Patricia Bizzell

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Patricia Bizzell, Ph.D. is Professor of English and Chairperson of the English Department at College of the Holy Cross, where she has taught since 1978. She founded and directed the Writer's Workshop, a peer tutoring facility, and a writing-across-the-curriculum program. She has also directed the College Honors and English Honors programs. She currently teaches first-year composition, rhetoric and public speaking, nineteenth-century American literature and women's literature.

A prolific scholar and author, Dr. Bizzell has authored or co-authored half a dozen books, written dozens of articles and book chapters, written more than a dozen book reviews and review essays, and presented a large number of papers at academic conferences. Her extensive curriculum vita is available online. [1]

Dr. Bizzell is the subject of a profile chapter in the forthcoming book Women’s Ways of Making It in Rhetoric and Composition, eds. Michelle Ballif, Diane Davis, and Roxanne Mountford (Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum). Her current research interests include the question of how the increasing diversification of academic discourses affects the teaching of writing to college students.


[edit] Professional experience

[edit] Teaching positions

  • Chair, Department of English, College of the Holy Cross, 2001-2005
  • Professor of English, Holy Cross, 1988-present: composition, rhetoric, American Literature
  • Director, English Honors Program, 1999-2000
  • Director, College Honors Program, 1994-1998
  • Director, Writing Programs, 1981-1994 (Writer's Workshop and Writing-across-the-Curriculum Program)
  • Associate Professor, Holy Cross, 1981-1988
  • Assistant Professor, Holy Cross, 1978-81
  • Assistant Professor, Rutgers University, 1975-78, and Director, Remedial Writing Program, 1975-77, and Teacher Training Program, 1977-78

[edit] Professional affiliations and activities

  • President, Rhetoric Society of America, 2004-2006
  • Program Chair, RSA 2004 biennial national conference
  • President, Board of Directors, Alliance of Rhetoric Societies, 2006 (ARS)

[edit] Professional organization committee memberships

  • Member, Advisory Board, Voices of Democracy: The U.S. Oratory Project, funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities
  • Member, Modern Language Association Committee on Publication, 2000-03
  • Member, Board of Directors, Rhetoric Society of America, 1998-2001
  • Chair, Research Grant Committee, WPA, 1992-95.
  • Member, Executive Committee, National Council of Writing Program Administrators, 1991-95.
  • Member, Nominating Committee, CCCC, 1991-92.
  • Member, Committee on Bibliography, CCCC, 1989-91.
  • Member, Commission on Composition, NCTE, 1982-85.
  • Member of the Editorial Board, Pedagogy, 2000-present.
  • Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Basic Writing, 1994-present

[edit] Reader/program reviewer

A reader examines articles submitted to academic or trade journals for possible publication.

  • College English, 1985-present
  • Rhetoric Review, 1985-present
  • College Composition and Communication, 1987-present.
  • Program proposals, 2002 Rhetoric Society of America biennial national conference
  • Program proposals, 1987, 1992, 1995, and 1997 Conference on College Composition and Communication.
  • Program reviewer, 1998 Conference on College Composition and Communication

[edit] Professional Organization Memberships

[edit] Academic background

  • Ph.D. in English Literature, Rutgers University, 1975.
  • B.A. summa cum laude, Wellesley College, 1970.
  • Currently enrolled in the M.J.L.S. (Masters, Jewish Liberal Studies) program at Hebrew College

[edit] Prizes and external grants received

  • Winner, National Council of Writing Program Administrators Best Book Award, 2000, for Coming of Age: The Advanced Writing Curriculum, eds. Linda Shamoon, Sandra Jamieson, Rebecca Howard, and Robert Schwegler, which included Bizzell's essay "Writing as a Means of Social Change".

