Panzer elite (CoH)

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The Panzer Elite are the new German faction in Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts or CoH: OF

   They, and I quote Games for Windows Magazine, "epitomize Blitzkrieg...are lightning fast and vehicle dependent" They are fast, flexible, and more mobile then the Wehrmacht from the original CoH. A few of the new doctrines and vehicles include "Tank Hunter" a doctrine which provides players with a powerful Jagdtiger. The Luftwaffe doctrine provides fallschirmjagers, and Henschel Hs 129 tank buster, and finally the scorched earth doctrine which gives panzer elite players the options to booby trap terrain and make it impassable. In a nut shell the Panzer Elite work like the real German army during WW2, meaning it relies on surprise,  mobility, and shock to defeat enemies. Relic developers talked about one strategy for the Panzer Elite in which they occupied British forces on one side of the map  and quickly struck a weaker are, breaking through and fought and defeated the British army in their rear. (A true German tactic)