Patrick Chamoiseau

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Patrick Chamoiseau is a Martinican author known for his work in the créolité movement.


[edit] Biography

Chamoiseau was born on March 12, 1953 in Fort-de-France, Martinique, where he currently resides. He studied law in Paris. Chamoiseau is the author of a historical work on the Antilles under the reign of Napoléon Bonaparte and several non-fiction books which include Eloge de la créolité (In Praise of Creoleness), co-authored with Jean Bernabé and Raphaël Confiant. His novel Texaco was awarded the Prix Goncourt in 1992).

Chamoiseau may also safely be considered as one of the most innovative writers to hit the French literary scene since Louis-Ferdinand Céline. His freeform use of French language — a highly complex yet fluid mixture of constant invention and "creolism" — fuels a poignant and sensuous depiction of Martinique people in particular and humanity at large.

[edit] Works

[edit] Novels

  • Chronique des sept misères (1986)
  • Solibo magnifique (1988)
  • Antan d'enfance (1990). Republished as Une Enfance créole 1, Antan d'enfance avec une nouvelle préface (1996).
  • Texaco (1992)
  • Chemin d'école (1994). Republished as Une Enfance créole II, Chemin d'école (1996)
  • L'Esclave vieil homme et le molosse(1997)
  • Biblique des derniers gestes (2002)
  • À Bout d'enfance (2005)

[edit] Plays

[edit] Comics

  • "Monsieur Coutcha", under the name "Abel", with Tony DELSHAM (one of the first caribbean cartoons, published during the 1970).

[edit] Children's literature

  • Emerveilles (1998)

[edit] Essays

  • "Eloge de la créolité" (with Jean Bernabé et Raphaël Confiant) (1989)
  • "Lettres créoles. Tracées antillaises et continentales de la littérature" (with Raphaël Confiant) (1991)
  • "Martinique" (with V. Renaudeau) (1994)
  • "Guyane: Traces-Mémoires du bagne" (1994)
  • "Ecrire en pays dominé" (1997)
  • "Elmire des sept bonheurs: confidences d'un vieux travailleur de la distillerie Saint-Etienne" (1998)

[edit] External links

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