Paul Johns (CND chair)

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Paul Johns was chair of the CND between 1985 and 1987.

Paul has had a varied career. He worked for many years as a management consultant for a different companies, big and small. In the 1980s he was active in the peace movement, becoming Chair of first Christian CND and then, for two years, of CND as a whole. He later became Managing Director of Traidcraft; and followed this with five years part-time work for the FA Premier League, helping to improve communication between clubs and supporters. He is a co-founder of SANA, a small joint Christian Muslim development agency in Bosnia where he has worked for several weeks a year for over 12 years. He also runs the charity "Friends of St Hannah's" which supports an orphanage in Bahgdad, Iraq.

Paul has in the past been a regular contributor to BBC Radio 4's 'Thought for the day'. He writes and tell stories, one book of which, 'September 11th and beyond', has been published. He also writes plays for performance locally in West Bridgford, Nottingham, where he has lived for most of the last 40 years.

Paul Johns became Director of the College of Preachers in September 2006. He is a Methodist local preacher. He has an MA in History at Oxford and is currently, studying for an MTh. through the College.