Parallel Universe (Red Dwarf episode)

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Red Dwarf episode
"Parallel Universe"
Episode № 6
Airdate October 11, 1988
Writer(s) Rob Grant & Doug Naylor
Director Ed Bye
Guest star(s) Hattie Hayridge as Hilly
Series II
September 6October 11, 1988
  1. Kryten
  2. Better Than Life
  3. Thanks for the Memory
  4. Stasis Leak
  5. Queeg
  6. Parallel Universe
List of all Red Dwarf episodes...

Parallel Universe was the twelfth Red Dwarf episode to air, the sixth of the second series.

[edit] Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Holly invents the Holly Hop Drive (a box with Start and Stop on it), which is theoretically capable of taking Red Dwarf back to Earth immediately. The device malfunctions, however, and Red Dwarf is catapulted into a parallel universe where society developed along matriarchal lines. Lister manages to have sexual intercourse with his parallel universe self and, due to a difference in reality laws of physics, ends up becoming pregnant with twins Jim and Bexley.

[edit] Trivia

  • This was the first episode not to have opening titles and the only one not to have an on-screen name.
  • Cat watches a dream on the dream recorder at the beginning of the episode, of himself singing and dancing with Lister and Rimmer as backing singers. This was released as the single Tongue Tied in October 1993, and it reached no.17 in the UK music charts.