User talk:PANONIAN/Archive03

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[edit] Hi

Ja sam otpoceo onu stranicu Skorenovac, pa si je ti danas "iskasapio". Salim se, puno profesionalnije izgleda nego ranije. Jedino ne znam sta ce tu hrvatski jezik. Nema ni jednog hrvata u tom selu i nikad nije pripadalo hrvatskoj. Cak sta vise ima Bugara koji su se doselili odmah po osnivanju naselja, oko 175 porodica, sto je mojom greskom izostavljeno. To bi isto trebalo da se ubaci u odeljak o poreklu stanovnistva. Takodje sve do 1886 na mestu danasnjeg sela su bile oranice i ledina, tako da predjasnji nazivi se odnose na lokaciju a ne na samo naselje. Djurdjevo je ime prvobitnog naselja koje je Dunav stalno poplavljivao, nalazilo se izmedju danasnjeg Banatskog Brestovca i Dunava, pa je stanovnistvo preseljeno na danasnju lokaciju. Imam jednu dobru sliku, ali nemam pojma kako bi trebala da se ubaci, slika je iz vazduha vidi se skoro celo selo, a u daljini Kovin. Ako znas kako pomozi. Hvala

Zar su baš svi Sekelji Bukovine poreklom iz jednog jedinog sela??? To mi je nešto čudno. Jesi ti to dobro preveo? PANONIAN (talk) 16:25, 13 December 2005 (UTC)

Da malo razjasnim. Sekelyi iz Bukovine su, vecina, iz tog mesta. Ostali su im se pridruzili naknadno. Evo sta se desilo: 1764, 7 Januara je dosla,u Madefalvu, austrijska vojska Marije Terezije i napravila masakr, pobijeno je izmedju 200 i 400 ljudi, po razlicitim izvorima razliciti brojevi. Razlog za pobunu je sto Sekelyi nisu hteli da se odazovu austrijskoj mobilizaciji. Kada se sve to desilo vecina stanovnostva je otisla prvo za Moldvu i ubrzano posle i u Bukovinu gde su prvo osnovali (1776-77) dva sela Istensegits (Bog nam pomogao)i Fogadjisten (Bog nas primio), bukvalno prevedeno. Ubrzo posle, izmedju 1783 i 1786 se osnivaju jos tri sela Hadikfalva, Andrasfalva i Jozseffalva. Sela su dobili ime po gubernatoru iz Erdelya Jozsef Hadik Andrasu II. Tu su vec dolazili i naseljavali se i iz okolnih mesta ne samo iz Madefalfe, a najvise iz mesta zvano Csikszereda, na madjarskom, a danas zvanicno Miercurea Ciuk na rumunskom sto je negde 7-8km dalje od Madefalve. Kasnije u rasponu od 1869 - 1943 su svi presli, iz tih mesta u Bukovini, u razne krajeve Vojvodine, Banata i Backe dela tadasnje Madjarske iliti tacnije Austro - Ugarske (Torontal, Temes, Bacs-Bodrog ,zvane, jurisdikcije) a kasnije Kraljevine Jugoslavije a danas Rumunije, Srbije i Madjarske, tako da danas nema ni jednog preostalog Sekelya u tim mestima u Bukovini. Govorim o broju negde oko 3500 porodica. U sam Skorenovac su dosli najvise iz dva sela Andrasfalve i Istensegitsa. Raseljavanje je islo otprilike tako da se bliza ili daljnja rodbina drzala zajedno a i poznanici su isli takodje u ista odredista. Tako da ako danas pitas nekog iz Skorenovca odakle je poreklom reci ce ti da je iz Madefalve, sto je u neku ruku i tacno posto je najvise njih doslo odatle. Eto, nisam hteo da davim ali je ovo najkrace sto sam mogao da napisem da bar malo razjasnim gorepomenutu tvrdnju. Mada ima jos krs podataka. pozdrav

"Bukovina Székely's originally are from Madéfalva (Siculeni) village,county of Csik (Harghita),Erdély (Transylvania), today in Romania.

Refer to Székely Lands - Csikszék, Marosszék,Udvarhelyszék,and Háromszék called counties in Kingdom of Hungary." Navod od pre recenzije.

Da uprostim jos vise, Skorenovcani koji su dosli iz pomenutih mesta iz Bukovine su originalno iz Madefalve i okoline (Brda okolo). Svi ostali Sekelyi iz Bukovine su iz grofovija Csikszék, Marosszék,Udvarhelyszék i Háromszék gde zive i danas Sekelyi. Inace imas jako lepo napisanu celu istoriju Sekelya ako pratis link u samom tekstu o Skorenovcu, ako te ne mrzi da sve to citas. :o))

[edit] Image:Serb lands03.jpg has been listed for deletion

An image or media file that you uploaded, Image:Serb lands03.jpg, has been listed at Wikipedia:Images and media for deletion. Please look there to see why this is (you may have to search for the title of the image to find its entry), if you are interested in it not being deleted. Thank you.

Thuresson 18:44, 14 December 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Opet ja

Ubacio sam jos nekoliko slika u "pricu" o Skorenovcu. Molim te, pogledaj ih i ako mislis da ih je mnogo ili da neka ne prilici da bude tamo, slobodno je izbaci. Ako treba jos tekstualnog dela da se ubaci kazi mi sta, zato sto imam jos dosta toga vezano za istoriju i obicaje. Pozdrav

[edit] Pomagaj

Hteo sam da ubacim jos nekoliko slika, kad ono... Jednu sam greskom ( kompjuter mi se zamrzao) upload-ovao 3 puta i nece da mi se prikaze na stranici. Slika je ovde i na jos dva mesta.

Knjiga Kotromanići vol. II je izvor za ono o Dragutinu. Pogledaću ko je napisao... HolyRomanEmperor 19:04, 18 December 2005 (UTC)

Čim pronađem... Uzgred, Saša mi je nešto rekao da ti se ne sviđaju moji editi na Duklji ili šta već. I da li bi mogao da glasaš na ovome:nominovan sam za administratora 16:58, 20 December 2005 (UTC)

Hi Panonian, It's celtmist, not Ragusan - we share the same terminal. Although my knowledge of Yugoslavia is good, he is native where-as I am not, and there have been times I have taken over from him whilst he was still logged on, or I have forgoten to log on...(we work at this advertising agency). Anyhow - I do know the difference between 'official' and 'national'. If 'national' will not suffice for Vojvodina, we will need to agree on an alternative. It wuld be erroneous and misleading of us to suggest that 'official' would be the correct term: a country may have official languages but not a province, only then can those official languages be distributed accordingly. For Serbia & Mont, at present it is Serbian Language (where-as I still believe in Serbo-Croat for more technical/non-political reasons), and of both Ekavian/Ijekavian variety, placing the latter in Montenegro, and the basis for the language is that of Eastern Herzegovina even if that is outside of Serbia and Montenegro...did you tell me this? somebody did...

The governments in Belgrade and Podgorica publish no constitutional documents in Hungarian, Albanian or any other language: therefore they cannot be official, however, they ARE autonomously used, but as I keep writing 'to a varying degree', obviously speakers of Rusin won't have the same status as ethnic Hungarians.

As for Serbia being for citizens, the same can be said for anywhere. To prove it, I am one of a rare ethnic group simply called in English: Monmouthish (based on Monmouth, Wales), there are about 100 of us and the British and Welsh authorities recognise us since 1991 and it is their democratic right to do so...we do this to ridicule 'national identity' which to me is entirely false...either way, 26 ethnic groups is far-fetched when you consider that there are a good 20 Slavic denominational groups in Vojvodina. Of course, there is the age old argument that 'Bosno's and Croato's ain't the same!' but then you'd have more nationalities than people... there is no single Hungarian or Romanian group, even if over the years, the people have been losing the thought of them as constituting nations. It's up to them, we as democrats are governed by one line of thought:

...if the relationship between Macedonians and Montenegrins is susceptible to the conditions which govern all nations, it must also be accepted that there is no Italian nation, merely a confederation of lose imbaciles (Venetians, Sicilians, Ligurians, Genoese, Tuscans), all equipped with their own historical figure, flag, structuring of the world, dialect and traditions... after you switch back Vojvodina to its original form, I won't alter it. But I'd appreciate it if you sent me a message airing your view, then I will respond (shorter), and in the end, we can agree upon a good edit to remain solid.

