Panagurska egg

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Panagurski eggs is a traditional Bulgarian dish made of eggs , yoghurt and paprika.

To prepare Panagurski eggs for two you will need 4 eggs, around 700 gr. yoghurt (sour, if possible organic), salt, paprika (1 tbs), oil (ab. 4-5 tbs), fresh parsley leaves, garlic (2-3 cloves), vinegar (ab. 2 tbs)

1. Use the vinegar to poach the eggs in a narrow and tall skillet
2. Whisk the yoghurt with salt and the minced garlic (2-3 cloves)
3. Divide the yoghurt equally in two dishes
4. Put two poached eggs in each dish
5. Heat some oil (about 5 tablespoons) in a skillet (at this stage you may add paprika and fry it for 30-60 seconds)
6. Pour the hot oil over the eggs and yoghurt
7. Sprinkle with paprika and fresh parsley

Tip: Check related articles on how to poach and egg. It is fairly difficult. For this dish, the eggs should retain their spheric form.

Panagurski egg is identical to a Turkish dish, called cilbir and can possibly be found in other Balkan countries.