Palais Coburg

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Palais Coburg
Palais Coburg
Palais Coburg 19. Century
Palais Coburg 19. Century
Palais Coburg 21. Century
Palais Coburg 21. Century

Palais Coburg, also known as Palais Saxe-Coburg, is a palace in Vienna. It was owned by the princely Kohary family, a branch of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.

Palais Coburg was designed in 1839 by architect Karl Schleps in Neo-Classical style, and built 1840-45 by Duke Ferdinand (1785-1851) atop the Braunbastei (Brown Bastion), a part of the Vienna city defences dating to 1555. It is nicknamed the Spargelburg ("castle of asparagus") for its central portico with many freestanding columns.

Its last owner was Princess Aurelia of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, morganatic widow of a prince, who lived there with her family. The owners sold the palace in the 1970's and today is a luxury hotel after extensive renovations.

[edit] References

  • Richard Kurdiovsky, Klaus-Peter Högel (ed.). Das Palais Coburg: Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte eines Wiener Adelspalastes zwischen Renaissance-Befestigung und Ringstraßenära. Brandstätter, Vienna. 2003. ISBN 3-85498-300-X

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Coordinates: 48°12′21″N, 16°22′34″E

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