Yours, (and Merry Christmas) Celtmist 23-12-05

Could you re-work the map on Duklja to include the island of Šolta as well (as it was, inside Pagania). HolyRomanEmperor 18:05, 23 December 2005 (UTC)

That which you have is probably the map of Ceslav's realm (I have it as well); but the ol' De Administrando Imperio and De Regno Sclavorum state Solta as well... HolyRomanEmperor 13:41, 24 December 2005 (UTC)

The same applies to Lastovo and Vis. And Mljet swapped from Zahumlje to Pagania only later (my guessing is Ceslav's time as well). HolyRomanEmperor 14:08, 24 December 2005 (UTC)

thanks! HolyRomanEmperor 20:25, 24 December 2005 (UTC)

[edit] he he he

Sumnjam da je Milkovic "dok je bio clan biblioteke matice srpske" ista pronasao od strane literature ili preveo. Ubedjen sam 100% da se samo prepisao literaturu.

To je sto znam i sto nagadjam.

Iz mom iskustva najbolji nacin da se dobiju neke informacije je "Asocijacija za fortifikaciju" tj od ljudi koji uredjuju sajt (zato sam stavio i njihov link koji vidim da je prihvacen :). Predlazem da kontaktirate njih. Dosuse, koliko vidim, vise se bave tvrdjavom (imaju neverovatne informacije na svom sajtu nego Petrovaradinom kao gradom ali mislim da je je potrebno na wikipediji napraviti stranicu i o tvrdjavi. Zamerka njima je jer se ne vidi literatura koja je koriscenja za njihov tekst (mozda vi nesto prepoznate). Skoro sam ih ponovo kontaktirao putem e-maila ali mi jos nisu odgovorili na predlog da se uljuce u wikipediju jer bi sigurno dali iscrpnije informacije uz bolju literaturu.

Lala Neznanov

Wikipedija je zamišljena da svako može da je dopunjava i menja (konstruktivno naravno). Što se tiče članka o Petrovaradinu, ja lično nemam nameru da ga još nečim dopunjujem, samo pratim nove izmene na njemu i vraćam one izmene koje nisu konstruktivne. Dakle, ukoliko imaš šta da dodaš o Petrovaradinu ili tvrđavi u članku, slobodno to sam uradi. Slažem se da treba napisati poseban članak i o tvrđavi, a ako želiš možeš ga i sam napisati ovde: Petrovaradin Fortress. PANONIAN (talk) 23:00, 24 December 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Image:ZgradaSNP.jpg has been listed for deletion

An image or media file that you uploaded, Image:ZgradaSNP.jpg, has been listed at Wikipedia:Images and media for deletion. Please look there to see why this is (you may have to search for the title of the image to find its entry), if you are interested in it not being deleted. Thank you.
--Romeo Bravo 08:07, 25 December 2005 (UTC)

[edit] hmm

Zao mi je ali ne znam jos da se snadjem kako pisati za wikipediju ali sam rekao ko bi mogao.

Pisati članke je veoma jednostavno. Bilo gde gde postoji crveni link (što znači da tu ne postoji članak), treba samo kliknuti na taj link, napisati članak u prostoru za pisanje i kliknuti na "Save page". PANONIAN (talk) 00:27, 26 December 2005 (UTC)

[edit] a fotografije kako se ubacuju

Za to moraš prvo da registruješ nick (skroz gore desno je opcija za registraciju), pa kad ga registruješ onda dobiješ opciju "Upload file" (u spisku opcija levo). PANONIAN (talk) 11:06, 26 December 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Category talk:Crime in Kosovo

I've replied on the talk page. Please see. JesseW, the juggling janitor 07:22, 26 December 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Demographic history of Vojvodina

Hello there. I'm wondering where you found those Vojvodina historical population statistics and if you could possibly find one for Serbia and Bosnia too. They would be of great help to me. Antidote 10:18, 26 December 2005 (UTC)

Thanks a lot! Really appreciate these. Antidote 10:56, 26 December 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Map request


It seems you're a cartographer with an interest in Central Europe — looks like you'd be the perfect guy to help out with a map for United States of Greater Austria? Do you think you could help out there? All the information you'll need is in the external link there... Thanks! Nightstallion Featured User Candidate 09:26, 27 December 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Baci pogled

Ubacio sam jos nesto podataka i slika o Skorenovcu, pogledaj pa kazi sta mislis? pozdrav --Laslo 15:34, 28 December 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Trianon

Could you please implement the results from the Trianon talk page, if any, now that the article is unprotected? Juro 20:14, 28 December 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Map source

Hi. Please indicate the source (if you created them, write so) of some of the maps you uploaded, such as Image:Salan glad01.png. Thank you. bogdan 13:51, 31 December 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Uradjeno

Uradio sam na brzake ono sto sam imao vec spremljeno. Za prethodnu 1910 godinu trebam malo da jos poradim da bih dobio procente. Pozdrav --Laslo 17:15, 1 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] names in romanian

Dear Panonian, I've made some changes to some cities in Serbia. Actually I added the romanian name to the cities where is an important romanian (vlachs) minority. Peace. Bonaparte talk 18:18, 1 January 2006 (UTC)

Actually I was wondering if you have a map with romanian names from all the places where romanians are in Serbia? Would you be so kind to help me with this job? Bonaparte talk 22:48, 1 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Population Niş


would you be so kind to check please? , it seems that IP comes from Belgrad, Serbia. Bonaparte talk 08:16, 3 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Map


I'm searching for other as well. I think is not used your proposed form "Karashova". Where did you find such transliteration? It looks like trasnformation from romanian into english. Bonaparte talk 11:08, 4 January 2006 (UTC)


I hope is good one :) I did all my best. Bonaparte talk 20:22, 4 January 2006 (UTC)


I see that you have added serbian name to romanian counties. I have no objection to cities where exist serbian minority. You may add. But from there to add also for counties I don't agree. I don't agree with the hungarians, german, and so on..For counties only the romanian name is allowed since it is a romanian administrative division which was not used before in other times. Since was not used before it looks like a POV fork. Bonaparte talk 20:38, 4 January 2006 (UTC)

Yes me too. I told you first time when I contact you that I like maps also. I spent many hours in front of them when I was kid. A map offers you a lot of information so for me too I think is quite empty an article without a map. Bonaparte talk 21:03, 4 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] DAI

Please take a look at Talk:Serbs#An anon's comments, moved from the article source. People attack your map as being inaccurate. Nikola 09:59, 5 January 2006 (UTC)

Can you check this also Moldovans please? Bonaparte talk 10:05, 5 January 2006 (UTC)

BTW, an advice: when linking to a category, you can do it by prepending the link with : . [[Category:Something]] will put an article in category "Something", [[:Category:Something]] will create a link to category "Something". Nikola 10:15, 5 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Vandalism

Using a word like 'vandalism' to describe a user-edit in Wikipedia is harsh, to say the least. Please stop calling it such, and instead use the reference to correct and incorrect edit, if necessary.

Regarding the edit, Kosovo and Vojvodina once had autonomy before constitutional changes were pushed through under the former President, Slobodan Milosevic. So Kosovo and Voyvodina are NO LONGER AUTONOMOUS, and should not be labeled as such. Both Vojvodina and Kosovo enjoyed autonomy up until 1989, when Mr Milosevic imposed direct control from Belgrade.