[edit] Books published

  • Bizzell, Patricia; Herzberg, Bruce; Gorrell, Robert M. (1983). Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Writing, The, 1st ed. (in English), Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press. ASIN B000COT9MO. 
  • Bizzell, Patricia (1992). Academic Discourse and Critical Consciousness (in English). Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 295. ISBN 0-8229-5485-0. 
  • Bizzell, Patricia; Herzberg, Bruce (1995). Negotiating Difference: Readings in Multicultural American Rhetoric (in English). Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press, 963. ISBN 0-312-06846-8.  (Alternate title: Negotiating Difference: Cultural Case Studies for Composition)
  • Bizzell, Patricia; Herzberg, Bruce (2001). Rhetorical Tradition: Readings from Classical Times to the Present, The, 2nd ed.; 1st ed. 1990 (in English), Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press, 1673. ISBN 0-312-14839-9. 
  • (2002) in Bizzell, Patricia; Schroeder, Christopher; Fox, Helen, ed.: ALT DIS: Alternative Discourses and the Academy (in English). Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann-Boynton/Cook, 224. ISBN 0-86709-516-4. 
  • Bizzell, Patricia; Herzberg, Bruce; Reynolds, Nedra (2003). Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Writing, The, 6th ed. (in English), Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press, 275. ISBN 0-312-40501-4. 
  • (2005) in Bizzell, Patricia, ed.: Rhetorical Agendas: Political, Ethical, Spiritual [Proceedings of the 2004 Rhetoric Society of America Conference] (in English). Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 400. ISBN 0-8058-5311-1. 
  • Bizzell, Patricia; Herzberg, Bruce; Hacker, Diana (2005). Negotiating Difference & Pocket Style Manual 4e, Package ed. (in English), Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press. ISBN 0-312-45814-2. 
  • Bizzell, Patricia; Herzberg, Bruce; Barnet, Sylvan; Badau, Hugo (2006). Rhetorical Tradition 2e & From Critical Thinking to Argument, Package ed. (in English), Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press. ISBN 0-312-46336-7. 
  • Bizzell, Patricia; Lunsford, Andrea A.; Herzberg, Bruce (2006). St. Martin's Handbook 5e Paper with 2003 MLA Update & Exercises CD-ROM & Negotiating Difference (Hardcover) (in English), Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press. ISBN 0-312-46021-X. 

[edit] Special issues and special projects

Rhetoric Society Quarterly, Winter 2002, Special Issue: “Feminist Historiographies of Rhetoric,” Guest Editor and “Preface.”

Participant, 10 x 20, video documentary on contemporary composition studies, Bedford Books, forthcoming.

“ A Eulogy on King Philip by William Apess,” and “ ‘Religion and Race’ by Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel,” units in preparation for the Voices of Democracy website of the U.S. Oratory Project.

[edit] Articles, chapters, etc., on rhetoric and composition

“Rationality as a Rhetorical Strategy at the Barcelona Disputation, 1263: A Cautionary Tale,” College Composition and Communication, forthcoming.

“Frances Willard, Phoebe Palmer, and the Ethos of the Methodist Woman Preacher,” Rhetoric Society Quarterly, forthcoming.

“(Native) American Jeremiad: The ‘Mixedblood’ Rhetoric of William Apess,” in American Indian Rhetorics of Survivance: Word Medicine, Word Magic, ed. Ernest Stromberg ( Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006).

“Rhetorical Traditions, Pluralized Canons, Relevant History, and Other Disputed Terms: A Report from the History of Rhetoric Discussion Groups at the ARS Conference,” co-authored with Susan Jarratt, Rhetoric Society Quarterly 34 (summer 2004): 19-25.

“Editing the Rhetorical Tradition,” Philosophy and Rhetoric 36 (2003): 109-118.

“The Intellectual Work of ‘Mixed’ Forms of Academic Discourse,” in ALT DIS: Alternative Discourses and the Academy, eds. Christopher Schroeder, Helen Fox, and Patricia Bizzell ( Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann-Boynton/Cook, 2002).

“Preface,” in ALT DIS: Alternative Discourses and the Academy, eds. Christopher Schroeder, Helen Fox, and Patricia Bizzell ( Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann-Boynton/Cook, 2002).

“Preface,” in Professing in the Contact Zone, ed. Janice Wolff ( Urbana, Illinois: National Council of Teachers of English, 2002).

“Feminist Methods of Research in the History of Rhetoric: What Difference Do They Make?”, Rhetoric Society Quarterly 30 (Fall 2000): 5-17.

“Basic Writing and the Issue of Correctness, or, What to Do with ‘Mixed’ Forms of Academic Discourse,” Journal of Basic Writing 19 (spring 2000): 4-12.

“Writing as a Means of Social Change,” in Coming of Age: The Advanced Writing Curriculum, eds. Linda Shamoon, Sandra Jamieson, Rebecca Howard, and Robert Schwegler ( Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann-Boynton/Cook, 2000).

“Hybrid Forms of Academic Discourse: What, Why, How,” Composition Studies 27 (Fall 1999): 7-21.

“Foreword,” in Kitchen Cooks, Plate Twirlers, and Troubadours: Writing Program Administrators Tell Their Stories, ed. Diana George (Portsmouth NH: Heinemann-Boynton/Cook, 1999).

“’Mixedblood’ Rhetorics and the Concept of ‘Outburst,’” in Outbursts in Academe: Multiculturalism and Other Sources of Conflict, ed. Kathleen Dixon (Portsmouth NH: Heinemann-Boynton/Cook, 1998).

“Paulo Freire and What Education Can Do,” Journal of Advanced Composition 17 (Fall 1997): 319-322.

“Negotiating Difference: Teaching Multicultural American Literature,” in Rethinking American Literature, eds. Lil Brannon and Brenda Greene (Urbana: National Council of Teachers of English, 1997).

