Patricia Monaghan

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Patricia Monaghan, Ph.D., (born 15 February 1946) is one of the pioneers of the contemporary women's spirituality movement. [1] She is the author of more than 15 books of poetry and nonfiction, including the encyclopedia, The New Book of Goddesses and Heroines. A winner of the Pushcart Prize for Literature in 2004,[2] her work was also included in "Best American Spiritual Writing" that year.[3] She teaches as a member of the interdisciplinary faculty of Chicago's DePaul University during the week, and lives in Black Earth, Wisconsin on weekends where she and her partner Michael McDermott tend a vineyard and large organic garden. Patricia Monaghan is also the founder of The Black Earth Institute, connecting earth, spirit and society through the arts.[4]


[edit] Bibliography

[edit] Discography

  • 2002 - Seasons of the Witch - Peggy Monaghan (Lyrics & Poetry by Patricia Monaghan) 2-CD set (Arctic Siren) ASIN B00007BK4L
  • 1994 - Seasons of the Witch - Peggy Monaghan (Lyrics & Poetry by Patricia Monaghan)
  • 1993 - The Way of the Goddess (recorded lecture on cassette)

[edit] Lecture appearance venues

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Feminine and Goddess Wisdom and Spirituality - Women's Wisdom - Soulful Features
  2. ^ WordTech Editions. Homefront, Poems by Patricia Monaghan
  3. ^ King. Barbara J. In Praise of Immersion: The Best American Spiritual Writing 2004
  4. ^ Maybe Logic Academy. Patricia Monaghan

[edit] References

  • Vale, V. and John Sulak (2001). Modern Pagans. San Francisco: Re/Search Publications. ISBN 1-889307-10-6

[edit] External links