Recently Eduard Kukan, the United Nations special envoy to Yugoslavia, rejected Hungarian appeals for autonomy for Vojvodina at a conference on Yugoslavia on 21 July 2005. The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, fearful that the Hungarians of Vojvodina may Milosevic's next target, had earlier this month recommended that the province should be included in an overall peace that would mean protection or autonomy for the region. The plan for Vojvodina, which, like Kosovo, was autonomous before that status was withdrawn by Milosevic in 1989. VOJVODINA IS NO LONGER AUTONOMOUS.

Rarelibra 12:42, 6 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] RE: Vojvodina (my edit page)

NOW we're making progress. Thank you for the information about the omnibus of 2002. Now we can agree on the status of autonomy for Vojvodina - however - Kosovo's autonomy is in question (administered by the UN, and to be 'discussed' this year). Correct?

Rarelibra 13:15, 6 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] RE: Your comments on my page

You are pompous, at best. The statement "we would make progress if you stop to write about things you do not know" is against everything that Wikipedia is about. It is about a collective effort of input from all users - sometimes people make mistakes. You want me to admit it? Sure - and I was 'educated' about the omnibus in the process. If you are the "resident expert" you should be able to make suggestions and corrections WITHOUT such statements. I don't appreciate the statement you made.

Please send me an email via Wikipedia. I would like to talk to you more offline. It seems we share a common interest (cartography) and I don't want to start off on the wrong foot with you. You and I can share a collective effort. Thanks!

Rarelibra 13:45, 6 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Done!

Evo, uradjeno. Posto nemam pojma o HTML-u onda "kradem" znanje pa gde i sta stignem da "ufatim". Nadam se da je sada dobro. Pozdrav

Laslo (talk) 23:26, 6 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Ne valja

Nesto sam debelo zezno. Sada ne mogu da otvorim ni moje diskusije! :o((((

Laslo (talk) 23:42, 6 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Dobro je sada

Izvini sto sam ti ubrljao diskusije, ali sada je dobro ? nadam se ----Laslo (talk) 23:47, 6 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Unitary Islamic Bosnia

I came across this article and moved it from speedy delete to AfD, so if you do indeed have credible sources, please provide them as soon as poosible.

In unrelated conversation, I also love your map collections. hellenica 05:38, 7 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Knicanin

I created the article Knićanin (for the village in the Vojvodina, Zrenjanin (municipality/district?)), but since it's basically just a geography stub about the internment camp that was there, I thought maybe you'd like to add some demographic info, cyrillic name, etc, since the only thing I know about it is from one of its darker days - kinda imbalanced. Zoom in on the picture, and maybe you can illuminate for me what Elemira is all about (heard it before it seems). Once you've added something, I'll do the German version. -Adammathias

Ma sve je super. Uradio si da bolje nemože. Hvala ti na trudu. Sto se kaže:"Dobro je dok ne biju". :o))

Što se tiče language исто је,bolan,jó. Zborim ih доста добро а и још неколико натуцам. Хвала ти још једанпут.

Ovo sam malo ubacio da se vežbam.--László 21:51, 10 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Урађено

Што си ми тражио да упишем имена, урадио сам. Ако негде мислиш да могу још помоћи само ми кажи. И још да додам да сада радим на убацивању Скореновца на српском. Поздрав--László 01:14, 12 January 2006 (UTC)

Hu:Vilajet Само да додам да сам проверио на неколико места и да цам најчешће наилазио, у мађарском језику, на израз Вилајет а само на неколико места Vármegye, тако да сам се одлучио на ово прво јер се више користило.

[edit] Elayet of temesvar.png

Hello! I'd like to suggest Image:Elayet of temesvar.png should probably be updated when you have time to the current spelling of Eyalet of Temeşvar. Olessi 14:14, 13 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Mapa

Mislim da nisi u pravu, iz vise razloga.

Prvo, znas da su mapu hteli da ti obrisu cim si je napravio.

Dalje, apsolutno da u clanku o istoriji Srbije treba da stoji mapa Otomanskog i Austrijskog carstva, odnosno ne mora celog carstva ali dela carstva koji se nalazio na teritoriji danasnje Srbije. Clanak o istoriji Vojvodine ima u sebi Image:Militargrenze.jpg (nemoj sad samo da ga obrises zbog ovoga ;) koji, gle, pokazuje deo Austrougarskog carstva koji sadrzi teritoriju danasnje Vojvodine. Isto tako nema nikakvog razloga da u clanku o istoriji Bosne ne stoji mapa teritorije danasnje Bosne pod Srbijom ili, kao sto neko rece, pod Rimskim carstvom. Istorija Belgije, na primer, ima mapu dela Rimskog carstva na teritoriji danasnje Belgije, a bogami i mapu Holandije (posto je Belgija jedno vreme bila deo Holandije). Zapitaj sam sebe, recimo pre mesec dana, da te je neko pitao "Da li bi neki tekst o istoriji Bosne i Hercegovine trebao u sebi da ima mapu teritorije danasnje Bosne i Hercegovine u 9. veku", da li bi odgovorio "Ne" ili "Zasto da ne?"

Najzad, ne smes popustati vandalima i nemoj misliti da ce to dovesti do icega dobrog. Ti mislis da ako im se popusti oko mape na ovom clanku da oni nece praviti probleme na onom. Tako sam im i ja dao da prepisu clanke o Bosni i istoriji Bosne po svom nahodjenju pa kad su fino zavrsili sa tim udarili su po Republici Srpskoj i njenoj istoriji, a ako bi im se i to dalo nije nemoguce da bi i istoriju Srbije hteli da prepisu. Trenutno guraju Bosnjake unazad kroz istoriju, prvo u 1991, pa u drugi svetski rat, pa jos dalje nazad, pa ce jos malo doci i do toga da su Bosnjaci stigli na Balkan u 6. veku. Ti si se susreo sa tim na Sandzaku, ali da znas da oni to rade na svim clancima. Nikola 10:11, 15 January 2006 (UTC)

Ne, to nije nikakav problem. Evo ti jos primera: Al-Andalus koji u sebi ima mapu islamskog kalifata, Hispania, koja u sebi ima mapu rimskih provincija na Iberijskom poluostrvu (da, svaka od njih ima Hispania u imenu ali nijedna ne odgovara danasnjoj Spaniji), Colonial America sa mapom napravljenom 200 godina pre nego sto su SAD osnovane...

Mape kao i ostale ilustracije sluze da ilustruju clanak, odnosno deo clanka u kome se nalaze. Ako clanak pise o Bosni u 6. veku, onda je logicno da uz taj deo clanka ide mapa Bosne u 6. veku. Ako o 9. veku, onda je logicno da tu bude i mapa iz 9. veka. Ne razumem zasto mislis da mapa treba da se izbaci iz clanka "jer ona ne prikazuje Bosnu kao takvu, već samo imenuje položaj jednog regiona u Srbiji koji se zvao Bosna"; zar ne mislis da bi onda iz clanka trebala da se izbaci i recenica "In the early Bronze Age, the Neolithic population was replaced by more warlike tribes known as the Illyres or Illyrians", jer tad Bosna nije bila cak ni region, nije postojao ikakav region sa tim imenom. A ako vec taj deo teksta ne treba da se izbaci, zasto onda uz njega ne bi stajala i, recimo, mapa koja pokazuje rasprostiranje Ilira u ranom Bronzanom dobu, i/ili recimo tipicna ilirska rukotvorina?

A što se tiče pitanja "da li bi neki tekst o istoriji Bosne i Hercegovine trebao u sebi da ima mapu teritorije danasnje Bosne i Hercegovine u 9. veku", odgovorio bih sa ne jer Bosna nije postojala u 9. veku. - pa to nije ni pitano. Dakle, nije u pitanju mapa Bosne vec mapa teritorije danasnje Bosne i Hercegovine, a ta teritorija je postojala i pre milion godina.

