Party of the Hungarian Coalition

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The Party of the Hungarian Coalition (Hungarian: Magyar Koalíció Pártja, Slovak: Strana maďarskej koalície, officially registered under the compound name Strana maďarskej koalície – Magyar Koalíció Pártja) is a political party in Slovakia, for the Magyar (i.e. ethnic Hungarian) minority. It is led by Béla Bugár, and has 20 of 150 seats in the National Council of the Slovak Republic, making it the largest Hungarian party in Slovakia.


[edit] Involvement in various bodies

The party is an associate member of the European People’s Party since 7 June 2000 and a full member of the European Democrats Union since January 2001.

Following the 2002 parliamentary election in Slovakia, the Party of the Hungarian Coalition joined the Slovak governing coalition for the second time (after the 1998-2002 term), obtained 321,069 votes (11.16% of all votes), and was the most stable political party in the governing coalition. At the EU parliament election in 2004 the party won 13.24% of the vote.

The party had 4 ministers (Pál Csáky - Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration and Minority Rights, László Miklós - Minister of Environment, László Gyurovszky - Minister of Construction and Regional Development and Zsolt Simon - Minister of Agriculture) and 6 state secretaries (Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Construction and Regional Development) in the Slovak government. There are 20 parliamentarians of the party in the National Council of the Slovak Republic and Béla Bugár, the president of the Party of the Hungarian Coalition, is the President of the National Council of the Slovak Republic.

[edit] Organisation

The primary party organisations make up the basis of the party. By the end of March 2003, the number of these local organisations was 521 and the number of members was 10,983. The party congress is the highest body of the party. Between two congresses the highest body of the party is the National Council.

Each elected functionary and body gets elected in form of democratic, secret elections. The party leadership of the districts co-ordinates the work of local institutions within district.

Party chairman is Béla Bugár. The Chairman of the National Council is Zsolt Komlósy, the Parliamentary Group Leader is Gyula Bárdos and Executive Deputy Chairman is Miklós Duray. Pál Csáky is the chairman of the Minister’s Club.

Two of MPs, Mrs. Edit Bauer and Mr. László Nagy, represent the Party of Hungarian Coalition in the European Parliament, acting as observers in the EPP-ED Group.

[edit] Objectives

The main objective is the representation of the interests of the Hungarian community in Slovakia and at the same time strengthening their legal status and ensuring an equal position in the society. The Party of Hungarian Coalition pays great attention to the protection of rights of other minorities living in Slovakia as well. As a sign of this, Mr. László Nagy, MP and Chairman of the Slovak parliament’s Committee for Human Rights, Minorities and the Position of Women pays great attention – among others – to the solution of the Roma issue. Mr. Pál Csáky, a deputy prime minister, is also responsible for the same field.

[edit] 2006 elections

In the parliamentary election of 17 june 2006, the party won 11.7 % of the popular vote and 20 out of 150 seats.

[edit] External link

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