Patriarch of Serbia

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This is a list of The Patriarchs of Serbia, the person known officially as Patriarch of all Serbia, Archbishop of Peć, Metropolitan of Belgrade and Karlovci. Currently, this is Patriarch Pavle.

The episcopal see was founded in 1219 by St. Sava under the autocephaly of the Patriarchs of Constantinople. In 1346 it unilaterally declared itself as a patriarchate in Pec. This was only recognized by Constantinople in 1379.

After the Ottoman conquest of Serbia in 1459, the Patriarchate gradually lost its importance. At times the church was forced by the Porte to install Greeks to the office. From 1766-1920 the patriarchate was abolished and all ecclesiastical jurisdiction was placed under the Greek Orthodox Church. A metropolitan see was maintained in Belgrade from 1766 afterwards.

Due to the war between the Ottoman Empire and the Holy League, a large number of Serbs migrated to Habsburg Monarchy in 1690. This caused the establishment of a Metropolitanate in Karlowitz (Sremski Karlovci). Later on the see was elevated to a patriarchate in 1848 as a reward to Serbs who supported the Habsburgs during the 1848/1849 revolution.

In 1920 after Yugoslavia was formed both episcopal seats in Belgrade and Karlowitz were united to re-established a united Serbian patriarchate.


[edit] Metropolitan of Žiča, 1219-1252

Name Start of Reign End of Reign Birth Name Title
St. Sava I
Sabbas I
1219 1233 Ratsko Nemanjić Metropolitan of Žiča and Archbishop of Serbs

[edit] Metropolitans of Peć, 1252-1346

Name Start of Reign End of Reign Birth Name Title
St. Arsenije I Sremac
Arsenius I
1233 1263 Metropolitan of Peć and Archbishop of Serbs
St. Sava II
Sabbas II
1263 1271 Predislav Nemanjić Metropolitan of Peć and Archbishop of Serbs
Danilo I
Daniel I
1271 1272 Metropolitan of Peć and Archbishop of Serbs
St. Joanikije I
Joannicius I
1272 1276 Metropolitan of Peć and Archbishop of Serbs
vacant from 1276-1279
St. Jevstatije I
Eustatius I
1279 1286 Metropolitan of Peć and Archbishop of Serbs
Jacov I
Jacob I
1286 1292 Metropolitan of Peć and Archbishop of Serbs
Jevstatije II
Eustatius I
1292 1309 Metropolitan of Peć and Archbishop of Serbs
St. Sava III
Sabbas III
1309 1316 Metropolitan of Peć and Archbishop of Serbs
St. Nikodim I
Nikodemus I
1316 1324 Metropolitan of Peć and Archbishop of Serbs
St. Danilo II
Daniel II
1324 1337 Metropolitan of Peć and Archbishop of Serbs

[edit] Patriarchs of Peć, 1346-1766

Name Start of Reign End of Reign Birth Name Title
St. Joanikije II
Joannicius II
1337 1354 Metropolitan of Peć and Archbishop of Serbs (1337-1346)

Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Maritime and all Serb Lands
1st Patriarch of Serbs (1st Patriarch of Peć)