Ja mapu nisam tamo stavljao da bih dolivao ulje na vatru vec zato sto smatram da tamo treba da stoji. Da sam stavio tu mapu u clanak o Aliji Izetbegovicu ili nesto slicno, imao bi pravo ali ovako nemas. Ja ne menjam ime jezika da bi ih provocirao vec zato sto se to ime jezika koristi u ustavu RS. Da sam promenio ime jezika u clanku o tom jeziku, imao bi pravo, ali ovako nemas. A to sto se njima to ne svidja, mozes samo da zamislis koliko me nije briga kome se sta svidja. Nisam ja ovde da bih podilazio njihovim hirovima.

I opet, podilazeci vandalima neces nista postici. Evo, sad je mapa sklonjena i ne vracam je, i sta, umesto da se smire, oni su doveli jos jednog da glasa za njeno uklanjanje iz Serbs.

Publikacije vlade Srbije su poznate kao nepismene pa ni ta nije izuzetak. Cak i recimo Dinkic Evro naziva Euro a na njegov licni zahtev Odbor za standardizaciju je doneo (i to dosta dobro argumentovano) resenje po kome je Evro ispravno. Nikola 09:30, 16 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Temeşvar

Hello, I've seen that the Turkish name for Temeşvar is already handled out and it's correct :) Cheers! --Alperen 10:35, 15 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] DAI map

? I didn't insist on that map to be included! --HolyRomanEmperor 16:39, 15 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] great moravia

i deleted map of great slovakia, great moravia is well known, term of "great slovakia" is baseless. --Mt7 18:01, 15 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Subotica

I don't doubt your numbers at Subotica, but could you please cite your sources? -- Jmabel | Talk 04:30, 17 January 2006 (UTC)

Numbers are from the official publication of the Serbian statistical office. Here is their web site:
You can download this data in PDF format there. I do not know exactly which one of those PDF documents is that one. I think it is this one:
  • Књига 3: " Вероисповест, матерњи језик и национална или етничка припадност према старости и полу - подаци по општинама"
(приказ садржаја, pdf формат - 442KB )
However, it is in Serbian Cyrillic, I do not know would you be able to read this. PANONIAN (talk) 04:42, 17 January 2006 (UTC)

I can probably work my way through that if needed, but my point is that the policy WP:V is that the person who adds the information to the article is supposed to cite the sources, not leave someone else to do the legwork. When you find numbers like this, you are obviously looking somewhere at the time you spot them. Please in the future when you do this, note your sources at the time you add the material, because otherwise it is far more work for you or anyone else to find them at a later time. -- Jmabel | Talk 05:00, 17 January 2006 (UTC)

I've done my best (at Subotica#References), but this is a language in which I am really out of my depth; I may not have picked the correct elements from all documents to cite them properly. Could you please have a look at what I've done and make any necessary corrections? -- Jmabel | Talk 05:28, 17 January 2006 (UTC)

I usually cite my sources when I think that those sources are really important and when they speak much about the subject (in this case the subject is Subotica). I did not thought that it would be important to cite a source which speak only about one section of the Subotica article, but I could cite those sources as well in the future. By the way, I have one question for you: why you are so interested in this Subotica article? Do you have some personal connections with this city or something like that or you just like the article? PANONIAN (talk) 15:06, 17 January 2006 (UTC)

I can't remember why I originally got pulled into the article; probably some conflict over something related to it was brought up on Wikipedia:WikiProject Ethnic groups. I've noticed that ethnic statistics in Eastern Europe (especially former Hungarian territories that are now no longer part of Hungary) are often very contentious, so they are things for which I like to see proper citation. I've done a lot of work defending cited statistics from ultra-nationalists (from either side) who try to replace them with numbers that have no basis. But I can only really do that if I know confidently that the statistics already in the article are valid.
I have no personal connection to Subotica (though I'd love to get there someday). -- Jmabel | Talk 18:27, 17 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Gorani

Hi, you deleted a list of Related ethnic groups in Gorani (Kosovo) and left only South Slavs. But I am not understanding: Are South Slavs one ethnic group? Regards, --JSimin 16:41, 17 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Skorenovac

Da, mislio sam na to selo [Ivanovo(Srbija)]. U članku na srpskom sam napisao sa internalnim linkom ime mesta, zato što tamo postoji poveznica za oba linka. Momentalno sam stvarno prezauzet sa obavezama pa nemogu da pišem sve što hoću na vikipediji, ali imam jako puno materijala oko kulture Sekelja (koje bih izbacio na posebnu stranicu), zatim o Ivanovu i Vojlovici (deo Pančeva). Ovo sam sve skupio dok sam istraživao svoje porodično stablo, tako da je sav materijal , što bi se reklo iz izvora, autentičan a ne sa neke internet stranice ili slično. Momentalno imam bar 16 fascikli punih podataka. Samo to je jako puno posla pogotovu što hoću da bude na sva tri jezika i što više da liče jedno na drugo i da podaci budu identični. Zasad mi to uspeva ako se ne nađe neki pametnjaković pa mi zbrlja, kao na mađarskoj stranici. Neću se zasad raspravljati sa njim već kada završim(o) sa engleskom stranicom samo ću izmeniti sve i uputiti ga na nju.--László 00:21, 19 January 2006 (UTC)

dogovoreno i hvala --László 01:05, 19 January 2006 (UTC)

Pogledaj Odzaci, ubacio sam dve slike tamo, ako mislis da i ona prva treba da ode u galeriju, reci--László 01:40, 19 January 2006 (UTC)

Imam, kako da ne, imam recimo vojnu iz 1930 i neke moram da je potražim na hard drive-u, a takođe i južnog banata samo što bi nju prvo morao da skeniram iz nekoliko puta pa da je stavim na kompjuter. Največi sken koji mogu da napravim je A4 formata a karta mi je bar 6 puta veća.--László 02:11, 19 January 2006 (UTC)

Ma siguran sam da negde u dokumentaciji imam i poebno karte opština Kovin, Pančevo i Odžaci samo ih negde moram naći. Daj mi dva, tri dana pa ću ti se u vezi ovoga javiti.--László 03:25, 19 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Belgrade "Pashaluk"

I added the Smederevo Sanjak information to Belgrade Pashaluk after an investigation of Ottoman subdivisions. There doesn't appear to have ever been a type of subdivision called a pashaluk. Instead it seems that a pashaluk (or pashalik) was a generic term for an area under a pasha which is a general term for a nobleman of a certain level. I realize my resources are limited, but I can find no references to an official Belgrade Pashaluk at any period. I did, however, find citations saying that it was an informal term for the Sanjak of Smederevo.

I am approaching this with an open mind and am wondering if you have any sources (in any language) that say different. User talk:LuiKhuntek

LuiKhuntek 07:20, 20 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Voting on Eyalet of Temeşvar

I added another rename proposal to Talk:Eyalet of Temeşvar that preserves the Turkish name: Eyalet of TemeşvarTemeşvar Province, Ottoman Empire

Please (re-)vote if you care to.

LuiKhuntek 07:32, 20 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Map of Kievan Rus

Hello and kudos for all the wonderful maps you contributed. We are in the dire need of a map for Kievan Rus. The current version, downloaded yesterday, is factually incorrect and likely copyvio. All the Russian-Ukrainian commuinity would appreciate your help. --Ghirla | talk 15:30, 20 January 2006 (UTC)

Thanks for your response. The map I downloaded is a temporary solution, because: a) it is in Russian; b) I found it online, so it may not be copyfree. Therefore, I would still appreciate your kind help. --Ghirla | talk 09:12, 23 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Images

Uradio sam na brzake sto si mi predlozio. U pravu si, mnogo bolje se vidi sta je sve u igri.

