Parotoid gland

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The parotoid gland can be seen just behind the tympanum (ear) of this Cane Toad.
The parotoid gland can be seen just behind the tympanum (ear) of this Cane Toad.

For one of the human salivary glands, see parotid gland.

The parotoid gland is an external skin gland on the back, neck, and shoulder of toads and some salamanders. It secretes an alkaloid milky substance to deter predators. The substance produced acts as a neurotoxin.

Parotoid glands are sometimes said to be wart-like in appearance, though warts are abnormal growths caused by viral infections and parotoid glands are normal, healthy parts of the animals that have them. The vague similarity in appearance, however, is the reason behind the old wives' tale that touching a toad causes warts.

[edit] See also