Peleps Deled

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Terrestrial Exalted

The Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded front cover, featuring the images of (clockwise from the top) Peleps Deled, Cynis Denovah Avaku, Tepet Arada, Tepet Ejava, the Roseblack and Mnemon.
Designer(s) John Chambers (Developer), cover art by UDON.
Publisher(s) White Wolf Publishing
Publication date July 26, 2006
Genre(s) High fantasy
System Storyteller

Exalted is a role-playing game published by White Wolf Publishing. The game is classified as high fantasy. It is strongly influenced by Japanese anime and manga, the cultures of China and Rome, and a number of literary sources such as the writings of Michael Moorcock. Peleps Deled is one of the signature characters of Exalted, a representative of the Terrestrial Exalted Water Aspect.

Pronunciation: PEL-epz DEL-ed


[edit] Biography

[edit] Pre-Exaltation

His first memory is of entering the Temple of Daana'd in the Imperial City. Despite his youth, Peleps Deled was enraptured by the power within and awestruck by the living water than danced in the basins. He was too young to understand that this temple was a Manse and that it's shape was designed to direct the power of Daana'd, but he was aware on some level that it was holy beyond its mere artifice.

His parents had no time for religion, so it was that his uncle, Peleps Deham, brought him to the temple that day. He was shown where to sit and how to direct his attention. Deham was an Immaculate himself, an Itinerant of Water. Although he did not return to House Peleps often, his sea-green skin and black hair and eyes seemed to pull Deled in and almost drown him when he looked for too long. Deham was a Terrestrial of obviously strong breeding. He only remained at House Peleps for a few weeks, but in that time, he'd made certain that Deled would be schooled in the Temple of Daana'd. The education that he received was both thorough and enlightening, if not always gentle. He was taught to read from the Immaculate Texts and he enjoyed basic instruction in the simplest forms of the martial arts. He dreaded returning home and his family sometimes made up blasphemies to taunt him. That was what instigated the first fight he had in his life.

One day, during a short break from school when he was nine years old, four of his cousins found Peleps Deled sitting by the pool in the garden. They ranged in age from nine to twelve and were all larger than he was. They began with simple jibes, and he did not give them satisfaction by responding or even looking up from his contemplations. They quickly moved on to insulting his faith, his schooling and his uncle. When they finally insulted the Immaculate Dragon, he could sit quietly no longer. Suddenly, he was among them, surprising even himself with the speed and ferocity with which he attacked. What little he had been taught in the temple remained with him and overtook him. A few minutes later, four of his elder cousins were crawling away with bleeding noses and lips, and one with a broken arm.

A few hours later, he was summoned before his parents and the parents of those cousins who he had beaten. He was punished for having cost House Peleps an important victory against House Ragara - one of his cousins was to ride against a Ragara in the Spring Race. After his beating, Peleps Deham came to him in the garden. He had arrived earlier and had witnessed both the fight and Deled's punishment. He chose not to involve himself. He told Deled that he would make certain that he was rewarded for his strength and faith and promised that, upon the day he returned from his next pressing mission as an Itinerant, he would see to it.

[edit] Exaltation

Peleps Deled's childhood ended when that day came, two years later. He begged Deham to teach him, and so he did. He learned but one kata that day, the simplest one that was taught to monks on their first day in the exercise yards in the Cloister of Wisdom. He grasped it swiftly, save for the last few movements. At first, he did not understand why, he could not comprehend the very concept of those last few steps and strikes. His body simply did not move that way. Upon realizing that, he understood. Deham showed him the kata once more, and Deled performed it with him. When they reached those last few motions, he fell as he had the first times he tried it. Deham looked him squarely in the eyes and said, "This is for Dragons", and he walked away, leaving Deled in the exercise yard.

Deled neither slept nor ate for six days. He did not rest except in the brief moment of meditation between one performance of the kata and the next. The kata took ten minutes to complete from start to finish, including the meditation. He performed the kata a thousand times, and as the sun began to rise on the seventh day, he forced his shuddering limbs to perform the movements one final time. On the one thousand and first attempt, it happened. His limbs flowed and his body bent in ways that they had not, could not, before. His heart beat with the crashing of waves on cliffs and his blood was a raging river. He had been seeking his whole young life, but in the end, it was Daana'd who found him.