Imam preko, ne znam ni ja koliko fotografija, raznih krajeva, Cuba, Mexico, Canada, Rumunija, Madjarska, Grcka, Italija, USA, Poljska, Dominikanska Republika, po bivsoj YU, dosta gradova u tim drzavama, ali vecina mi je na CD-ima tako da trebam da ih sortiram jer su neke licne prirode a neke za out. Trba mi vremena da bih to sve uradio pa sam za pocetak ove koje stavim iz nekog razloga na Wiki samo prebacim u galeriju. Inace imam prelepe slike iz Mexica i Cube a takodje i iz Panceva i Erdelja. Njih cu gledati da sto pre izbacim!--László 02:42, 21 January 2006 (UTC)

Ubacio sam dve iz Mexica, meni su cool. Ako te ne mrzi baci pogled--László 03:29, 21 January 2006 (UTC)

Evo ovde imas opstine u Vojvodini, ja moju detaljniju nisam nasao, zasad --László 17:23, 21 January 2006 (UTC)

Ovde imas detaljnije, mapu, pa je spoji sa onom prethodnom sto sam ti predlozio,dalje znas --László 18:19, 21 January 2006 (UTC)

Evo odgovorio sam ti pa ti sad odgovori ako možeš. Luka Jačov 15:00, 23 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Varadin Bridge

Ova slika je fenomenalna!!! Ako se ne ljutis ubacicu je u moju privatnu zbirku sa naznakom uradio Panonian!----László (talk) 23:08, 23 January 2006 (UTC)

O da, ovde na str. broj 2 imas sve opstine Srbije. --László (talk) 23:12, 23 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] The map

Why, the map is very good for a start and quite accurate too. It would have been nice to have it anglicized. Happy edits to you, Ghirla | talk 07:10, 25 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Šokci

Kad bi se mogli nač IRC-u? Luka Jačov 15:48, 25 January 2006 (UTC)

Oko 21i30 možda malo kasnije. Luka Jačov 18:45, 25 January 2006 (UTC)

Nije me to bila namera. Gle al ako je "englesko" ime isto ko i lokalno onda ga ne treba više puta pisat. Al može dil, ti promeniš glas ne u neutral več u moju korist a ja ostavim Vojvodinu na miru.:-) Luka Jačov 21:12, 26 January 2006 (UTC)

Ajd dođi na IRC. Luka Jačov 22:06, 26 January 2006 (UTC)

Ajd dođi sad na irc. Luka Jačov 21:54, 28 January 2006 (UTC)

Zašto me ignorišeš? Luka Jačov 22:26, 28 January 2006 (UTC)

Prestani mjenjat Šokce i dat ču ti najnoviju etničku kartu Hrvatske po opčinama. Luka Jačov 22:57, 28 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Image Tagging Image:Exit lg.jpg

Warning sign
This image may be deleted.

Thanks for uploading Image:Exit lg.jpg. I notice the image page currently doesn't specify who created the image, so the copyright status is therefore unclear. If you have not created the image yourself then you need to argue that we have the right to use the image on Wikipedia (see copyright tagging below). If you have not created the image yourself then you should also specify where you found it, i.e., in most cases link to the website where you got it, and the terms of use for content from that page.

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If you have uploaded other images, please check that you have specified their source and copyright tagged them, too. You can find a list of image pages you have edited by clicking on the "my contributions" link (it is located at the very top of any Wikipedia page when you are logged in), and then selecting "Image" from the dropdown box. Note that any unsourced and untagged images will be deleted one week after they have been uploaded, as described on criteria for speedy deletion. Thank you. Stan 06:29, 26 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Šokci

Hi man, I wouldn't be acting responsibly if I didn't inform you that I voted "keep" in the recent poll to close the Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia. I am however reasonably impartial and could probably help in encouraging compromise and consensus. I am willing to mediate, but would just like you to be clear of my past actions. If you find that this gives me too much of a bias, please feel free to take up a case with the mediation cabal, I can ask someone else to mediate it. Thanks for the request though :) - FrancisTyers 22:24, 26 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Task

I have a mapping task for you, but I don't know if you feel that you can handle it. It's the post-war map of former Yugoslavia.

You already have Serbia (with Vojvodina and Kosovo-Metohija), Montenegro and Macedonia ethnic maps as I see. At Demographic history of Bosnia and Herzegovina you have BiH's. For Croatia you can see here: [1]. i think that the situation on Slovenia is evident.

We have a pre-war situation (use it as a grounds for the new map) here: [2] ; so let's have a post-war so that the world can see how much has everything changes.

What do you think, could you do it? --HolyRomanEmperor 02:06, 27 January 2006 (UTC)

Mislio sam da je popis za BiH gotov... Barem tako kaže Demographics of Bosnia and Herzegovina. --HolyRomanEmperor 21:05, 27 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Your Balkan maps

Hi Panonian! Firstly, I'd like to congratulate you for your great maps of the Balkans. Just one observation - you referred to the Republica Srpska as "Serb Republic". I think this name is quite confusing, which is why it isn't translated in English (i.e. Serb Republic confuses with Serbia, which is also a republic!). So, wouldn't it be better to show "Republica Srpska" on the maps (Image:Balkans05.jpg for example). Thanks, Ronline 06:20, 28 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] maps on commons?

like everyone i'd like to congratulate you for your maps (i'm currently working on the Brčko article for fr:, so they are useful) and ask whether it is possible that you put your future maps on commons? To use them i have to download them from en: or sr: and upload them to commons: which is boring. Thanks, (:Julien:) 22:34, 28 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Sombor etc.

Hey man, can you come and discuss the dispute you have on the talk page of Sombor, this will probably apply to other articles you are in dispute with Luka with. - FrancisTyers 23:09, 28 January 2006 (UTC)

Hi, thanks for your explanation, can you make it on the talk page too? - FrancisTyers 23:23, 28 January 2006 (UTC)
The talk page of Sombor please :) Sorry if this seems like I'm wasting your time, but I think if we can sort this out by discussion it would be better than edit warring. - FrancisTyers 23:33, 28 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Maric

Have you taken a look at the Mileva Maric article? If this information is true and not POVed (which it might be), I can't see any reason why Maric is an important academic by herself. Antidote 07:17, 29 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Republica Srpska

Thanks for the clarification. However, I think that for people who are uninitiated in Southeastern European regional politics - as most readers of Wikipedia probably are - it's quite confusing to find one territory marked as "Serbia" and another as "Serb Republic". This is particularly since many people don't even know that Bosnia is made up of two entities, and seeing "Serb Republic" on the map makes them think that that territory is part of Serbia and Montenegro. On another note - in your Balkan maps showing the future, you've placed Republika Srpska as an independent entity. Is that likely to happen? Don't get me wrong, it would be good if the two entities of BiH eventually become independent, just how Wallonia and Flanders should split, but has there been any attempt to do so, in the same way that, say, there is a Montenegrin independence movement or a Kosovar independence movement? Thanks, Ronline 12:00, 29 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Sombor

Hey man, I can't quite understand why you opposed '3' but supported '2' as they seem fairly similar to me, can you outline your reasons on my talk page or on the article talk page? - FrancisTyers 19:15, 29 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Image:Prefecture.jpg

Image deletion warning Image:Prefecture.jpg has been listed at Category:Candidates for speedy deletion, because the image is redundant with Image:Prefecture.png.

