be a separate, but very similar event on the east coast. So what do people think? MrMacMan 00:33, 9 February 2007 (UTC)