PEBBLE (pagan organisation)

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PEBBLE is the "Public Body Liaison Committee for British Paganism", set up by a number of pagan organisations following a report by the Home Office's Faith Communities Unit, in which guidelines were set out for all government departments to include minority faith groups in consultations regarding laws and guidance that affects them.

[edit] Partnership criteria

PEBBLE provides representation from a number of pagan organisations across the UK. Organisations are free to join provided that they meet various criteria, notably that they:

  • Promote paganism as a religion
  • Are British-based
  • Have at least 50 members
  • Do not bring paganism into disrepute

[edit] Constituent organisations

  • The Pagan Federation (PF) [1]
  • The Pagan Association (PA)
  • The Council of British Druid Orders (CoBDO) [2]
  • Pagan Network (PN) [3]
  • Pagans in the Public Service (PiPS)
  • Heathens For Progress (HFP)
  • The Druid Network (TDN) [4]

[edit] External links