“The 4 th of July and the 22nd of December: The Function of Cultural Archives in Persuasion as shown by Frederick Douglass and William Apess,” College Composition and Communication 48 (February 1997): 44-60.

“The Prospect of Rhetorical Agency,” in Making and Unmaking the Prospects for Rhetoric, ed. Theresa Enos (Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1997).

“Preface,” in Sidney Dobrin, Constructing Knowledges: The Politics of Theory-Building and Pedagogy in Composition (Albany: SUNY Press, 1997).

“Fredric Jameson and Composition Studies,” Journal of Advanced Composition 16.3 (1996): 471-487.

“Praising Folly: Constructing a Postmodern Rhetorical Authority for Women” in Feminine Principles and Women’s Experience in American Composition and Rhetoric, eds. Louise Wetherbee Phelps and Janet Emig (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1995).

“’Contact Zones’ and English Studies,” College English 56 (February 1994): 163-169.

"Discourse Community," in Encyclopedia of English Studies and Language Arts, Vol. I, ed. Alan C. Purves (New York Scholastic, 1994).

"'Radical Pedagogy'" An Interview with Patricia Bizzell," eds. Sidney I. Dobrin and Todd Taylor, Writing on the Edge 5 (Spring 1994): 57-68.

"Introduction," in Philosophy, Rhetoric, Literary Criticism: (Inter)views, ed. Gary Olson (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1994).

"The Teacher's Authority: Negotiating Difference in the Classroom,"in Changing Classroom Practices: Resources for Literary and Cultural Studies, ed. David B. Downing (Urbana: National Council of Teachers of English, 1994).

"Are Shared Discourses Desirable? A Response to Nancy McKoski," Journal of Advanced Composition 14 (Winter 1994): 271-277.

"A Response to 'Fish Tales: A Conversation with "The Contemporary Sophist"'", Journal of Advanced Composition 13 (Winter 1993): 241-244.

"The Politics of Teaching Virtue," ADE Bulletin 103 (Winter 1992): 4-7.

" The Praise of Folly, the Women Rhetor, and Post-Modern Skepticism," Rhetoric Society Quarterly 22 (Winter 1992): 7-17.

"Argument, Community, and Knowledge," Diversity: A Journal of Multicultural Issues 1 (Fall 1992): 9-23.

"Opportunities for Feminist Research in the History of Rhetoric," Rhetoric Review 2 (Fall 1992): 50-58.

"Marxist Ideas in Composition Studies," in Contending With Words, eds. Patricia Harkin and John Schilb (New York: Modern Language Association Press, 1991).

"Power, Authority, and Critical Pedagogy," Journal of Basic Writing 10 (Fall 1991): 54-70.

"Response," [to comments on "Beyond Anti-Foundationalism..."], College English 53 (October 1991): 724-728.

"Postmodernism and Politics" in "Symposium: Writing Within and Against the Academy: What Do We Really Want Our Students to Do?," ed. Joseph Harris, Journal of Education 172 (1990): 24-26.

"Beyond Anti-Foundationalism to Rhetorical Authority: Problems Defining 'Cultural Literacy,'" College English 52 (October 1990): 661-675.

"Response to Susan Jarratt and Beth Daniell," in "Symposium: Alternative Discourse as Resistance," ed. Susan Jarratt, Discurrendo 3 (Winter 1990): 12-15.

"'Cultural Criticism': A Social Approach to Studying Writing," in "Symposium: What Are We Doing as a Research Community?", ed. Charles Bazerman, Rhetoric Review 7 (Spring 1989): 224-230.

"What Can We Do about Essay Exams?", co-authored with Royce Singleton, Teaching Sociology 16 (April 1988): 177-180.

"Arguing about Literacy," College English 50 (February 1988):141- 153.

"Research as a Social Act," co-authored with Bruce Herzberg, Clearinghouse 60 (March 1987): 303-306.

"Literacy in Culture and Cognition," in A Sourcebook for Basic Writing Teachers, ed. Theresa Enos (New York: Random House, 1987).

"Writing-across-the-Curriculum: A Bibliographic Essay," co-authored with Bruce Herzberg, in The Territory of Language: Linguistics, Stylistics, and the Teaching of English 2d edition, ed. Donald McQuard (Carbondale: Southern Illinois Univ. Press, 1986).

"Foundationalism and Anti-Foundationalism in Composition Studies," PRE/TEXT 7 (Spring-Summer 1986): 37-58.

"What Happens When Basic Writers Come to College?", College Composition and Communication 37 (October 1986): 294-301.

"Composing Processes: An Overview," in The National Society for the Study of Education Yearbook: The Teaching of Writing, eds. Anthony Petrosky and David Bartholomae (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1986).

