Paris Air Show

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A Mirage 2000-5 at the Paris Air Show
A Mirage 2000-5 at the Paris Air Show

The Paris Air Show (Salon International de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace, Paris-Le Bourget) is an international trade fair for the aerospace business. It is held at Le Bourget airport near Paris, France every odd year, alternating both with the Farnborough International Exhibition and Flying Display and the Internationale Luft- und Raumfahrtausstellung Berlin (ILA).

The Paris Air Show is a commercial air show, organised by the French aerospace industry's body the Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales (GIFAS) whose main purpose is to demonstrate military and civilian aircraft to potential customers. It is one of the most prestigious in the world; traditionally, some major sales contracts are announced during the show as part of the corporate communication of the manufacturers. All major international manufacturers, as well as the military forces of several countries, attend the Paris Air Show.

In addition to industrial visitors, the show, on the week end, welcomes a large number of non-professionals, from the Paris area and well beyond.


[edit] 2005 Paris Airshow

An AH-64 Apache at the 2005 Paris Air show
An AH-64 Apache at the 2005 Paris Air show
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The oldest air show in the world was held in 2005 over the period of 13th June19th June. The 2005 show witnessed the return of American companies in large numbers following the downscaling of their presence in 2003 in relation to the Iraq War. Another strain in relations in 2005 was the recently launched World Trade Organisation litigation.

[edit] Videos

  • An amateur video of static and flying aircrats at the 2005 edition of the Paris Air Show

[edit] Main Events

Tuesday 14th

[edit] Dates

1724 June 2001
1520 June 2003
1319 June 2005
1824 June 2007

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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