Party of National Revival "Narodnaya Volya"

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Party of National Revival "Narodnaya Volya"
Leader Sergey Baburin
Founded December 2001
Headquarters Moscow
Political ideology nationalism, conservatism
International affiliation none

Party of National Revival "Narodnaya Volya" (Russian: Партия Национального Возрождения «Народная Воля»), nationalist party created in December of 2001 and led by a veteran Russian nationalist politician Sergey Baburin.

It was created by uniting four minor nationalist parties who merged together and its name Narodnaya Volya translates from Russian as People's Will. In September of 2003 Narodnaya Volya joined Rodina coalition what performed surprisingly well in the 2003 State Duma elections.

Narodnaya Volya is seen by many as the most nationalist and conservative element in mostly leftist Rodina and a number of its members in the past were associated with Russian far right movements. Currently nine members of Narodnaya Volya are deputies of the Russian Duma. In October 2006 Narodnaya Volya, unlike most of Rodina coalition, did not join the Russia of Justice party and remained an independent faction in the Duma.

Narodnaya Volya claims to have international ties with Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine led by Nataliya Vitrenko, National Front (France) led by Jean-Marie Le Pen and Serbian Radical Party of Vojislav Šešelj.

Domestically, the party is allied to United Socialist Party of Russia led by Vasilii Shestakov Vladimir Putin's former judo instructor and closely co-operates with a number of minor parties such as Patriots of Russia party led by Gennady Semigin, Russian Rebirth led by Gennadiy Seleznyov and Sergey Glazyev's party For the Decent Life. Prominent Narodnaya Volya party members include Viktors Alksnis, Nikolai Leonov and Aleksandr Rutskoy.

In November 2006, the party gained prominence as one of the main organizers of the nationalist "Russian Marsh" during the Unity Day celebrations in Moscow.

On March 26, 2007 Narodnaya Volya united with 13 small nationalist, Orthodox Christian and conservative organizations and party was renamed "People's Union" (Народный Союз). New party declared its intension to participate in 2007 Russian Duma elections. Among more prominent politicians who united under leadership of Sergey Baburin was Anna Markova former vice governor of Saint Petersburg.

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