"Toward a Unified Theory of Composition and Literature," Rhetoric Review 4 (January 1986): 174-181.

"Writing-across-the-Curriculum Textbooks: A Bibliographic Essay," co-authored with Bruce Herzberg, Rhetoric Review 3 (January 1985): 202-217.

"William Perry and Liberal Education," College English 46 (September 1984): 447-454.

"A Comment on 'Composition Studies and Science,'" College English 46 (February 1984): 180-181.

"Knowledge and Argument: An Example from English Studies," co-authored with Bruce Herzberg, in Argument in Transition: Proceedings of the Third Annual Summer Conference on Argumentation, eds. David Zarefsky, Malcolm O. Sillars, and Jack Rhodes (Annandale, Virginia: Speech Communication Association, 1983).

"Cognition, Convention, and Certainty: What We Need To Know about Writing," Pre/Text 3 (Fall 1982): 213-243.

"Thomas Kuhn, Scientism, and English Studies, " College English 40 (March 1979): 764-771.

"The Ethos of Academic Discourse," College Composition and Communication 29 (December 1978): 351-355.

[edit] Essays on literature, other literary work


“’Stolen’ Literacies in Iola Leroy,” in Popular Literacy: Studies in Cultural Practices and Poetics, ed. John Trimbur ( Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2001).

"Lloyd Biggle, Jr." and "Edgar Pangborn," 20th Century American Science Fiction, vol. xiii, Dictionary of Literary Biography (Detroit: Gale Research Company, 1981).

"Pecuniary Emulation of the Mediator in The Great Gatsby," MLN 94 (Spring 1979): 774-783.

Divided Highway (Brookline, Massachusetts: David R. Godine Press, 1970); other poems have appeared in The Spirit That Moves Us, The World, The Yale Literary Magazine, and other little magazines.

[edit] Book reviews and review essays

  • “Persuasion and Argument: Coterminus? Review of Gerald Graff, Clueless in Academe: How Schooling Obscures the Life of the Mind.” Pedagogy 5 (Spring 2005): 317-323.
  • “Review: Shirley Wilson Logan ,’We Are Coming’: The Persuasive Discourse of Nineteenth-Century Black Women,” College Composition and Communication 53 (February 2002): 542-544.
  • “Review: Bruce Horner and Min-Zhan Lu, Representing the ‘Other’: Basic Writers and the Teaching of Basic Writing,” College Composition and Communication 51 (February 2000): 498-500.
  • "The Power of Women Writing: A Review of Carol J. Singley and S. Elizabeth Sweeney, eds, Anxious Power: Reading , Writing, and Ambivalence in Narratives by Women," Rhetoric Review 13 (fall 1994): 192-198.
  • "Influence or Relevance: A Review of Thomas Conley's Rhetoric in the European Tradition," Rhetoric Society Quarterly 22 (Summer 1992): 59-61.
  • "Classroom Authority and Critical Pedagogy," [review-essay on Henry Giroux, Schooling and the Struggle for Public Life; bell hooks, Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black; and Mike Rose, Lives on the Boundary,] American Literary History 3 (winter 1991): 847-863.
  • "Professing Literacy: A Review-Essay,' [review-essay on Deborah Brandt, Literacy as Involvement; J. Elspeth Stuckey, The Violence of Literacy; and Andrea A. Lunsford, Helene Moglen, and James Slevin, eds., The Right to Literacy], Journal of Advanced Composition 11 (Fall 1991): 315-322.
  • "Review: The Social Construction of Written Communication, eds. Bennett A. Rafoth and Donald L. Rubin," College Composition and Communication 40 (December 1989): 483-486.
  • "Review: Invention as a Social Act, Karen Burke LeFevre," College Composition and Communication 38 (December 1987): 485-486.
  • "What Can We Know, What Must We Do, What May We Hope: Writing Assessment," [review-essay on Lester Faigley et al., Assessing Writers' Knowledge and Processes of Composing; Karen Greenberg et al., eds., Writing Assessment: Issues and Strategies; and Edward M. White, Teaching and Assessing Writing], College English 49 (September 1987): 575-584.
  • "Review: What Makes Writing Good: A Multiperspective, eds. William E. Coles, Jr. and James Vopat," co-authored with Bruce Herzberg, College Composition and Communication 37 (May 1986): 244-247.
  • "College Composition: Initiation into the Academic Discourse Community," [review-essay on Janice Lauer et al., Four Worlds of Writing; and Elaine Maimon et al., Writing in the Arts and Sciences], Curriculum Inquiry 12 (1982): 191-207.
  • "'Inherent' Ideology, 'Universal' History, 'Empirical' Evidence, and 'Context-Free' Writing: Some Problems in E. D. Hirsch's The Philosophy of Composition," co-authored with Bruce Herzberg, MLN 95 (Spring 1980): 1181-1202. [review-essay]