[edit] Since his Exaltation

After his Exaltation, Peleps Deled was sent to the Cloister of Wisdom to study the art of mastering his Essence and necessary martial skills, in preparation for his acceptance into the Immaculate Order. He went with Peleps Deham to the Palace Sublime on the fourth day following his 20th birthday to present himself as a postulant. He waited in the yard for three days. Monks and other postulants walked past him, never seeming to notice him even when they might have stepped on his hand had he not snatched it from underfoot. They brought him no food and no water, but he endured and he waited. Finally, on the dawn of his fourth day of waiting, an elderly monk brought him stewed chicken, rice and wine. After he had eaten, the elderly monk took his embroidered silk robes and replaced them with the coarse grey woolen robes of a postulant. After several weeks of harsh treatment as a postulant, he was brought before the Paragon and asked three questions only, after which he was accepted as a monk in the Immaculate Order.

During his time at the Palace Sublime, he made attempts to educate his peers on the proper teachings of the Immaculate Dragons, often through martial arts duels. When he felt assured that his ascension from student to true monk was near, he was surprised that he was neither made an Itinerant nor swept away to some forsaken monastery. Instead, he was given over to the Wyld Hunt and Cathak Titus, second in command of the Wyld Hunt. At the Pinnacle of the Hunt, an old Earth Manse carved into the side of a towering cliff and accessible only by a winding stair of 10,000 steps or by air, he was placed in charge of training the mortal monks and honing his skills so that he would be prepared to face whatever enemies of the Realm that the Wyld Hunt was set against. He eventually became master of the Pinnacle and of the Wyld Hunt.

[edit] Stories involving Peleps Deled

None at present.

[edit] Other notes on Peleps Deled

  • He is a zealous crusader and a paragon by nature.
  • He owns a black jade dire lance, Sting of Daana'd, black jade razor claws, Claws of Daana'd, a black jade reinforced breastplate, a freedom stone, a sphere of balance and the labyrinthine eye.
  • He is a master martial artist and is trained in the Celestial Water Dragon Martial Art.
  • He once killed another Immaculate student during martial arts practice to settle a disagreement earlier in the day.

[edit] References

Types of Exalts and other Magical Beings Solar Exalted | Abyssal Exalted | Infernal Exalted | Lunar Exalted | Sidereal Exalted | Alchemical Exalted | Terrestrial Exalted (The Dragon-Blooded) | Raksha (The Fair Folk) | Dragon Kings | God-Blooded
Major Magical Beings The Primordials | The Yozis | The Neverborn | Gaia | Autochthon | The Unconquered Sun | Luna | The Five Celestial Maidens | The Five Elemental Dragons | The Deathlords
Five Magical Materials Orichalcum | Moonsilver | Jade | Starmetal | Soulsteel
Signature Characters Solar Exalted: Dace | Yurgen Kaneko, the Bull of the North | Panther | Samea | Arianna | Harmonious Jade | Swan

Abyssal Exalted: Maiden of the Mirthless Smile | Lady of Darkness in Bloodstained Robes | Seven Degreed Physician of Black Maladies | Disciple of the Seven Forbidden Wisdoms | Prince of Shadows | Falling Tears Poet

Lunar Exalted: Lilith, the Owl Woman | Strength of Many | Magnificent Jaguar | Anja Silverclaws

Sidereal Exalted: Shepherd of the North Star | Iron Siaka | Crimson Banner Executioner | May Blossom | Chejop Kejak | Black Ice Shadow | Sad Ivory

Terrestrial Exalted: Tepet Arada | Mnemon | Cynis Denovah Avaku | Sesus Rafara | Peleps Deled | Sesus Nagezzer, the Slug | Tepet Ejava, the Roseblack

Alchemical Exalted: Stern Whip of Industry | Fair-Spoken Rishi | Excessively Righteous Blossom | Unhesitatingly Loyal Weapon (?) | Lissome Avid Engineer

Infernal Exalted: Lintha Ng Hut Dukantha

The Raksha: Lord Kazour | Neshi of the Double Whips | Subarto | Dilari of the Sea Foam | Nlassa of the Lion's Mane | Laughing Boy | Shikuzi the Weaver | Judge Nehemeth

The Mountain Folk: Kravah
Exalted Universe Anima Banner | The Blessed Isle | Celestial Gateways | Creation | The Cult of the Illuminated | Denandsor | Elemental Poles | Essence | The Great Contagion | The Great Curse | The Heptagram | The House of Bells | The Immaculate Order | The Imperial City | The Imperial Mountain | The Lap | Lookshy | Malfeas, the Demon Realm | Nexus | Rakshastan | The Scarlet Empress | The Scavenger Lands | Shadowlands | The Skullstone Archipelago | Thorns | The Threshold | The Underworld | Whitewall | The Wyld Hunt | Yu-Shan, the Heavenly City
Source Materials Sourcebooks | Novels | Comics