St. Sava IV
Sabbas IV
1354 1375 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Maritime and all Serb Lands
2nd Patriarch of Serbs (2nd Patriarch of Peć)
St. Jefrem
1375 1380 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Maritime and all Serb Lands
3rd Patriarch of Serbs (3rd Patriarch of Peć) (First Tenure)
St. Spiridon
1380 1389 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Maritime and all Serb Lands
4th Patriarch of Serbs (4th Patriarch of Peć)
St. Jefrem
1389 1390 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Maritime and all Serb Lands
3rd Patriarch of Serbs (3rd Patriarch of Peć) (Second Tenure)
Danilo III
Daniel III
1390 1396 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Maritime and all Serb Lands
5th Patriarch of Serbs (5th Patriarch of Peć)
Sava V
Sabbas V
1396 1407 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Maritime and all Serb Lands
6th Patriarch of Serbs (6th Patriarch of Peć)
Danilo IV
Daniel IV
1407 1407 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Maritime and all Serb Lands
7th Patriarch of Serbs (7th Patriarch of Peć)
Kiril I
Cyril I
1407 1418 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Maritime and all Serb Lands
8th Patriarch of Serbs (8th Patriarch of Peć)
1418 1435 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Maritime and all Serb Lands
9th Patriarch of Serbs (9th Patriarch of Peć)
1435 1446 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Maritime and all Serb Lands
10th Patriarch of Serbs (10th Patriarch of Peć)
Nikodim II
Nikodemus II
1446 1453 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Maritime and all Serb Lands
11th Patriarch of Serbs (11th Patriarch of Peć)
Arsenije II
Arsenius II
1453 1459 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Maritime and all Serb Lands
12th Patriarch of Serbs (12th Patriarch of Peć)
vacant from 1459 to 1508 due to Ottoman Empire's 1st abolishment
Jovan I
John I
1508 1508 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
13th Patriarch of Serbs (13th Patriarch of Peć)
vacant from 1508 to 1524 due to Ottoman Empire's 2nd abolishment
1524 1524 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
14th Patriarch of Serbs (14th Patriarch of Peć)
vacant from 1524 to 1527 due to Ottoman Empire's 3rd abolishment
Pavle of Smederevo
Paul (I)
1527 1535 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
15th Patriarch of Serbs (15th Patriarch of Peć)
vacant from 1535 to 1557 due to Ottoman Empire's 4th abolishment
1557 1572 Makarije Sokolović Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
16th Patriarch of Serbs (16th Patriarch of Peć)
1572 1575 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
17th Patriarch of Serbs (17th Patriarch of Peć)
1575 1585 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
18th Patriarch of Serbs (18th Patriarch of Peć)
1585 1586 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
19th Patriarch of Serbs (19th Patriarch of Peć)
1586 1591 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
20th Patriarch of Serbs (20th Patriarch of Peć)
1591 1592 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
21st Patriarch of Serbs (21st Patriarch of Peć)
Jovan II Kantul
John II
1592 1613 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
22nd Patriarch of Serbs (22nd Patriarch of Peć)
Pajsije I of Janjevo
Paisius I
1613 1647 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
23rd Patriarch of Serbs (23rd Patriarch of Peć)
St. Gavrilo I
Gabriel I
1648 1655 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
24th Patriarch of Serbs (24th Patriarch of Peć)
Maksim I of Skoplje
Maximus I
1655 1672 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
25th Patriarch of Serbs (25th Patriarch of Peć)
Arsenije III Carnojevic
Arsenius III
1672 1691 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
26th Patriarch of Serbs (26th Patriarch of Peć)
Kalinik I
Callinicus I
1691 1710 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
27th Patriarch of Serbs (27th Patriarch of Peć)
Atanasije I
Athanasius I
1711 1712 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
28th Patriarch of Serbs (28th Patriarch of Peć)
1712 1725 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
29th Patriarch of Serbs (29th Patriarch of Peć)
Arsenije IV
Arsenius IV
1725 1737 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
30th Patriarch of Serbs (30th Patriarch of Peć)
Joanikije III Karadza
Joannicius III
1737 1746 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
31st Patriarch of Serbs (31st Patriarch of Peć)
Atanasije II
Athanasius II
1746 1752 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
32nd Patriarch of Serbs (32nd Patriarch of Peć)
Gavrilo II
Gabriel II
1752 1752 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
33rd Patriarch of Serbs (33rd Patriarch of Peć)
Gavrilo III
Gabriel III
1752 1758 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
34th Patriarch of Serbs (34th Patriarch of Peć)
Vikentije I Stefanovic
Vicentius I
1758 1758 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
35th Patriarch of Serbs (35th Patriarch of Peć)
Pajsije II
Paisius II
1758 1758 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
36th Patriarch of Serbs (36th Patriarch of Peć)
Gavrilo IV
Gabriel IV
1758 1759 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
37th Patriarch of Serbs (37th Patriarch of Peć)
Kiril II
Cyril II
1759 1763 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
38th Patriarch of Serbs (38th Patriarch of Peć)
1763 1765 Vasilije Brkic Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
39th Patriarch of Serbs (39th Patriarch of Peć)
Kalinik II
Callinicus II
1765 1766 Archbishop of Peć and Patriarch of Serbs
40th Patriarch of Serbs (40th Patriarch of Peć)

[edit] Metropolitans and Patriachs of Karlowitz, 1691-1920

[edit] Metropolitan of Sentandreja, 1691-1706

Name Start of Reign End of Reign Birth Name Title
Arsenije III
Arsenius III
1691 1706 Arsenije Čarnojević Metropolitan of Sentandreja

[edit] Metropolitan of Krušedol, 1708-1713

Name Start of Reign End of Reign Birth Name Title
Isaija 1708 / Isaija Đakovac Metropolitan of Krušedol

[edit] Metropolitan of Karlowitz, 1713-1848

Name Start of Reign End of Reign Birth Name Title
Arsenije IV
Arsenius IV
1737 1748 Arsenije Jovanović-Šakabenta Metropolitan of Karlowitz
1749 1768 Pavle Nenadović Metropolitan of Karlowitz
1768 1773 / Metropolitan of Karlowitz
1774 1780 / Metropolitan of Karlowitz
1780 1790 / Metropolitan of Karlowitz
Stefan I
Stephen I
1790 1836 Stefan Stratimirović Metropolitan of Karlowitz
Stefan II
Stephen II
1836 1841 / Metropolitan of Karlowitz
1842 1848 Josif Rajačić Metropolitan of Karlowitz
Patriarch of Karlowitz