[edit] RE:Mileva

Well, the main reason I mentioned her to you is because her article: Mileva Maric is basically a mess. It's extremely POVed and I was hoping someone would notice and help clean it up. When the article does get cleaned up, I will readd her name to Serbs, but as of now, it just doesn't seem appropriate. Thanks for teh response. Antidote 01:19, 31 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Award

PANONIAN is awarded this Barnstar for all his brilliant contributions to Wikipedia. Latinus 19:03, 31 January 2006 (UTC)
PANONIAN is awarded this Barnstar for all his brilliant contributions to Wikipedia. Latinus 19:03, 31 January 2006 (UTC)

Здраво! I've noticed that you have been writing and expanding many southeastern Europe (to use a neutral term) related articles - take an award for it all! Latinus 19:03, 31 January 2006 (UTC)

No, I'm shocked that you never got one! You have over ten thousand edits and you didn't have any, whereas I have got four awards and have just under two thousand edits. Tell me, if I nominated you to be an admnistrator, would you accept? All nominees now have about five thousand edits and haven't worked on half as many articles as you. Latinus 21:47, 31 January 2006 (UTC)

OK - if you change your mind, tell me. Thanks for the map offer. Latinus 22:04, 31 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Finally on Stefan Dragutin

Appearently, entire Slavonia was given to Stefan Vladislav I who held it in his father's name (I suppose after the death of Ugrin in 1311). Here is an exerpt of my sources so that you can put it there: Kotromanići

Pleased? :) --HolyRomanEmperor 16:56, 1 February 2006 (UTC)

Vladislav II, sorry

[edit] Krstur

Someone added a rather long article on Srpski Krstur, unfortunately it's in Serbian and my own Srpski is far from good enough to translate it. I thought you might be interested since it's Serbian and Vojvodina-related. Otherwise they'll have to delete it, and that'd be a pity. If you are interested, leave a note here. --BluePlatypus 01:33, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Re: Kievan Rus

Thank you for your good work. I don't think that the first map will be of any use to me, while the map with 11th-century borders is quite OK. I would prefer if Novgorod would have been denoted too, for it was as important centre as Kiev and the one from which Kievan rulers originated. Thanks again, Ghirla | talk 15:25, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] OK

OK. I'll do a little more research on Stefan Dragutin, by the way. --HolyRomanEmperor 20:55, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Image Tagging Image:Balkans03.jpg

Thanks for uploading Image:Balkans03.jpg. The image page currently doesn't specify who created the image, so the copyright status is therefore unclear. If you have not created the image yourself then you need to argue that we have the right to use the image on Wikipedia (see copyright tagging below). If you have not created the image yourself then you should also specify where you found it, i.e., in most cases link to the website where you got it, and the terms of use for content from that page.

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[edit] Accepted

You are forgiven Pannonian. I too apologise for going off my rocker, something I should not do. You are from Vojvodina and I doubt I can familiarise myself with that region as well as you. But then outside of rural backward Wales, I'm a stranger everywhere, even London where I live. From here on, I'll accept your facts and I hope that you and I don't look back. Best wishes. Celt 7 February 2006

[edit] Barnstar

 For the tireless mapping successes of User:PANNONIAN, I award him this barnstar--HolyRomanEmperor 11:03, 6 February 2006 (UTC)
For the tireless mapping successes of User:PANNONIAN, I award him this barnstar--HolyRomanEmperor 11:03, 6 February 2006 (UTC)

I think you've had enough mapping contributions to earn this. :-D --HolyRomanEmperor 11:03, 6 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Religion in Vojvodina

Until it's long, it should be kept on the parent page don't you think? --Walter Görlitz 04:56, 7 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Image Tagging Image:Kovilj.jpg

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[edit] Image Tagging Image:Matica.jpg

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jo molim te Panoniane! ne znam zasto misliš da sam ja celtmist. Možda ja sam instinski a on imitira mene. Jordovan je moj identitet i ja nikad ne ulazim sa drugom nadimakom. Jordovan

[edit] How do you make your maps??

Panonian, I am curious how you make your maps. I am particularly intrigued by the United States of Greater Austria map -- those are not, by and large, present-day boundaries or borders. I myself love maps, and have created and uploaded a few, but have not achieved your quality. If you would prefer, you may send me an email.

Thanks in advance for any help. Madman 20:45, 7 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Pogledaj ovde

Malo sam ugrabio vremena pa sam ubacio jos neke slike iz Mexica. Nema se vremena pa to ti je. Bice jos.

László (talk) 23:39, 7 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Help with Montenegro map

Panonian, can you assit me with a map source I can look at for seeing a list of the administrative separation of Montenegro? I assume that Montenegro ethnic02.png is a map with the administrative borders, but there are no names (i.e. Andrijevica, Bar, Berane, Bijelo Polje, etc.) to go along with it. Can you help me? Thanks! Rarelibra 13:08 8 FEB 06 (UTC)

[edit] Croatian Srijem

The situation withg Srijem is much like with southrn Dalmatia - moreover: draw another parallel: Belgrade-Dubrovnik. As you can see on De Administrando Imperio, Singidunum is a Croatian city. I have kept my old History Atlas from the big Yugoslavia ages, and it presents Srijem being conquered by Emperor Simeon from King Tomislav. Since then, Srijem (the whole thing) wasn't a part of Croatia up to 1939-.

There. :) Satisfied? --HolyRomanEmperor 21:26, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

Ne, vidi se cijeli Srijem. Znaci do Zemuna... --HolyRomanEmperor 22:40, 9 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] trebam pomoc ili nudim pomoc vama

Postovanje Panonian,

Kolega mi rece da su stranice o Petrovaradinskoj tvrdjavi na wikipediji prazne. Prelistavao sam stranice i video "nedostatke". Registrovao sam se i ubacio tekstove o tvrdjavi. Slabo se snalazim sa wikipedijom pa mi treba pomoc ili bi vam da informacije koje bi ste vi postavili. Kako se i sam bavim istorijom petrovaradinske tvrdjave (jedan sam od autora sajta, bitaka 1691, 1694, 1697, 1716... mislim da bi mogao da dodam neke informacije, stare i nove fotografije, planove, gravure... kako bi upotpunili sadrzaje.

Mozete me kontaktirati na mail ili na telefon u Arhivu Vojvodine 021/48918-39 u vremenu 8-14

Nenad Seguljev

Ja ovde uglavnom pišem i sređujem članke koji su vezani za istoriju i geografiju Vojvodine (a i Srbije i Crne Gore), pa sam se trudio i da sredim članak o gradu Petrovaradinu. Tačno je da ne postoji poseban članak o Petrovaradinskoj tvrđavi, ali ga lako možemo napisati. Saradnja na Vikipediji se uglavnom obavlja preko ovih stranica za diskusiju, tako da bih vas zamolio da mi kažete pod kojim ste nadimkom (ili imenom) registrovani ovde da bih vas mogao kontaktirati preko stranice za razgovor. Zanima me još u koji ste članak ubacili tekstove o tvrđavi? Mislim da bi informacije o Petrovaradinskoj tvrđavi trebalo ubaciti u novi članak koji možete početi ovde: Petrovaradin Fortress. Dakle, svaki registrovani korisnik može da klikne na taj link i napiše novi članak o tvrđavi. Informacije koje imate slobodno napišite tu (na engleskom naravno) i onda me obavestite da ste to uradili, pa ću ja taj članak srediti, kategorizovati, itd. Možete takođe napisati i članak na srpskom jeziku na srpskoj vikipediji. PANONIAN (talk) 18:46, 10 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Image Tagging Image:Grad01.jpg

Thanks for uploading Image:Grad01.jpg. The image page currently doesn't specify who created the image, so the copyright status is therefore unclear. If you have not created the image yourself then you need to argue that we have the right to use the image on Wikipedia (see copyright tagging below). If you have not created the image yourself then you should also specify where you found it, i.e., in most cases link to the website where you got it, and the terms of use for content from that page.

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oprosti druže što nekad mogu biti sarkastičan: nisam loš čovjek ali to mi je karakter. Pampit ću ja! .. ovo nisam htio pisati na nekim talkpage-u. Ragusan 11-feb-06

[edit] Usora, Soli i donji Srijem

I didn't managed to find certificate in wich Hungarian king Stjepan V gives that lands to Dragutin. Best thing I could find was from Herceg Bosna pages ([3] ) and even there without references to the document itself.

