Talk:Partial fraction decomposition over the reals

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This needs some work (by me); some of it isn't quite right, and the notation is awful. Revolver

I think the sketch proof of existence on the partial fraction page is essentially OK.

Charles Matthews 08:20, 20 Nov 2003 (UTC)

Sorry, I didn't even see the partial fraction page. Revolver

[edit] nice

This is a quite nice and useful page; I don't dare to say "stub", but lots of things could be added. I'm just hesitating whether to but an (of course never) "exhaustive" list of such methods before or behind the examples, on in between the simple and the complicated example.

I'm rather against the "merging" blob. It's nice to have this "application" page corresponding to 1st yr calculus university needs, which may soon grow to a quite respectable size, separately from a more algebraic partial fraction page.

Links to this page may be useful on basic pages of integration (I mean 'finding primitives'), where the algebraic background would be completely irrelevant and a hurdle for many readers to make their way up to the stuff presented here, while in turn this is completely irrelevant for more theoretical considerations like existence etc. MFH: Talk 18:51, 26 May 2005 (UTC)