[edit] Patriarchs of Karlowitz, 1848-1920

Name Start of Reign End of Reign Birth Name Title
1848 1861 Josif Rajačić Metropolitan of Karlowitz
Patriarch of Karlowitz
41st Patriarch of Serbs
(1st Patriarch of Karlowitz)
1861 1870 / Patriarch of Karlowitz
42nd Patriarch of Serbs
(2nd Patriarch of Karlowitz)
1874 1879 Prokopije Ivanković Patriarch of Karlowitz
43rd Patriarch of Serbs
(3rd Patriarch of Karlowitz)
Grigorije I
Gregory I
1879 1888 Grigorije Anđelić Patriarch of Karlowitz
44th Patriarch of Serbs
(4th Patriarch of Karlowitz)
Georgije II
George II
1888 1907 Georgije Branković Patriarch of Karlowitz
45th Patriarch of Serbs
(5th Patriarch of Karlowitz)
1908 1913 Lukijan Bogdanović Patriarch of Karlowitz
46th Patriarch of Serbs
(6th Patriarch of Karlowitz)
1914 1919 Miron Nikolić Patriarch of Karlowitz
47th Patriarch of Serbs
(7th Patriarch of Karlowitz)
Georgije III
George III
1918 1920 Georgije Letić Patriarch of Karlowitz
48th Patriarch of Serbs
(8th Patriarch of Karlowitz)

[edit] Metropolitans of Belgrade, 1766-1920

Name Start of Reign End of Reign Birth Name Title
1766 1784 Metropolitan of Belgrade
Dionizije I
Dionysius I
1785 1791 Metropolitan of Belgrade
1791 1801 Metropolitan of Belgrade
1801 1813 Metropolitan of Belgrade
Dionizije II
Dionysius II
1813 1815 Metropolitan of Belgrade
1815 1835 Metropolitan of Belgrade
1825 1827 Metropolitan of Belgrade
1827 1830 Metropolitan of Belgrade
Melentije Pavlovic
1830 1833 Metropolitan of Belgrade
Petar Jovanovic
1833 1859 Metropolitan of Belgrade
Mihailo Jovanovic
1859 1881 Metropolitan of Belgrade (First Tenure)
Teodosije Mraovic
1883 1889 Metropolitan of Belgrade
Mihailo Jovanovic
1889 1898 Metropolitan of Belgrade (Second Tenure)
Inokentije Pavlovic
1898 1905 Metropolitan of Belgrade

[edit] Patriarchs of Serbia, since 1920

Name Start of Reign End of Reign Birth Name Title
Dimitrije Pavlovic
1905 1930 Metropolitan of Belgrade (1905-1920)
Archbishop of Peć, Metropolitan of Belgrade and Karlovci,
and Patriarch of all Serbia (1920-1930)
49th Patriarch of Serbs (41st Patriarch of Peć)
Varnava Rosic
1930 1937 Archbishop of Peć, Metropolitan of Belgrade and Karlovci,
and Patriarch of all Serbia
50th Patriarch of Serbs (42nd Patriarch of Peć)
Gavrilo V Dozic-Medenica
Gabriel V
1938 1950 Archbishop of Peć, Metropolitan of Belgrade and Karlovci,
and Patriarch of all Serbia
51st Patriarch of Serbs (43rd Patriarch of Peć)
Vikentije II
Vicentius II
1950 1958 Archbishop of Peć, Metropolitan of Belgrade and Karlovci,
and Patriarch of all Serbia
52nd Patriarch of Serbs (44th Patriarch of Peć)
German Djoric
1958 1990 Archbishop of Peć, Metropolitan of Belgrade and Karlovci,
and Patriarch of all Serbia
53rd Patriarch of Serbs (45th Patriarch of Peć)
Paul (II)
1990 Gojko Stojčević Archbishop of Peć, Metropolitan of Belgrade and Karlovci,
and Patriarch of all Serbia
54th Patriarch of Serbs (46th Patriarch of Peć)

Patriarchate of Serbia
Patriarchs | Serbian Orthodox Church | Holy Serbs | Holy Synod
Temple of St. Sava | Saborna Crkva (Belgrade Cathedral Church) | St. Mark's Church | Chicago Cathedral Church
Patriarchate of Peć | Hilandar | Banjska | Devič | Gračanica | Kalenić | Ljubostinja | Manasija | Mileševa | Morača | Ostrog
Rača | Ravanica | Savina | Sopoćani | Studenica | Tvrdoš | Visoki Dečani | Žiča | Monasteries of Fruška Gora | St. Sava (USA)
Patriarchal Saints
Saint Sava I | Saint Arsenije I Sremac | Saint Danilo II | Saint Sava II | Saint Joanikije I | Saint Jevstatije I | Saint Sava III | Saint Nikodim I
Saint Joanikije II | Saint Sava IV | Saint Jefrem | Saint Spiridon | Saint Jefrem | Saint Gavrilo I
Dabro-Bosna | Montenegro and the Littoral | Zagreb and Ljubljana | Midwestern America
Autonomous Dioceses
Orthodox Ohrid Archbishopric

[edit] See also

[edit] External links