"Uopce za citavo vrijeme bosanske samostalnosti, za svih njezinih banova i kraljeva, Soli, a jos vise Usora, javljaju se samo kao ugarsko-hrvatske oblasti ili kao bosanske, a nikad, ni u jednom dokumentu, kao srpske ili barem kao takve, koje su nekada spadale Srbiji. Cak i za vrijeme srpskog raskralja Dragutina, koji kao zet ugarskog kralja Stjepana V. dobiva po mirazu vladu u Solima, Usori, Srijemu i Macvi (1282.-1314.) spominju se prva dva predjela kao zemlja »bosanskaja i ugr'skaja«,a niposto kao »serbskaja«." Ceha 12-feb-06

Da, nažalost i u svoj mojoj literaturi, pa ni nigdje na netu ne postoji slika originalnog dokumenta (uz mogući prijevod, s obzirom da je moj latinski malo zahrđao;) samo reference na literaturu iz koje je uzet:(

Ceha 13-feb-06 Also do you know which is reference between Gorjanski family and Srijem? I founded something on the net [4]and would like to know something about it's credibility Ceha 13-feb-06

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[edit] image help

hi there Panonian,

apparently you are good with drawings? I drew this one symbol of a party (Image:SDAPÖ logo.PNG), however the pixels are just awful at the edges, if you see what I mean. Is it possible to "polish" this to a better version? i would greatly appreciate any help... with kind regards Gryffindor 16:02, 14 February 2006 (UTC)

Da karte s Euroatlasa znaju biti zgodne, ali puno puta prikazuju samo privremeno stanje. (to je ujedno i prednost kao i nedostatak). Recimo da ove karte s granicom Srijema kod Pakraca malo pretjeruju:) Koliko se sjećam oko Đakova je uvijek bila Slavonija (donja Slavonija za razliku od gornje zapadno od Pakraca), iako je bosanski biskup imao dosta zemlje u blizini:) Gledajući ove Eurotlasove karte, neupučeni čovjek bi pomislio da je srijemsko kraljevstvo veće i starije od slavonskog:) U većini starijih karata s ovog područja (dakle bivša J., A-U) Slavonija je označena kao banovina, dok se Srijem (tj. mali dio Srijema koji je znao biti izvan Slavonije) tu i tamo spominje. Dobro, postoji razlika između banovine i zemlje koju je pod svojom vlašću držao pojedinačni plemić, ali to ne čini državu. Primjer Burgundijskog vojvodstva... Ako slučajno griješim, slobodno me ispravi:) Ceha 19:35, 14 February 2006 (UTC)

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Ma definitivno, nema tu nikakvog govora o osloboditeljima i okupatorima:) Za karte iz EuroAtlasa sam rekao da prikazuju privremeno stanje jer se znalo dogoditi da baš na 1100 i 1200 stanje bude takvo kakvo je na karti, a u 100 godina između na tom području se promjeni 10 država:) To je jedina zamjerka... Također, koji je odnos srednjevjekovne Slavonije i Srijema? U većini starih atlasa (mislim na one iz bivše juge) i novijih hrvatskih, veći dio Srijema(pogotovo od prestanka Bizanijske vlasti) je označen kao dio kraljevine Slavonije, odnosno Hrvatske, a u wikipedijinim člancima se ta veza skoro uopće ne spominje(barem ne do 18og stoljeća).... Ceha.

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Da, po kronologiji ju-atlasa od druge polovice 13 stoljeća (ona karta s provalom tatara) i ona druga na strani 19 zapadni Srijem je dio Hrvatske/Slavonije. Sad, kao što sam rekao problem u kartama EuroAtlasa je što prikazuju trenutno stanje (a s druge strane, kao što si ti rekao, može biti i greška) a može biti i da je to teritorij koji je bio pod vlastelinstvom Ugrina Čaka (ne znam koja je točno bila njegova titula) ali koji je spadao pod banovinu Slavoniju. U principu trebalo bi se istražiti:) Ono što ja mislim da bi bilo dobro je da se stavi u članak o Srijemu i Vojvodini da su tijekom 13,14 stoljeća dijelovi Srijema bili dio Slavonskog kraljevstva. Budem još pogledao(ako ulovim vremena) po netu pa ti javim. U principu možda bi bilo dobro pogledati i stranice grada Srijemske Mitrovice, tamo bi moglo biti dokumenata o tom razdoblju... Ceha

Ok, budem još potražio pa ti javim.

Ceha Nažalost na netu baš i nema puno o tome razdoblju. Na latinskom ti se zapadna županija zove Vukovariensis, ali od svih madžarskih županija, srijemskih baš i nema:( Evo što sam našao (najviše povezano s temom su ti one stranice o Iloku i Vukovaru, ali mislim da će ti i ostatak biti koristan) Nema podataka za 14 st. ali se navodi ona pretpostavka da je početkom stoljeća S. Mitrovica bila dio Franačkog carstva, tj. vazalne kneževine Panonske Hrvatske (o tome sam ti pričao još na davno, to je kratko razdoblje (par godina možda), na netu skoro nema ničeg o tome, bilo je u Timesovom atlasu povijesti, ali za bilo kakvo uvrštavanje u wikipediu bi trebalo imati više izvora. podunavske švabe i srijem:) Nešto malo o Vukovaru i Iloku u tom razdoblju opet o tom području Stranica sa nekim zanimljivim popisima za Slavoniju (nisam ju još pregledao)

Malo o Srijemu

opet malo o Srijemu

Hrvatska u zajednici s Ugarskom

republika baja-Baranja

Malo pretjerivanja:) Ceha

[edit] Greater Albania dispute

The Ottoman province Albania compromised the following four vilayet: Kosova, Ishkodra, Manastir and Yanya. I hope you knew that!? -- Albanau 17:48, 18 February 2006 (UTC)

So i guess Edward Lears first edition of the book, Journal of a Landscape Painter in Albania (by Albania he meant the four Albanian inhabited vilayets Kosova, Ishkodra, Manastir and Yanya) is just an illusion? The name Albania existed even during the Ottoman Era, and the area Albania compromised this four vilayets. There is many other authors during the Ottoman Era who used the name Albania describe this four vilayets which had Albanian majority. So the province Albania did exist, but was divided in four administrative areas. --Albanau 12:20, 19 February 2006 (UTC)

Volim i ja Beattles (zbog one pesme, sto peva, da nema granica, i da nema religije) ali ne moze da funkcionise ovaj svet bez cvrste ruke, jer realno ljudi nisu rodjeni dobri. Sto bi rekao Hobbes, i sto se sve vise potvrdjuje

Epa, ne provodim ja bas ceo dan karajuci kompjuter tako da nisam znao pravila. Ali hvala sto si me upozorio. E, imas jos jedan komentar, al bas na vrhu stranice.

Jadna li nam je Vojvodina kad takve sektase (hipike) napravi. Cuo sam, citajuci novine, posto ne zivim u Yug, da ste kao regija na prvom mestu po broju sekti i pedera. Nije ni cudo sto takve cudne ideje za kosovo dolaze bas iz vojvodine. Alal' vam vera!

nema rata nece ga biti i ne moze da ga bude, bilo koja da bude odluka, na Kosovu ce u narednih 10 godina svaki drugi stanovnik biti pripadnik KFORA ili tih nekih jedinica za stabilizaciju. Samo treba da se zna da Srbiji nije lako da se odvoji od Kosova, to je sustina. Niko ne mora da ide u rat. Samo da se ne odustane da je Kosovo=Srbija.

Pa ne treba oni da ti traze posao. To treba sam da radis umesto da drndas ovu Wikipediu i da poboljsavas svoj Profile. Da si neki veliki Dr Mr Strucnjak ti bi vec sad bio preko granice. Pisi CVje, salji, salji, salji. I ne zaboravi da kad te pitaju, da kazes da je Kosovo deo Srbije i da budes ponosan kad to kazes.