[edit] Reprints

  • “The Intellectual Work of ‘Mixed’ Forms of Academic Discourse” (2002) rpt. in Relations, Locations, Positions: Composition Theory for Writing Teachers, eds. Peter Vandenberg, Sue Hum, and Jennifer Clary-Lemon ( Urbana: NCTE, 2006).
  • “Feminist Methods of Research in the History of Rhetoric: What Difference Do They Make?” (2000) rpt. in Feminism and Composition: A Critical Sourcebook, eds. Gesa E. Kirsch et al. ( Boston : Bedford Books of St. Martin’s Press, 2003).
  • “Beyond Anti-Foundationalism to Rhetorical Authority: Problems Defining ‘Cultural Literacy’” (1990) rpt. in Rhetoric in an Antifoundational World, eds. Michael Bernard-Donals and Richard R. Glejzer (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1998).
  • “’Contact Zones’ and English Studies” (1994) rpt. in Cross-Talk in Comp Studies, ed. Victor Villanueva Jr. (Urbana: NCTE, 1997); and in Professing in the Contact Zone, ed. Janice Wolff ( Urbana: NCTE, 2002).
  • "A Response to 'Fish Tales: A Conversation with "The Contemporary Sophist,"'" (1993) rpt. in Philosophy, Rhetoric, Literary Criticism: (Inter)views, ed. Gary Olson (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1994).
  • "Arguing about Literacy" (1988) rpt. in Professing the New Rhetorics, eds. Stuart Brown and Theresa Enos (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1991); and rpt. in Literacy: Language and Power, eds. Dianne Vipond and Ronald J. Strahl (Lonham, Maryland: University Press of America, 1992); and rpt. In Composition in Four Keys, ed. Mark Wiley (Mountain View CA: Mayfield, 1996).
  • "Research as a Social Act" (1987) rpt. in Kansas English 78 (Spring 1993): 21-26.
  • "Literacy in Culture and Cognition" (1987) rpt. in Kansas English 78 (Fall 1992): 12-26.
  • “What Happens When Basic Writers Come to College?” (1986) rpt. in The St. Martin’s Guide to Teaching Writing, 3 rd ed., Robert J. Connors and Cheryl Glenn (New York: St. Martin’s, 1995); and rpt. in Landmark Essays on Basic Writing, ed. Kay Halasek (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1998).
  • "Writing-across-the-Curriculum: A Bibliographic Essay" (1986) rpt. in Teaching with the Bedford Guide for College Writers, ed. Shirley Morahan (Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press, 1990).
  • “William Perry and Liberal Education” (1984) rpt. in Cross-Talk in Comp Studies, ed. Victor Villanueva Jr. (Urbana: NCTE, 1997).
  • "Cognition, Convention, and Certainty: What We Need to Know About Writing" (1982) rpt. in Pre/Text: The First Decade, ed. Victor J. Vitanza (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1993); and rpt. in Cross-Talk in Comp Studies, ed. Victor Villanueva Jr. (Urbana: NCTE, 1997).
  • "Pecuniary Emulation of the Mediator in The Great Gatsby: (1979) rpt. in Major Literary Characters: Gatsby, ed. Harold Bloom (New York: Chelsea House, 1991).

