Pencil fish

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Pencil fish

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Characiformes
Family: Lebiasinidae
Genus: Nannostomus

Nannostomus anduzei
Nannostomus beckfordi (Golden pencilfish)
Nannostomus bifasciatus (Two-lined pencilfish)
Nannostomus britskii
Nannostomus digrammus
Nannostomus eques
Nannostomus espei (Espei's pencilfish)
Nannostomus harrisoni (Harrison's pencilfish)
Nannostomus limatus
Nannostomus marginatus (Dwarf pencilfish)
Nannostomus marilynae
Nannostomus minimus
Nannostomus mortenthaleri
Nannostomus nitidus
Nannostomus trifasciatus
Nannostomus unifasciatus

Nannostomus Günther, 1872, is a genus of fish belonging to the Lebiasinidae family of Characins. Fish of this genus are known as the Pencil Fish or Pencilfish.

Some members of the family Hemiodontidae, originating from South America, are also known as the pencil fish because of their small, slender bodies. They are related to Characins, but only have teeth in their upper jaws.

The family Monodactylidae is also sometimes known as the pencil fish. These fish live in brackish water along the coasts and estuaries of Africa, southern Asia, and Australia.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

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