"da kazes da je Kosovo deo Srbije i da budes ponosan kad to kazes." "Niko ne mora da ide u rat. Samo da se ne odustane da je Kosovo=Srbija." hehe, PANONIAN, I did not know there is fun content in your page. Ilir pz 18:46, 22 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Image Tagging for Image:Banat_republic.gif

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[edit] Opera browser issues

Hi! Please recheck the Latvia page with Opera and let me know if you still have problems. See the Talk page for additional detail. —Pēters 02:28, 23 February 2006 (UTC)

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Jeli sta je sa stranicom o Kosovu, zasto toliko neistina u tako malo prostora. Daj uradi nesto

Pa znaci ko ima vise zivaca da izdrzi da vraca na svoju verziju pobedjuje. Pisao sam i Wikipediji da im napise neko treci stranicu o Kosovu da zakljucaju da ne moze niko da menja al to dok se uradi... Jel postoji nacin da se skroz ugasi stranica i da niko ne moze da je povrati dok se dobije misljenje koje nije izbiasirano.


Е, да ли можеш помоћи на чланку о Мехмед паши Соколовићу? Много смо се упетљали ту, а колико год ја извора ставим - ништа не значи. --HolyRomanEmperor 16:42, 26 February 2006 (UTC)

Kako? je si li uopce vidio Talk:Mehmed_Pasha_Sokolović. Emir je preveliki nacionalista da bih podnio, pa cu jednostavno ostaviti da je Mehmed pravoslavni Bosnjak i da Srbi stalno izmisljaju mitove i lazi oko njega, kao sto sada stoji u clanku. --HolyRomanEmperor 17:12, 26 February 2006 (UTC)

Eh, I have no idea what to do... Perhaps we should take final measures (intervention?), eh? --HolyRomanEmperor 18:37, 26 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Slike

Hvala na pomoci, Panonian. Tu mapu nisam ja crtao vec je to napravljena fotografija u opstini pa sam je preneo preko foto shopa na stranicu. Nemam pojma koji "tag" da stavim jer mi nije ni jedan odgovarajuci. Nema copirajta, ili nesto slicno sto bih mogao da ubacim. Sta mislis jel moze nesto da se ubaci ili da sednem pa sam da je napravim ponovo?

Eh - problem je sto je fakticki uspio da dokaze da je BosnjaK, a ne N. Pazi, on misli da ja mrzim cijelu Bosnjacku naciju, a da nije bilo Bosnjaka Zapadne Bosne za vrijeme Oluje, ne znam gdje bih sada ja ili moja majka bili... --HolyRomanEmperor 13:12, 27 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Image Tagging for Image:Bih_ethnic18.gif

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[edit] 3RR

Hey.. You should be unblocked now. Try to discuss the issue before going back to the edit warring, though :p

[edit] About Kosovo Pictures

Hey, I'm really sorry about the pictures, I've never ment to remove them. My mistake. I've no idea why they don't work like they should but still you can watch them? Litany

[edit] Strana

Izuzetno mi se dopala stranica Hungarians in Vojvodina, sto si je napravio. Kratka, jasna bez puno filozofiranja i sto je najbitnije sa tacnim podacima koji dolaze iz neutralnih izvora. To je pravi doprinos!----László (talk) 02:11, 10 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Slike

Nazalost fotografije koje si ti ubacio su vrlo loseg kvaliteta i bilo je jako tesko napraviti i najmanji pomak najbolje. Od prejake ekspozicije pa do ispranih boja tvoje fotografije podsecaju na one radjene mobilnim telefonom. Cak je i kadriranje lose (uvek mozes da sacekas par sekundi da se prodje neki automobil koji zaklanja pogled) ali tu ne mogu nista.

Bilo bi lepo kad bi bio spreman da prihvatis kritiku svog rada a ne da se domah bunis i tvrdis da je tvoje najbolje.

Ukoliko mislis da mozes bolje da ih retusiras bice mi drago ali onakve kakve su sada nemaju neku veliku vrednost osim cisto prizemno informativne.


--Avala 13:08, 10 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Montengrin Independence

Zdravo Panonian. Kako si? I just wanted to ask you whether you think Montengro should be independent or not. Also, I would like to ask you if you would like to make a vote whether the page, Montenegrin independence referendum, 2006, should be a "Collaboration of the Week"in Wikipedia. To vote, click here CrnaGora | Talk 2:43, 11 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Mehmed-pasha Sokolović

He, for instance, is refered to as Bosniak in the Turkish edition of encyclopedia LaRousse. This is, currently, the strongest arguement. --HolyRomanEmperor 20:57, 11 March 2006 (UTC)

Vjerovatno hoce tako da bude namjesteno. Nedavno je bilo "Serbian or Bosniak", ali Emir ja zahtjevao da se stavi ili Bosniak ili nis'. Mozda cemo napraviti kompromis... kada Srbija i Crna Gora udju u Evropsku Uniju... --HolyRomanEmperor 22:22, 11 March 2006 (UTC)

Hi! OK. Bajmok, Belo Blato, Djurdjevo, Ecka, Feketic, Gardinovci, Hajdukovo, Kovilj, Kumane, Lok, Martonos, Melenci, Muzlja, Nadalj, Pacir, Perlez, St Moravica, Sajkas, Taras, Vilovo Luftburger 10:24, 12 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Mape što si ti pravio

Zdravo Panonian, opet ja, CrnaGora. Da te pitam nešto, kako ti npraviš sve te mapove? Ja to ne mogu da vjerujem. Ili su to iz negdje is internet-a ili si ti na pravio. Al' ja ne znam. Kaži mi ako si ti na pravio sve te mapove ili da poludim. CrnaGora | Talk 00:43, 16 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Possible Future Administrator

Zdravo Panonian, opet ja, CrnaGora.

I would like to nominate you to become an administator. If you say yes, i will nominate you and I'm looking forward to seeing you become an adminstrator. Please disregard this nomination if you are already an English Wikipedia administrator. CrnaGora | Talk 01:01, 16 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Stubs

Hello. When you create short articles, it would be nice if you could mark them as stubs. For instance, you can add {{euro-stub}} to mark a Kosovo stub. The complete stub type list is here. Happy editing!

[edit] Palestine election map.PNG

Nice map! However, all of Gaza is now administered by the Palestinian authority (since last year) so it should all be dark green. --Zero 06:26, 20 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Greater Serbia map

Fix up this talk page, delete some content or arhive it.

I saw someplace an ethnic map of the Yugoslavia in 1990/1. It would me way more suitable for Greater Serbia article. If not, then at least there should be a real map. The map showen over there claiming that it was made by Šešelj is terrible. Could you make the same one which would not include Split and other non-Dubrovnik Dalmatia --Milan Tešovic 01:54, 21 March 2006 (UTC)

Pošto se ne može ukinuti taj članak očigledno je da treba nešto uraditi po tom pitanju. Možda je bolje da Šešelj stoji negdje gdje se baš on pominje, a da na početku recimo stoji jedna mapa na kojoj su iscrtane 6 republika SFRJ i Srpska Krajina, tak da su Hrvatska i Slovenija jednom bojom, Prostor Federacije i Makedonije, drugom, a Krajina, Srpska, Srbija i crna Gora trećom. --Milan Tešovic 13:39, 21 March 2006 (UTC)

Ја мислим да је комунистичка подјела на републике смјешна. Мислим да сви Срби заслужују да живе у Србији. Било би боље да су 1945. умјесто Р. Србије створили 5 република: Војводину, Косово и још три. Такође мислим да би било добро да је 1991. створена једна српска држава од србије, крајине, босне/српске и црне горе. Под Великом Србијом се може сматрати и оваква тежња. Него није ни важно, ја ионако превише радим на Вики Вестима да бих се бавио овим. Хвала на твом времену. Поздрав --Milan Tešovic 18:49, 22 March 2006 (UTC)


vidim poceo si i ti malo da posecujes stranicu o Kosovu. Lepo, lepo. Nego, reci mi kako se potpisujem na kraju onog sto napisem, necu da mi posle brisu komentare.

Nije svaki patriotizam kvazi patriotizam. Ta rec je tako iskvarena u Srbiji da je to strasno.

Hvala na pomoci.