[edit] Conferences on college composition and communication

  • Paper, “Jewish Religious Ideas in the Civil Rights Rhetoric of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel,” CCCC. Chicago , March 2006.
  • Paper, “Cultural Mixing in Al-Andalus,” CCCC, San Francisco, March 2005.
  • Paper, “Control and Intellectual Work: Traditional, ‘Rational’ Criteria for the Evaluation of Alternative Discourses,” CCCC, New York, March 2003.
  • Featured Speaker, “Alternative Forms of Academic Discourse and Intellectual Work,” CCCC, Denver, March 2001.
  • Paper, “Sojourner Truth: Prophetess in a Contact Zone,” CCCC, Minneapolis, April 2000.
  • Roundtable participant, “Teaching Writing for Social Change,” CCCC, Chicago, April 1998.
  • Paper, ”Teaching Rhetoric for Social Change,” CCCC, Phoenix, March 1997.
  • Discussant, “Responding On (Off) Line to Three Works in Progress” (a session on my work, Marilyn Cooper’s, and John Trimbur’s), CCCC, Phoenix, March 1997.
  • Paper, "A Sense of History and the Practice of Rhetoric: The Function of Cultural Archives in Persuasion," CCCC, Milwaukee, March 1996.
  • Paper, "Theories of Content," CCCC, Nashville, March 1994.
  • Paper, "Feminist Research in the History of Rhetoric," CCCC, Cincinnati, March 1992.
  • Paper, "Communities, Values, and Change," CCCC, Cincinnati, March 1992.
  • Paper, "A Rhetorician Reading 'The Laugh of the Medusa,' or, How to Defend Everyone's Right to Appear in Public as a Woman Mistress," CCCC, Boston, March 1991.
  • Paper, "The Woman Speaker as a Rhetorical Device in The Praise of Folly"; and Respondent, address by Kenneth Bruffee; and Respondent, Session: "How We Argue in Composition Studies," CCCC, Chicago, March 1990.
  • Paper, "Alternative Discourse as Resistance: A Response," CCCC, Seattle, March 1989.
  • Paper, "Writing within and against the Curriculum," CCCC, Seattle, March 1989.
  • Paper, "Resistance and Writing Instruction," CCCC, St. Louis, March 1988.
  • Paper, "Cultural Criticism as a Mode of Composition Research," CCCC, St. Louis, March 1988.
  • Crosscurrents Paper, "Forming the Canon in Composition Studies," CCCC, Atlanta, March 1987.
  • Paper, "Academic Discourse: Taxonomy or Practice?", CCCC, New Orleans, March 1986.
  • Paper, "Separation and Resistance in Academic Discourse," CCCC, Minneapolis, March 1985.
  • Paper, "What Happens When Basic Writers Come to College?", CCCC, New York, March 1984.
  • Respondent, my Session: "Social Contexts of Argumentation," and Chair, Session: "Comparative Composing Processes," CCCC, Detroit, March 1983.
  • Respondent, Session: "Composition Textbooks," CCCC, San Francisco, March 1982.
  • Paper, "Academic Discourse and Authentic Voice," for my Session: "Academic Discourse: Contextual Constraints on Composing," CCCC, Washington D.C., March 1980.
  • Paper, "Problems in Choosing a Theory of Basic Writing: Toward a Rhetoric of Scholarly Discourse," CCCC, Minneapolis, April 1979.
  • Chair, Session: "What's Really Basic about Composition for Survival in Today's World?", CCCC, Philadelphia, March 1976.

[edit] NCTE, MLA, other professional conferences

  • Workshop participant and presenter, “Teaching Rhetoric and Composition in the Jesuit Tradition,” Rhetoric Society of America Institute, Kent State , May 2005.
  • Invited speaker, “Publication Evaluation for Tenure at a Selective Liberal Arts College,” MLA Publication Committee-sponsored session, one of three on the crisis in scholarly publishing, Modern Language Association, San Diego, December 2003.
  • Featured Speaker, “ ‘An Age of Moralistic Criticism’: Feminism and the History of Rhetoric,” Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference [national conference of Coalition of Women Scholars in the History of Rhetoric], Ohio State University, October 2003.
  • Organizer and discussion leader, Alliance of Rhetoric Societies conference, Evanston, Illinois, September 2003.
  • Paper, “What I Learned from Editing The Rhetorical Tradition,” Rhetoric Society of America, Las Vegas, May 2002.
  • Paper, “What I Learned from Preparing the Second Edition of The Rhetorical Tradition,” Modern Language Association, New Orleans, December 2001.
  • Keynote address, “The WPA Without a Program, or, Memoirs of a Local ‘Writing Expert,’” Council of Writing Program Administrators annual national conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, July 2000.
  • Keynote address, “Feminist Methods of Research in the History of Rhetoric: What Difference Do They Make?” and
  • Paper, “Tongue of Fire on a Daughter of the Lord: The Rhetorical Theory of Phoebe Palmer, Methodist,” Rhetoric Society of America biennial national conference, Washington D.C., May 2000.
  • Paper, “Hybrid Forms of Academic Discourse,” Modern Language Association, Chicago, December 1999.
  • Keynote address, “Rhetoric and the Tradition of Jesuit Education,” Writing and the Jesuit Tradition of Education, national conference of writing program administrators from Jesuit colleges and universities, Marquette University, Milwaukee, October 1999.
  • Paper, “The Postmodern Renaissance of Ancient Rhetoric,” International Society for the Study of European Ideas annual international conference, Haifa, Israel, August 1998.
  • Featured Speaker, Seminar leader, “Hybrid Discourses,” Summer Seminar in Rhetoric and Composition, Millikin University, June 1998.
  • Featured Speaker, Roundtable discussion, “The Need for a Common Language: A Constraint on Civic Literacy?”, University of Rhode Island annual regional summer conference on composition pedagogy, May 1998.
  • Featured Speaker, “From ‘Discourse Community’ to “Contact Zone’: Coming to Terms with Difference in Composition Studies,” Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition, University of Louisville, October 1996.
  • Featured Speaker, "The Prospect of Rhetorical Agency," Rhetoric Society of America biennial national conference, Tucson, June 1996.
  • Featured Speaker, "Negotiating Difference," University of Rhode Island/Trinity College Summer Conference, Kingston, Rhode Island, June 1996.
  • Featured Speaker, "Teaching in the Contact Zone," University of Rhode Island/Trinity College Summer Conference, Kingston, Rhode Island, June 1995.
  • Keynote Speaker, "Theories of Content," NCTE Summer Institute for Teachers of Literature, Myrtle Beach, June 1994.
  • Keynote Speaker, "'Negotiating Difference': A Basic Rhetoric Course for the American Multicultural Democracy," University of Rhode Island Conference on the Role of Rhetoric (regional), Kingston, Rhode Island, June 1993.
  • Paper, "Subverting the Composition Curriculum," session sponsored by Council of Writing Program Administrators, and Paper, "The Teacher's Authority: Negotiating Difference in the Classroom," Modern Language Association annual convention, New York, December 1992.
  • Keynote Speaker, "The Relationship of Knowledge to Argument on Academic and Political Questions," Bard Institute for Writing and Thinking, Annandale-on-Hudson, January 1992.
  • Keynote Speaker, "The Politics of Teaching Virtue," at joint WPA national conference and ADE Eastern Summer Seminar, Saratoga NY, June 1991.
  • Keynote Speaker, "Rhetorical Authority and the Teaching of Virtue," Values, Conflicts, and Critical Inquiry Institute, University of Chicago, April 1991.
  • Keynote Speaker, "Power, Authority, and Critical Pedagogy," Keynote Speaker, CUNY Association of Writing Supervisors annual conference (regional), New York City, October 1990.
  • Paper, "'Stolen' Literacies in Iola Leroy," MLA conference "Responsibilities for Literacy" (national), Pittsburgh, September


