Paul Laurendeau
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Paul Laurendeau is a Canadian linguist and language philosopher.
Laurendeau is a Professor of French linguistics at York University (Toronto, Canada) since 1988 and the holder of a Doctorat ès Lettres from the University Denis Diderot (Paris VII) produced in 1986 under the direction of the eminent French linguist Antoine Culioli. (Dissertation Jury: Jean-Marcel Léard, Denis Paillard, Georges Vignaux, Jean-Blaize Grize, Antoine Culioli). He also followed the courses and seminars of Oswald Ducrot (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales), Jean-Pierre Desclès (Paris VIII), Bernard Cerquiglini (Paris VII), and Bernard Pottier (Sorbonne).
Paul Laurendeau’s research interests are: enunciative linguistics, sociolinguistics, language philosophy and ontological philosophy. He inquires into the production and reproduction of rationality in vernacular thought.