Category:Pakistani columnists

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Atta ul Haq Qasmi

One of the leading and most popular columnist of Pakistan who has been writing columns for more than last 45 years in the leading newspapers with the name of "Rozan-e-Dewar Sey". The most distinguished character of Qasmi's column is his satire on social inequalities of the society and his anti dictatorship stance which he boldly takes in his columns. He has a unique style of writing incomparable to any other columnist because of his humoristic way which holds the reader till the last line of his column which is his punch line. Qasmi was also elevated to the position of Ambassador of Pakistan in Norway and Thailand during 1997 to 1999. He is also a very famous drama writer and poet. His books of columns include "Column Tamam", "Shar Goshiyan", "Hansna Rona Mana Hay", "Mazeed Ganjey Farishtey" and many more while his TV Drama Serials include the most popular "Khwaja and Son", "Shab Daig", "Sheeda Talli" etc. His travelogues are also very popular and one of the best is "Shoq-e-Awargi". Qasmi has also received the Pride of Performance and Sitara-e-Imtiaz (highest civil awards) from President of Pakistan in addition to many other awards over his literary contributions. Mushtaq Ahmad Yousfi has termed Qasmi as the best columnist of Pakistan while Altaf Gohar has termed him as the wittiest columnist of Pakistan.

Farrukh Khan Pitafi - Radical young Pakistani columnist who has been writing for 9 years Farrukh's writings are refreshing as he brings to the field a refreshingly young perspective as according to his website Farrukh Khan Pitafi's Official Website he is only 30 years old now. For nine years he has written in all major English newspapers of the country. Apart from that he has served as producer for Pakistani state owned television PTV, Media related NGOs and tailored election campaigns for political parties. He has been called many names, a Russian stooge, a Chinese stooge, Pakistani agencies' mole, a fanatic, a leftist, and a western lackey, his columns the most recent of which are available on his website however tell a different story. He is surely unpredictable but considered quite emotional and conscientious. His profile and CV can be seen on his website.

Pages in category "Pakistani columnists"

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