  • Keynote Speaker, " The Praise of Folly, The Woman Rhetor, and Postmodern Skepticism," Conference on Feminist Sophistics (national), Miami University of Ohio, June 1990.
  • Paper, "What Counts as 'Cultural Literacy,'" Session sponsored by NCTE College Section, Modern Language Association annual convention, Washington D.C., December 1989.
  • Respondent, Session: "Threats to Academic Freedom Posed by Cultural Literacy," sponsored by MLA Committee on Academic Freedom, Modern Language Association annual convention, New Orleans, December 1988.
  • Keynote Speaker, "How Do Discourse Communities Change?", University of New Hampshire Literacy Conference, Durham, October 1988.
  • Keynote Speaker, "Cultural Literacy and Freshman English," Council of Writing Program Administrators national conference, Newport, August 1988.
  • Keynote Speaker, "Marxism and Composition Studies," University of San Francisco Literacy Conference, San Francisco, June 1988.
  • Keynote Speaker, "Some Uses of the Concept of 'Discourse Community,'" Pennsylvania State University Summer Conference on Rhetoric, State College, July 1987.
  • Paper, "What Can We Know, What Must We Do, What May We Hope: Writing Assessment," University of New Hampshire Summer Studies in Composition, Durham, August 1986.
  • Paper, "Toward a Unified Theory of Composition and Literature," National Council of Teachers of English Session, Modern Language Association annual convention, Washington D.C., December 1984.
  • Paper and Workshop, "Collaborative Research Projects for Students," National Council of Teachers of English annual convention, Detroit, November 1984.
  • Paper, "Knowledge and Argument: An Example from English Studies," co-authored with Bruce Herzberg, Speech Communication Association and American Forensic Association Summer Conference on Argumentation, Alta, Utah, July 1983.
  • Paper, "William Perry and the Function of Writing in Liberal Education," NEH Summer Conference on Writing in the Humanities, Philadelphia, June 1983.

