Parachute rigger

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A parachute rigger is a person who is trained and licenced to pack, maintain or repair parachutes. The licencing system varies from country to country, but usually there are several levels of licences, the higher licences giving the rigger more privileges in the field.


[edit] Civilian parachute riggers

Riggers who work on the parachutes of sport parachutists are usually certified by the local aviation authorities, a local aviation association, or a parachuting association.

[edit] United States

In the US, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) licences the riggers. The FAA issues two levels of civilian parachute rigger ratings: senior and master. Entry-level riggers start by apprenticing - under another licensed rigger, then test for the Senior Rigger rating. The Senior Rigger test involves three parts: written, oral and practical. The written test is usually done at a computerized learning center and results are available immediately. The oral and practical exams include questions - about common rigging practices. The practical test consists of inspecting and repacking a reserve, along with hand sewing and a simple machine-sewn patch on a canopy. Candidates have the option of testing on back, chest, seat or lap type parachutes. The "rating" is hopelessly obsolete since none have been built since the 1930s. Also note that the FAA does not distinguish between round and (modern) square parachutes. After three years experience - including packing at least 200 reserves, Senior Riggers can test for the Master Rigger rating, which allows them to do most major repairs. There is no written test for Master Riggers, but the oral exam is far more extensive, including identifying dozens of material samples. The - Master - practical exam starts with assembling and adjusting a sewing machine, then doing a major canopy repair that includes a seam, reinforcing tape and line attachment. Master candidates are also usually asked to demonstrate a harness repair. FAA riggers are tested by Parachute Rigger Examiners (government employees) or Designated Parachute Rigger Examiners (independent civilians, usually highly-experienced Master Riggers). US military riggers only need a letter from their commanding officer and the written test to earn FAA rigger ratings.

[edit] Australia

In Australia, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has authorized the Australian Parachute Federation(APF) to licence the riggers.

[edit] Canada

In Canada, parachute rigger ratings are issued by the Canadian Sports Parachuting Association's Technical Committee. CSPA issues two levels of rigger ratings: A and B. Entry level includes packing ten reserves under supervision then attending a one-week course given by a CSPA Rigger Instructor. Canadian Rigger As are limited to assembling and packing parachutes - for which they ar approved. They can replace components and do simple hand-sewing, but are not trained to use sewing machines. At the end of the Rigger A Course, candidates can chose to be tested on round or square parachutes and they can chose which type of container for their practical test (one-pin sport, two-pin sport, Pop-Top or chest. Certification for packing Pilot Emergency Parachutes (PEP) can only be obtained after passing practical tests on all other types. After two more years of experience - including learning sewing machine operation - riggers can challenge for Rigger B ratings. The SOLO program includes sewing a bag of samples and submitting them to CSPA's Technical Committee. CSPA Rigger Bs enjoy the same privileges as American Master Riggers and are allowed to do most major repairs that can be done outside of a factory.

[edit] Parachute riggers in the military

Militaries around the world train their own parachute riggers to support their airborne or paratrooper forces. These military riggers often also pack parachutes for aerial delivery operations, through which military supplies and equipment are delivered by aircraft to combat zones.

[edit] U.S. Military

The U.S. Army Parachute Rigger's Badge
The U.S. Army Parachute Rigger's Badge

Riggers have played an important role in the American military since the advent of the use of the parachute for aerial insertion of troops, supplies, and equipment into combat zones. In lieu of the maroon beret worn by soldiers in other airborne units, riggers often wear a distinctive red baseball cap as their military headgear.

When the Army formed its first paratrooper unit in 1940, a parachute test platoon, the paratroopers themselves prepared and took care of their own parachutes. The test platoon had only 3 men, two enlisted soldiers and one warrant officer, from the Army Air Corps serving as the precursors of the Army's parachute riggers.

When the Army created five Airborne divisions for World War II, the Army stopped training each paratrooper how to pack his own chute and started support organizations for parachute packing and rigging. The first riggers received their training at Fort Benning, GA.

After 1950, the Army assigned the Quartermaster Corps with the mission of aerial delivery, including parachute rigging. A parachute rigger course was established at Fort Lee, VA in 1951, and has continued since then.

Army Parachute Rigger recruits must be airborne qualified and must complete a parachute jump using a chute they packed themselves. Units across the military with airborne capabilities are assigned riggers to provide parachute packing and maintenance services

United States Air Force Parachute Riggers are trained at Sheppard AFB, Texas. The 12-week course labeled as Air Force Specialty Code 2A734 gives recruits fresh from USAF Basic Military Training the basic skills of the "Survival Equipment" career field. Students are instructed on the inspection and re-pack of several types of life preserver and life raft, as well as multiple parachute systems. Once graduated from the technical school students are assigned to a duty location where they are further instructed using on the job training. USAF Parachute Riggers are not required, or offered the chance, to complete any parachute jump training.

The United States Navy Parachute Riggers are trained at Naval Air Station Pensacola during a 6-9 week school. When they graduate, they do become PR's, but the rating is called Aircrew Survival Equipmentman. While in school they go through 6-9 courses, 6 courses for O-Level, 9 weeks for I-Level. Students who are O-Level designated for overseas will receive 9 weeks as well. The first week is sewing, dubbed by students and instructors alike as "Combat Sewing". Students will sew a handbag completely from scratch and will learn about tool control and FOD management. The next course is Survival, which students will learn basics of survival gear such as inspection cycles and nomenclature. Then Life Preservers is next, followed by "SKU" Survival Seats, and the final "O" level subject is NB-8 Parachute assemblies. NES-12 will begin for all students, but only some will finish this class as the class final exam will be taken, and students with "I" strand will continue on, while students from "O" strand will graduate and go to there designated squadrons. "I" strand will finish NES-12's and move on to Life Rafts, where they will graduate upon completion. Classes average to about 1 week per class.

During the entire time of study students will PT at least twice a week, be subjected to rigorous inspections every Monday, and will march to and from the building, being accountable for showing up on time, cleanliness, and homework.

In the United States, aspiring riggers both civilian and military may train at the US Academy of Parachute Rigging, located in Eloy, Arizona. Courses in rigging include: FAA Senior FAA Master Rigger Para-Flite Maintenance Parachute Product Orientation

A rigger is required to understand fabrics, hardware, webbing, regulations, sewing, packing, and other aspects related to the building, packing, repair, and maintenance of personnel parachutes.

[edit] External links

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