Partial fraction decomposition

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Partial fraction decompostion is a theorem in algebra which states that a rational function can be decomposed into a polynomial plus a sum of proper fractions, each of which is either a constant over a power of a linear polynomial or a linear polynomial over a power of an irreducible quadratic polynomial.


[edit] Statement of theorem

Let f and g be nonzero polynomials. Write g as a product of powers of distinct irreducible polynomials:

g=\prod_{i=1}^k p_i^{n_i}.

There are (unique) polynomials b and aij with \deg\ a_{ij} < \deg\ p_i such that


If \deg\ f < \deg\ g, then b = 0.

Alternative Statement:

Hopefully this will provide a simpler, and more accessible version of the proof.


1 = A(r + 1) + Br \

1 = Ar + A + Br \

1 = (A + B)r + A \

0r + 1 = (A + B)r + A \

A = 1 \

A + B = 0 \

B = -1 \


[edit] Outline of proof

[edit] Lemma 1

Let f,g and h be nonzero polynomials with f and g coprime. There are polynomials a and b such that \frac{h}{fg}=\frac{a}{f}+\frac{b}{g}.

[edit] Lemma 2

Let f and g be nonzero polynomials and let n be a positive integer. There exist polynomials b and ai with \deg\ a_i<\deg\ g such that \frac{f}{g^n}=b+\sum_{j=1}^n\frac{a_j}{g^j}.

[edit] Generalization to Euclidean domains

More generally, this is true in any Euclidean domain.

[edit] Internal links