[edit] Invited lectures and workshops

  • Lecture, “Composition and Rhetoric into the 21 st Century,” University of Hawaii, October 2004.
  • Lectures, “What I Learned from Editing the Rhetorical Tradition” and “Alternative Forms of Academic Discourse,” University of Minnesota, September 2003.
  • Workshop, “Teaching ‘Mixed’ Forms of Academic Discourse,” Carleton College, October 2002.
  • Consultant-Evaluator, Harvard Study of the Undergraduate Writing Experience, May 2002.
  • Lecture, “Can We All Agree on What Makes College Writing Good?”, Northeastern University, April 2002.
  • Workshops, “Teaching Negotiating Difference,” University of Miami, February 2001.
  • Lecture, “Rewriting the Rhetorical Traditions,” University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, December 2000.
  • Workshops, “Writing across the Curriculum in First-Year Seminars,” College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio, September 1999.
  • Lecture, “Hybrid Forms of Academic Discourse,” Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton FL, January 1999.
  • Lecture, “Hybrid Discourses,” and workshop, “Using Negotiating Difference,” University of Missouri at Kansas City, Kansas City MO, August 1998.
  • Lecture, “The Academic Discourse Community: What Does It Mean?”, Roger Williams University, Bristol RI, March 1998.
  • Lecture, “Opportunities for Feminist Research in Rhetoric Revisited,” and Workshop, “Writing across the Curriculum,” University of Georgia, Athens, October 1997.
  • Workshop, “Using Negotiating Difference,” Duke University, Durham, September 1997.
  • Lecture, “Varieties of Academic Discourse: Are They Possible?”, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, April 1997.
  • Workshop, “Using Negotiating Difference,” Three Rivers Community-Technical College, Norwich CT, March 1997.
  • Workshop, "Negotiating Difference in the First Year Seminar," Merrimack College, May 1996.
  • Paper, "Jameson, Postmodernism, and Composition Studies," Pennsylvania State University, April 1996.
  • Paper, "Opportunities for Feminist Research in the History of Rhetoric," University of Connecticut, April 1993.
  • Paper, "Regaining a Sense of History: Jameson's 'Cognitive Mapping' and Postmodern Rhetoric," and faculty workshop on teaching writing, University of South Florida, March 1993.
  • Workshop, with Ogretta McNeil, Professor of Psychology, Holy Cross College, "Helping Students with Special Difficulties in Written Communication" (for high school teachers), Worcester Alliance for Education, Worcester, May 1992.
  • Paper, "Communities, Values, and Cultural Literacy," University of New Hampshire, Durham, April 1992.
  • Paper, "Feminist Research in the History of Rhetoric," Texas Women's University, Denton, April 1992.
  • Workshop, "Writing across the Curriculum," Notre Dame Academy, Worcester, April 1992.
  • Lecture, "Literacy Courses in the English Department," University of Kansas, March 1992.
  • Workshop, "Using Multicultural Materials to Teach Argument," Wellesley College, March 1992.
  • Paper, "Multicultural Contexts for Writing Instruction," Wellesley College, February 1992.
  • Paper, "The Other 'C' Word: Content," Ohio State University, November 1991.
  • Lecture, "Qualifications of the Writing Program Administrator," Boston College, September 1991
  • Paper, "Rhetorical Authority and the Teaching of Virtue," University of Massachusetts at Amherst, April 1991.
  • Paper, "Assembling The Rhetorical Tradition," Marquette University, March 1991.
  • Paper, " The Praise of Folly, The Woman Rhetor, and Postmodern Skepticism," University of Toledo, December 1990.
  • Paper, "Beyond Anti-Foundationalism to Rhetorical Authority: Problems in Defining Cultural Literacy," Brown University, April 1990.
  • Paper, "Rhetorical Authority and What Counts as 'Cultural Literary,'" Temple University, March 1990.
  • Papers, "What Counts as 'Cultural Literacy'" and "Beyond Anti-Foundationalism to Rhetorical Authority: Problems in Defining Cultural Literacy," California State University at Chico, November 1989.
  • Workshop, "Cultural Literacy and The Freshman English Curriculum," Bentley College, Waltham, August 1989.
  • Paper, "Orators and Philosophers in English Studies," University of Louisville, April 1989.
  • Paper, "Orators and Philosophers in English Studies," University of Arizona, February 1989.
  • Paper, "Cultural Literacy and Freshman English," University of Pittsburgh, November 1988.
  • Paper, "Marxism and Composition Studies," Miami University of Ohio, April 1988
  • Workshop, "Basic Writing Programs and Minority Students," Northern Arizona University, December 1987.
  • Paper, "What Is a Discourse Community?", University of Illinois at Chicago, September 1987.
  • Paper, "Foundationalism and Anti-Foundationalism in Composition Studies," University of California at Berkeley, April 1987.
  • Paper, "Cultural Literacy," Rutgers the State University of New Jersey, November 1986.
  • Workshop, "Using Readers to Teach Writing," Rutgers the State University of New Jersey, November 1986.
  • Paper, "Foundationalism and Anti-Foundationalism in Composition Studies," University of Texas at Austin, December 1985.
  • Paper, "Why Study Composition?", Boston College, September 1985.
  • Workshop, "Writing for History," Bancroft School, Worcester, Massachusetts, September 1984.
  • Workshop, "Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary," Catholic High School Teachers' Institute, Diocese of Worcester, August 1983.
  • Workshop, "Writing-Across-The-Curriculum," Bancroft School, Worcester, Massachusetts, April 1983.
  • Paper, "Academic Discourse," High School English Institute, Rider College, Lawrenceville, New Jersey, April 1981.
  • Paper, "Academic Discourse," NEH Summer Seminar, "Philosophy and the Composing Process," Ann E. Berthoff, Chair, Boston, July 1980.